Name |
Description |
ActionTemplateParameterResource |
ActionTemplateResource |
ActionTemplateSearchResource |
ActionTemplateUsageResource |
ActivityElement |
ActivityLogElement |
AlertResource |
ApiConstants |
ApiKeyResource |
ArtifactResource |
Artifacts are files like documents and test results that may be stored alongside a release. |
BackupConfigurationResource |
BuiltInFeedStatsResource |
BuiltInRepositoryConfigurationResource |
BuiltInTasks |
BuiltInTasks.AdHocScript |
BuiltInTasks.AdHocScript.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.AutoDeploy |
BuiltInTasks.AutoDeploy.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.Backup |
BuiltInTasks.Delete |
BuiltInTasks.Delete.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.Deploy |
BuiltInTasks.Deploy.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.Health |
BuiltInTasks.Health.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.Retention |
BuiltInTasks.SyncCommunityActionTemplates |
BuiltInTasks.SystemIntegrityCheck |
BuiltInTasks.TestAzureAccount |
BuiltInTasks.TestAzureAccount.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.TestEmail |
BuiltInTasks.TestEmail.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.UpdateCalamari |
BuiltInTasks.UpdateCalamari.Arguments |
BuiltInTasks.Upgrade |
BuiltInTasks.Upgrade.Arguments |
CertificateResource |
ChannelResource |
ChannelVersionRuleResource |
CommunityActionTemplateResource |
DashboardConfigurationResource |
DashboardEnvironmentResource |
DashboardItemResource |
DashboardProjectGroupResource |
DashboardProjectResource |
DashboardResource |
DashboardTenantResource |
Defect |
DefectResource |
DeploymentActionResource |
DeploymentPreviewResource |
DeploymentProcessResource |
DeploymentPromomotionTenant |
DeploymentPromotionTarget |
DeploymentResource |
DeploymentStepResource |
DeploymentTemplateResource |
DeploymentTemplateStep |
DockerFeedResource |
DocumentIdFormatException |
DocumentIdParser |
EncryptedBytes |
EnvironmentResource |
Represents an environment. Environments are user-defined and map to real world deployment environments such as development, staging, test and production. Projects are deployed to environments. |
EventNotificationSubscription |
EventNotificationSubscriptionFilter |
EventReference |
EventResource |
Events are automatically created when significant actions take place within Octopus by users. Examples are adding environments, modifying projects, deploying releases, canceling tasks, and so on. Events can be used to provide an audit trail of what has happened in the system. The HTTP API *cannot* be used to add, modify or delete events. |
ExternalSecurityGroupResource |
FeaturesConfigurationResource |
FeedResource |
FileUpload |
InterruptionResource |
An interruption is a request by a process running in the Octopus server for user action or input. |
InvitationResource |
LicenseResource |
LifecycleResource |
LoginCommand |
A command resource used for logging in. |
MachineCleanupPolicy |
MachineConnectionStatus |
MachineConnectivityPolicy |
MachineDeploymentPreview |
MachineHealthCheckPolicy |
MachinePolicyResource |
MachinePollingConversation |
MachineResource |
MachineScriptPolicy |
MachineUpdatePolicy |
MaintenanceConfigurationResource |
MissingVariableResource |
NamedReferenceItem |
NuGetFeedResource |
NumericReportData |
NumericReportSeries |
OctopusServerNodeResource |
PackageFromBuiltInFeedResource |
PackageResource |
PermissionDescription |
PermissionScope |
PhaseDeploymentResource |
PhaseProgressionResource |
PhaseResource |
ProjectConnectivityPolicy |
ProjectGroupResource |
Project groups are used to organize collections of related projects. For example, a customer may have a project group named "Corporate Website" containing three seperate projects. Project groups affect retention policies and permissions. |
ProjectTriggerResource |
PropertyValueResource |
Property-values can be sensitive or non-sensitive. |
PropertyValueResource.PropertyValueJsonConverter |
ProxyResource |
ReferenceDataItem |
RegisterCommand |
ReleaseCreationStrategyResource |
ReleaseProgressionResource |
ReleaseResource |
ReleaseSummaryResource |
ReleaseTemplatePackage |
ReleaseTemplateResource |
ReportDeploymentCountOverTimeResource |
Resource |
Base class for all resources. |
RetentionPolicyResource |
RootResource |
ScopeValue |
ScriptSyntaxExtension |
ScriptSyntaxMeta |
SelectedPackage |
SemanticVersion |
A hybrid implementation of SemVer that supports semantic versioning as described at while not strictly enforcing it to allow older 4-digit versioning schemes to continue working. |
SemanticVersionMask |
SemanticVersionMask.MaskMatchedVersion |
SemanticVersionMask.MaskMatchedVersion.Component |
SemanticVersionMask.MaskMatchedVersion.TagComponent |
ServerActivitiesResource |
ServerActivityResource |
ServerStatusResource |
SmtpConfigurationResource |
SubscriptionResource |
SupportsRestrictionAttribute |
SystemInfoResource |
TagResource |
TagResource.StandardColor |
TagSetResource |
TaskDetailsResource |
TaskProgress |
TaskResource |
Octopus doesn't just store information; it actively *does* things. Examples include deployments, checking that machines are online, automated database backups, and more. These "tasks" are queued and executed asynchronously, and their progress and logs can be monitored using the HTTP API. Some tasks are created automatically; for example, Octopus will automatically create a task to check the status of all machines every 5 minutes. Some tasks are created implicitly, such as when a deployment is created to execute the actual deployment. And some tasks can be created manually, such as backup tasks and sending test emails. |
TeamResource |
A group of users that can be assigned to roles in projects and environments. |
TenantProjectEnvironmentMappingResource |
TenantResource |
TenantVariableResource |
TenantVariableResource.Library |
TenantVariableResource.Project |
TenantsMissingVariablesResource |
UserPermissionSetResource |
Summarizes the permissions assigned to a user via their team membership. |
UserResource |
UserRoleResource |
A role played by users. |
VariablePromptOptions |
VariableResource |
VariableScopeValues |
VariableSetResource |
Represents a collection of variables that is attached to a document. |
VersioningStrategyResource |