C# Class csCommon.Types.DataServer.PoI.ExtendedPoiService

Inheritance: PoiService
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Protected Properties

Property Type Description
AppState AppStateSettings
ShapeAccentColor Color

Public Methods

Method Description
GetMenuItems ( ) : List
OpenFile ( bool saveDsd = true ) : void
OpenFileSync ( bool saveDsd = true ) : Exception

Open the file synchronously.

Subscribe ( Mode serviceMode ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateService ( string name, System.Guid id, string folder = "", string relativeFolder = "" ) : ExtendedPoiService
OnFileOpenedEvent ( FileOpenedEventArgs e ) : void
ProcessFile ( ) : Exception

Process the file. Returns an exception iff this did not work, and null otherwise. Perhaps a little ugly.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateDsd ( ) : void

Create default PoI types in case we are opening a shape file, for example.

LoadDsd ( ) : bool
LoadOrCreateDataServiceDescription ( bool create ) : bool

Initialize the ShapeService by either creating a new DSD, or by loading an existing one.

RestartService ( ) : void

Stops and then starts the service again.

SelectColor ( ) : void
SetShapeColor ( string color ) : void

Method Details

CreateService() protected static method

protected static CreateService ( string name, System.Guid id, string folder = "", string relativeFolder = "" ) : ExtendedPoiService
name string
id System.Guid
folder string
relativeFolder string
return ExtendedPoiService

GetMenuItems() public method

public GetMenuItems ( ) : List
return List

OnFileOpenedEvent() protected method

protected OnFileOpenedEvent ( FileOpenedEventArgs e ) : void
e FileOpenedEventArgs
return void

OpenFile() public method

public OpenFile ( bool saveDsd = true ) : void
saveDsd bool
return void

OpenFileSync() public method

Open the file synchronously.
public OpenFileSync ( bool saveDsd = true ) : Exception
saveDsd bool Whether to save a data description file (dsd) too.
return System.Exception

ProcessFile() protected method

Process the file. Returns an exception iff this did not work, and null otherwise. Perhaps a little ugly.
protected ProcessFile ( ) : Exception
return System.Exception

Subscribe() public method

public Subscribe ( Mode serviceMode ) : void
serviceMode Mode
return void

Property Details

AppState protected_oe static_oe property

protected static AppStateSettings AppState
return AppStateSettings

ShapeAccentColor protected_oe property

protected Color ShapeAccentColor
return Color