C# Class com.sun.pdfview.CCITTFaxDecoder.CCITTFaxDecoder

Exibir arquivo Open project: dzzie/pdfstreamdumper Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CCITTFaxDecoder ( int fillOrder, int w, int h ) : System
decodeT41D ( sbyte buffer, sbyte compData, int startX, int height ) : void
decodeT42D ( sbyte buffer, sbyte compData, int startX, int height ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
consumeEOL ( ) : bool
decodeNextScanline ( sbyte buffer, int lineOffset, int bitOffset ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
align ( ) : bool
decodeBlackCodeWord ( ) : int
decodeT6 ( sbyte buffer, sbyte compData, int startX, int height ) : void
decodeWhiteCodeWord ( ) : int
getNextChangingElement ( int a0, bool isWhite, int ret ) : void
nextLesserThan8Bits ( int bitsToGet ) : int
nextNBits ( int bitsToGet ) : int
readEOL ( bool isFirstEOL ) : int
seekEOL ( ) : bool
setToBlack ( sbyte buffer, int lineOffset, int bitOffset, int numBits ) : void
updatePointer ( int bitsToMoveBack ) : void

Method Details

CCITTFaxDecoder() public method

public CCITTFaxDecoder ( int fillOrder, int w, int h ) : System
fillOrder int /// The fill order of the compressed data bytes.
w int
h int
return System

consumeEOL() protected method

protected consumeEOL ( ) : bool
return bool

decodeNextScanline() protected method

protected decodeNextScanline ( sbyte buffer, int lineOffset, int bitOffset ) : void
buffer sbyte
lineOffset int
bitOffset int
return void

decodeT41D() public method

public decodeT41D ( sbyte buffer, sbyte compData, int startX, int height ) : void
buffer sbyte
compData sbyte
startX int
height int
return void

decodeT42D() public method

public decodeT42D ( sbyte buffer, sbyte compData, int startX, int height ) : void
buffer sbyte
compData sbyte
startX int
height int
return void