Name |
Description |
ApplicationExtensions |
Extensions for working with the Application object. |
AssertionException |
Error accompanying a failed unit-test assertions. |
AsyncCallbackArgs |
Event args that are handed back after an asynchronous operation has completed. |
CodeGenerationException |
Thrown when there is a problem generating code. |
ColorExtensions |
ControlExtensions |
ControlExtensions.ScrollBarStyleApplier |
ControllerBase |
Base class for embedded-controllers. |
DataContextObserver |
Monitors changes to an element DataContext property. |
DelayedAction |
Invokes an action after a delay times out (cancelling any previous actions that may be pending). |
DisposableBase |
DomainCredential |
Represents a user's credentials. |
DoubleClickMonitor |
Monitors an element and reports a double click. |
ElementBounds |
Represents the bounds of an visual element. |
EnumExtensions |
ErrorInfo |
Information describing an error. |
ExistsException |
Fired when something is attempted to be created but already exists. |
Extensions |
Collection of general extensions. |
HtmlWindowCloseEventArgs |
Event arguments for handling the window close event. |
HtmlWindowCloseMonitor |
Monitors the closing of the HTML window. |
IconExtensions |
Extensions for accessing icon images. |
InitializationException |
Fired when something goes wrong during initialization (eg. within a constructor). |
IoExtensions |
IsolatedStorageModelBase |
Base class for settings that are persisted to isolated storage on the client. |
LocalizationExtensions |
Extensions for performing localization on strings. |
ModelBase |
The base class for models. |
ModelBase.ActionInvoker |
NotInitializedException |
Fired when an action is invoked before an Initialization sequence has been run. |
NotifyPropertyChangedBase |
NotifyPropertyChangedBase.NotifyPropertyChangedBaseImporter |
OutputEventArgs |
Event arguments fired by the output log. |
OutputLine |
Represents a single line in an output log. |
PackageDownloadService |
PackageDownloadService.PackageWrapper |
ReflectionExtensions |
ReflectionUtil |
Utility functions for working with the Reflection system. |
SerializationExtensions |
ServiceUtil |
Shapes |
Index of shapes. |
StackArranger |
Arranges child elements within a panel into a stack. |
StringExtensions |
StyleResources |
An index of ResourceDictionaries within the assembly. |
TemplateNotSetException |
Thrown when a lookless control has loaded but does not have an appropricate template set. |
UrlHash |
Represents the 'hash' portion of the browser's URL (occuring after the # charachter) |
ValidationException |
Error thrown during databinding validation. |
ViewTemplate |
Represents the template of a view, along with it's supporting View-Model. |
ViewTestAttribute |
VisualTreeExtensions |
WeakDelegateReference |
Provides a way of holding onto a delegate in a weak manner. |
XExtensions |