C# (CSharp) Luz.ULib.Net Namespace


Name Description
NetworkEvent Contains information about events received by the network. The type of the network event decides the content it can contain. Most important are: UnreliableMessageReceived / ReliableMessageReceived: A new message was received. The property MessageData will return a buffer + byte array containing the data received. ServerInitialized: A call to StartServer was successful. The Info property will return the address the server can be accessed by.
SingleEndpointConnection For internal use only.
UnityNetwork This is a helper class for testing only. It implements the same IBasicNetwork interface as WebRTCNetwork but works on all Unity platforms. You can use this class to test your network in Unity without having to build a browser version. This class will be replaced by a C++ WebRTC library in the future, until then you won't be able to connect to browsers from the editor! This class isn't very well designed and uses the old deprecated unity network.