C# (CSharp) NetSparkle Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
DefaultNetSparkleUIFactory UI factory for default interface
NetSparkleAppCast An app-cast
NetSparkleDSAVerificator Class to verify a DSA signature
NetSparkleDownloadProgress A progress bar
NetSparkleForm The main form
NetSparkleRegistryConfiguration This class handles all registry values which are used from sparkle to handle update intervalls. All values are stored in HKCU\Software\Vendor\AppName which will be read ot from the assembly information. All values are of the REG_SZ type, no matter what their "logical" type is. The following options are available: CheckForUpdate - Boolean - Whether NetSparkle should check for updates LastCheckTime - time_t - Time of last check SkipThisVersion - String - If the user skipped an update, then the version to ignore is stored here (e.g. "1.4.3") DidRunOnce - Boolean - Check only one time when the app launched
Sparkle Class to communicate with a sparkle-based appcast
SparkleUpdateInfo A simple class to hold information on potential updates to a software product.