C# Class iSOFlair.AppDelegate

Inheritance: UIApplicationDelegate
Exibir arquivo Open project: conceptdev/iSOFlair

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreatePanels void
ScrollViewScrolled void

Public Methods

Method Description
FinishedLaunching ( UIApplication app, NSDictionary options ) : bool
OnActivated ( UIApplication application ) : void
WillTerminate ( UIApplication application ) : void

When shutting down, set the badge number to 'unviewed' panel count

Protected Methods

Method Description
Load ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CreatePanels ( ) : void

Create an SOViewController for each 'site'

Pager sample from http://simon.nureality.ca/?p=135 Attempts to load data from cache txt files, doesn't do WebClient requests. We store each SOViewController in the list so that we can call BecomeFirstResponder when we change views... this is because the 'shake gesture' goes to the FirstResponder

ScrollViewScrolled ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void

After a swipe has occurred, calculate the page based on width and coordinates, then update the pager (correct 'dot' highlighted)

Method Details

FinishedLaunching() public method

public FinishedLaunching ( UIApplication app, NSDictionary options ) : bool
app UIApplication
options NSDictionary
return bool

Load() protected method

protected Load ( ) : void
return void

OnActivated() public method

public OnActivated ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void

Update() protected method

protected Update ( ) : void
return void

WillTerminate() public method

When shutting down, set the badge number to 'unviewed' panel count
public WillTerminate ( UIApplication application ) : void
application UIApplication
return void