C# (CSharp) ComponentFactory.Quicksilver.Layout Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
Animate Base class that all animation implementations derive from.
BaseDefinition Defines common row/column definition details.
BoundsEasingAnimate Base class for animations that require easing and start/end position calculations.
CanvasLayout Arranges child elements in fixed positions as provided by Canvas attached properties.
ColumnDefinition Defines column-specific properties that apply to the GridLayout element.
DockLayout Arranges child elements against the panel edges.
EasingAnimate Base class for animations that require an easing algorithm.
EasingCalculation Provides calculation of easing values using predefined easing equations.
FixedMetaPanelBase Base for predefined MetaPanelBase classes.
GridLayout Arranges child elements in a flexible grid area that consists of columns and rows.
Layout Base class that all layout implementations derive from.
LengthConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of a Double that represent an object's length.
MeasureDependency Dependency object that fires an event whenever a measure is required.
MetaCanvasPanel MetaPanel predefined with CanvasLayout appropriate settings.
MetaDockPanel MetaPanel predefined with DockLayout appropriate settings.
MetaElementCollection Provides custom handling of the UIElement collection for a MetaPanel.
MetaGridPanel MetaPanel predefined with GridLayout appropriate settings.
MetaPanel Panel that has polymorphic layout/animate strategies.
MetaPanelBase Base class of panel that has polymorphic layout/animate strategy.
MetaRadialPanel MetaPanel predefined with RadialLayout appropriate settings.
MetaStackPanel MetaPanel predefined with StackLayout appropriate settings.
MetaStretchPanel MetaPanel predefined with StretchLayout appropriate settings.
MetaUniformGridPanel MetaPanel predefined with WrapLayout appropriate settings.
MetaWrapPanel MetaPanel predefined with WrapLayout appropriate settings.
NewOpacityAnimate Animates element opacity for new elements.
NewPositionAnimate Defines the starting location/size of a new element.
NullAnimate Move elements directly to the target without animating between.
OpacityEasingAnimate Base class for animations that require easing and start/end opacity calculations.
RadialLayout Arranges child elements in a radial pattern.
RemoveOpacityAnimate Animates element opacity for removing elements.
RemovePositionAnimate Defines the ending location/size of an element being removed.
RowDefinition Defines row-specific properties that apply to the GridLayout element.
StackLayout Arranges child elements into a single line that can be oriented horizontally or vertically.
StretchLayout Arranges all child elements to occupy the entire available area.
TreeLayout Positions elements in a tree hierarchy relative to a provided root element.
UIElementsEventArgs Contains an array of UIElement instances associated with an event.
WrapLayout Positions elements in sequential order from left to right and line break when reaching the far edge.