C# Class org.GraphDefined.Vanaheimr.Hermod.SOAP.SOAPDispatch

A SOAP dispach.
Exibir arquivo Open project: Vanaheimr/Hermod

Public Methods

Method Description
SOAPDispatch ( String Description, SOAPMatch Matcher, SOAPBodyDelegate BodyDelegate ) : System

Create a new SOAP dispatch.

SOAPDispatch ( String Description, SOAPMatch Matcher, SOAPHeaderAndBodyDelegate HeaderAndBodyDelegate ) : System

Create a new SOAP dispatch.

ToString ( ) : String

Return a string representation of this object.

Method Details

SOAPDispatch() public method

Create a new SOAP dispatch.
public SOAPDispatch ( String Description, SOAPMatch Matcher, SOAPBodyDelegate BodyDelegate ) : System
Description String A description for this SOAP dispatch.
Matcher SOAPMatch A delegate to check if this dispatch applies.
BodyDelegate SOAPBodyDelegate A HTTP/SOAP delegate to invoke this dispatch.
return System

SOAPDispatch() public method

Create a new SOAP dispatch.
public SOAPDispatch ( String Description, SOAPMatch Matcher, SOAPHeaderAndBodyDelegate HeaderAndBodyDelegate ) : System
Description String A description for this SOAP dispatch.
Matcher SOAPMatch A delegate to check if this dispatch applies.
HeaderAndBodyDelegate SOAPHeaderAndBodyDelegate A HTTP/SOAP delegate to invoke this dispatch.
return System

ToString() public method

Return a string representation of this object.
public ToString ( ) : String
return String