C# (CSharp) Amazon.Runtime Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
AWSCredentials Abstract class that represents a credentials object for AWS services.
AWSRegion Base class for determining region based on inspection.
AmazonServiceException A base exception for some Amazon Web Services.

Most exceptions thrown to client code will be service-specific exceptions, though some services may throw this exception if there is a problem which is caught in the core client code.

AmazonWebServiceRequest Base class for request used by some of the services.
AmazonWebServiceResponse Abstract class for Response objects, contains only metadata, and no result information.
AnonymousAWSCredentials Anonymous credentials. Using these credentials, the client does not sign the request.
AppConfigAWSRegion Determines region based on application configuration settings. If the configuration does not contain the region setting key an InvalidOperationException is thrown.
AsyncOptions This class is used to configure the thread on which the callback should be execute for a given request and pass optional state to the callback.
BasicAWSCredentials Basic set of credentials consisting of an AccessKey and SecretKey
ClientConfig This class is the base class of all the configurations settings to connect to a service.
EnvironmentAWSCredentials Credentials that are retrieved from ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
EnvironmentVariableAWSRegion Determines region based on an environment variable. If the environment does not contain the region setting key an InvalidOperationException is thrown.
FallbackRegionFactory Probing mechanism to determine region from various sources.
ImmutableCredentials Immutable representation of AWS credentials.
InstanceProfileAWSCredentials Credentials that are retrieved from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance
InstanceProfileAWSRegion Determines region based on inspection of the instance metadata if running on an EC2 instance. If instance metadata cannot be read or does not contain region information an InvalidOperationException is thrown.
RefreshingAWSCredentials Abstract class for automatically refreshing AWS credentials
RefreshingAWSCredentials.CredentialsRefreshState Refresh state container consisting of credentials and the date of the their expiration
RetryPolicy A retry policy specifies all aspects of retry behavior. This includes conditions when the request should be retried, checks of retry limit, preparing the request before retry and introducing delay (backoff) before retries.
SessionAWSCredentials Session credentials consisting of AccessKey, SecretKey and Token