C# Class org.apache.lucene.analysis.sinks.TeeSinkTokenFilter

This TokenFilter provides the ability to set aside attribute states that have already been analyzed. This is useful in situations where multiple fields share many common analysis steps and then go their separate ways.

It is also useful for doing things like entity extraction or proper noun analysis as part of the analysis workflow and saving off those tokens for use in another field.

 TeeSinkTokenFilter source1 = new TeeSinkTokenFilter(new WhitespaceTokenizer(version, reader1)); TeeSinkTokenFilter.SinkTokenStream sink1 = source1.newSinkTokenStream(); TeeSinkTokenFilter.SinkTokenStream sink2 = source1.newSinkTokenStream(); TeeSinkTokenFilter source2 = new TeeSinkTokenFilter(new WhitespaceTokenizer(version, reader2)); source2.addSinkTokenStream(sink1); source2.addSinkTokenStream(sink2); TokenStream final1 = new LowerCaseFilter(version, source1); TokenStream final2 = source2; TokenStream final3 = new EntityDetect(sink1); TokenStream final4 = new URLDetect(sink2); d.add(new TextField("f1", final1, Field.Store.NO)); d.add(new TextField("f2", final2, Field.Store.NO)); d.add(new TextField("f3", final3, Field.Store.NO)); d.add(new TextField("f4", final4, Field.Store.NO)); 
In this example, sink1 and sink2 will both get tokens from both reader1 and reader2 after whitespace tokenizer and now we can further wrap any of these in extra analysis, and more "sources" can be inserted if desired. It is important, that tees are consumed before sinks (in the above example, the field names must be less the sink's field names). If you are not sure, which stream is consumed first, you can simply add another sink and then pass all tokens to the sinks at once using #consumeAllTokens. This TokenFilter is exhausted after this. In the above example, change the example above to:
 ... TokenStream final1 = new LowerCaseFilter(version, source1.newSinkTokenStream()); TokenStream final2 = source2.newSinkTokenStream(); sink1.consumeAllTokens(); sink2.consumeAllTokens(); ... 
In this case, the fields can be added in any order, because the sources are not used anymore and all sinks are ready.

Note, the EntityDetect and URLDetect TokenStreams are for the example and do not currently exist in Lucene.

Inheritance: TokenFilter
Exibir arquivo Open project: paulirwin/lucene.net Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
TeeSinkTokenFilter ( TokenStream input ) : System.Collections.Generic

Instantiates a new TeeSinkTokenFilter.

addSinkTokenStream ( SinkTokenStream sink ) : void

Adds a SinkTokenStream created by another TeeSinkTokenFilter to this one. The supplied stream will also receive all consumed tokens. This method can be used to pass tokens from two different tees to one sink.

consumeAllTokens ( ) : void

TeeSinkTokenFilter passes all tokens to the added sinks when itself is consumed. To be sure, that all tokens from the input stream are passed to the sinks, you can call this methods. This instance is exhausted after this, but all sinks are instant available.

end ( ) : void
incrementToken ( ) : bool
newSinkTokenStream ( ) : SinkTokenStream

Returns a new SinkTokenStream that receives all tokens consumed by this stream.

newSinkTokenStream ( SinkFilter filter ) : SinkTokenStream

Returns a new SinkTokenStream that receives all tokens consumed by this stream that pass the supplied filter.

Method Details

TeeSinkTokenFilter() public method

Instantiates a new TeeSinkTokenFilter.
public TeeSinkTokenFilter ( TokenStream input ) : System.Collections.Generic
input TokenStream
return System.Collections.Generic

addSinkTokenStream() public method

Adds a SinkTokenStream created by another TeeSinkTokenFilter to this one. The supplied stream will also receive all consumed tokens. This method can be used to pass tokens from two different tees to one sink.
public addSinkTokenStream ( SinkTokenStream sink ) : void
sink SinkTokenStream
return void

consumeAllTokens() public method

TeeSinkTokenFilter passes all tokens to the added sinks when itself is consumed. To be sure, that all tokens from the input stream are passed to the sinks, you can call this methods. This instance is exhausted after this, but all sinks are instant available.
public consumeAllTokens ( ) : void
return void

end() public method

public end ( ) : void
return void

incrementToken() public method

public incrementToken ( ) : bool
return bool

newSinkTokenStream() public method

Returns a new SinkTokenStream that receives all tokens consumed by this stream.
public newSinkTokenStream ( ) : SinkTokenStream
return SinkTokenStream

newSinkTokenStream() public method

Returns a new SinkTokenStream that receives all tokens consumed by this stream that pass the supplied filter.
public newSinkTokenStream ( SinkFilter filter ) : SinkTokenStream
filter SinkFilter
return SinkTokenStream