C# Class Z.Expressions.SqlServer.Eval.SQLNET

Exibir arquivo Open project: zzzprojects/Eval-SQL.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
InternalValueName string
ValueParallel int
ValueSerializable int

Public Methods

Method Description
ADDLICENSE ( string licenseName, string licenseKey ) : bool

Add the PRO license purchased from ZZZ Projects Inc. (http://eval-sql.net/).


Set the IsAutoDispose value to true.

AddLicense ( string licenseName, string licenseKey ) : bool

Add the PRO license purchased from ZZZ Projects Inc. (http://eval-sql.net/).

AddValue ( int x, int y ) : int
AutoDispose ( ) : SQLNET

Set the IsAutoDispose value to true.


Get the cache delegate count.

CODE ( string code ) : SQLNET

Set the code or expression to evaluate.

CacheDelegateCount ( ) : int

Get the cache delegate count.

CacheItemCount ( ) : int

Get the cache item count.

Code ( string code ) : SQLNET

Set the code or expression to evaluate.

Compile ( ) : SQLNET
Counter ( ) : int
DISPOSE ( ) : bool

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

Dispose ( ) : bool

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

EXPIRECACHE ( ) : bool

Expire caching item.

ExpireCache ( ) : bool

Expire caching item.

Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_1 ( object obj, object &value1 ) : void
Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_2 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2 ) : void
Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_3 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2, object &value3 ) : void
Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_4 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2, object &value3, object &value4 ) : void
Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_5 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2, object &value3, object &value4, object &value5 ) : void
Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_String ( object obj, SqlString &value1 ) : void

Gets the value if the object should AutoDispose once it has been evaluated.

GETCODE ( ) : string

Gets the code or expression to evaluate.


Gets the value if the context should use an impersonate context to evaluate the code or expression.

GETVALUE ( string key ) : object

Gets the value associated with the specified key.

GETVALUEBIGINT ( string key ) : long?

Gets the big int value associated with the specified key.

GETVALUEBIT ( string key ) : bool?

Gets the bit value associated with the specified key.

GETVALUEINT ( string key ) : int?

Gets the int value associated with the specified key.

GETVALUESMALLINT ( string key ) : short?

Gets the small int value associated with the specified key.

GETVALUETINYINT ( string key ) : byte?

Gets the tiny int value associated with the specified key.

GetAutoDispose ( ) : bool

Gets the value if the object should AutoDispose once it has been evaluated.

GetCode ( ) : string

Gets the code or expression to evaluate.

GetImpersonate ( ) : bool

Gets the value if the context should use an impersonate context to evaluate the code or expression.

GetValue ( string key ) : object

Gets the value associated with the specified key.

GetValueBigInt ( string key ) : long?

Gets the big int value associated with the specified key.

GetValueBit ( string key ) : bool?

Gets the bit value associated with the specified key.

GetValueInt ( string key ) : int?

Gets the int value associated with the specified key.

GetValueSmallInt ( string key ) : short?

Gets the small int value associated with the specified key.

GetValueTinyInt ( string key ) : byte?

Gets the tiny int value associated with the specified key.


Set the IsImpersonate value to true.

Impersonate ( ) : SQLNET

Set the IsImpersonate value to true.

InstanceCounter ( ) : int
InternalEval ( ) : object
InternalValue ( SqlString keyString, Type type, object value ) : SQLNET
RELEASELOCK ( ) : bool

Releases all locks.

ReleaseLocks ( ) : bool

Releases all locks.

Root ( ) : SQLNET
ToString ( ) : string

Convert the SQLNET object into a string representation.

VAL ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALNULLABLE ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUE ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUEBIGINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUEBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

VALUEBIT ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUEDATETIME ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

VALUEINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLE ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLEBIGINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLEBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLEBIT ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLEDATETIME ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLEINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLESMALLINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLESTRING ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLETINYINT ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.


Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

VALUENULLABLEVARBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

VALUESMALLINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUESQLNET ( SqlString key, SQLNET value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a SQLNET value associated with the specified key.

VALUESTRING ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

VALUETABLE ( SqlString key, string value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

VALUETINYINT ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

VALUEUNIQUEIDENTIFIER ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

VALUEVARBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

Val ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValNullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

Value ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueBigInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

ValueBit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueDateTime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

ValueInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableBigInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableBit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableDateTime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableSmallInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableString ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableTinyInt ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableUniqueIdentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

ValueNullableVarBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

ValueSQLNET ( SqlString key, SQLNET value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a SQLNET value associated with the specified key.

ValueSmallInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueString ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

ValueTable ( SqlString keyString, SqlString valueString ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

ValueTinyInt ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

ValueUniqueIdentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

ValueVarBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

addlicense ( string licenseName, string licenseKey ) : bool

Add the PRO license purchased from ZZZ Projects Inc. (http://eval-sql.net/).

autodispose ( ) : SQLNET

Set the IsAutoDispose value to true.

cachedelegatecount ( ) : int

Get the cache delegate count.

code ( string code ) : SQLNET

Set the code or expression to evaluate.

compile ( ) : SQLNET
dispose ( ) : bool

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

expirecache ( ) : bool

Expire caching item.

getautodispose ( ) : bool

Gets the value if the object should AutoDispose once it has been evaluated.

getcode ( ) : string

Gets the code or expression to evaluate.

getimpersonate ( ) : bool

Gets the value if the context should use an impersonate context to evaluate the code or expression.

getvalue ( string key ) : object

Gets the value associated with the specified key.

getvaluebigint ( string key ) : long?

Gets the big int value associated with the specified key.

getvaluebit ( string key ) : bool?

Gets the bit value associated with the specified key.

getvalueint ( string key ) : int?

Gets the int value associated with the specified key.

getvaluesmallint ( string key ) : short?

Gets the small int value associated with the specified key.

getvaluetinyint ( string key ) : byte?

Gets the tiny int value associated with the specified key.

impersonate ( ) : SQLNET

Set the IsImpersonate value to true.

releaselock ( ) : bool

Releases all locks.

root ( ) : SQLNET
val ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valnullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

value ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuebigint ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuebinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

valuebit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuedatetime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

valueint ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuenullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuenullablebigint ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuenullablebinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

valuenullablebit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuenullabledatetime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

valuenullableint ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuenullablesmallint ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuenullablestring ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

valuenullabletinyint ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuenullableuniqueidentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

valuenullablevarbinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

valuesmallint ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valuesqlnet ( SqlString key, SQLNET value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a SQLNET value associated with the specified key.

valuestring ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

valuetable ( SqlString key, string value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.

valuetinyint ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.

valueuniqueidentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

valuevarbinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.

Private Methods

Method Description
EVAL ( ) : object
EVALBIGINT ( ) : SqlInt64
EVALBINARY ( ) : SqlBytes
EVALBIT ( ) : SqlBoolean
EVALDATETIME ( ) : SqlDateTime
EVALINT ( ) : SqlInt32
EVALSTRING ( ) : SqlString
Eval ( ) : object
EvalBigInt ( ) : SqlInt64
EvalBinary ( ) : SqlBytes
EvalBit ( ) : SqlBoolean
EvalDateTime ( ) : SqlDateTime
EvalInt ( ) : SqlInt32
EvalReadAccess ( ) : object
EvalReadAccessBigInt ( ) : SqlInt64
EvalReadAccessBinary ( ) : SqlBytes
EvalReadAccessBit ( ) : SqlBoolean
EvalReadAccessDateTime ( ) : SqlDateTime
EvalReadAccessInt ( ) : SqlInt32
EvalReadAccessSQLNET ( ) : SQLNET
EvalReadAccessSmallInt ( ) : SqlInt16
EvalReadAccessString ( ) : SqlString
EvalReadAccessTinyInt ( ) : SqlByte
EvalReadAccessUniqueIdentifier ( ) : SqlGuid
EvalReadAccessVarBinary ( ) : SqlBinary
EvalSmallInt ( ) : SqlInt16
EvalString ( ) : SqlString
EvalTinyInt ( ) : SqlByte
EvalUniqueIdentifier ( ) : SqlGuid
EvalVarBinary ( ) : SqlBinary
GETVALUESTRING ( string key ) : SqlString
GetValueString ( string key ) : SqlString
LoadConfiguration ( ) : bool
NEW ( string code ) : SQLNET
New ( string code ) : SQLNET
Parse ( SqlString value ) : SQLNET
SQLNET_EvalResultSet ( SQLNET sqlnet ) : void
SQLNET_EvalTVF_1 ( SQLNET sqlnet ) : IEnumerable
SQLNET_EvalTVF_2 ( SQLNET sqlnet ) : IEnumerable
SQLNET_EvalTVF_3 ( SQLNET sqlnet ) : IEnumerable
SQLNET_EvalTVF_4 ( SQLNET sqlnet ) : IEnumerable
SQLNET_EvalTVF_5 ( SQLNET sqlnet ) : IEnumerable
SQLNET_EvalTVF_String ( SQLNET sqlnet ) : IEnumerable
eval ( ) : object
evalbigint ( ) : SqlInt64
evalbinary ( ) : SqlBytes
evalbit ( ) : SqlBoolean
evaldatetime ( ) : SqlDateTime
evalint ( ) : SqlInt32
evalreadaccess ( ) : object
evalreadaccessbigint ( ) : SqlInt64
evalreadaccessbinary ( ) : SqlBytes
evalreadaccessbit ( ) : SqlBoolean
evalreadaccessdatetime ( ) : SqlDateTime
evalreadaccessint ( ) : SqlInt32
evalreadaccesssmallint ( ) : SqlInt16
evalreadaccesssqlnet ( ) : SQLNET
evalreadaccessstring ( ) : SqlString
evalreadaccesstinyint ( ) : SqlByte
evalreadaccessuniqueidentifier ( ) : SqlGuid
evalreadaccessvarbinary ( ) : SqlBinary
evalsmallint ( ) : SqlInt16
evalsqlnet ( ) : SQLNET
evalstring ( ) : SqlString
evaltinyint ( ) : SqlByte
evaluniqueidentifier ( ) : SqlGuid
evalvarbinary ( ) : SqlBinary
getvaluestring ( string key ) : SqlString

Method Details

ADDLICENSE() public static method

Add the PRO license purchased from ZZZ Projects Inc. (http://eval-sql.net/).
public static ADDLICENSE ( string licenseName, string licenseKey ) : bool
licenseName string The license name.
licenseKey string The license key.
return bool

AUTODISPOSE() public method

Set the IsAutoDispose value to true.
return SQLNET

AddLicense() public static method

Add the PRO license purchased from ZZZ Projects Inc. (http://eval-sql.net/).
public static AddLicense ( string licenseName, string licenseKey ) : bool
licenseName string The license name.
licenseKey string The license key.
return bool

AddValue() public static method

public static AddValue ( int x, int y ) : int
x int
y int
return int

AutoDispose() public method

Set the IsAutoDispose value to true.
public AutoDispose ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

CACHEDELEGATECOUNT() public static method

Get the cache delegate count.
public static CACHEDELEGATECOUNT ( ) : int
return int

CODE() public method

Set the code or expression to evaluate.
public CODE ( string code ) : SQLNET
code string The code or expression to evaluate.
return SQLNET

COMPILE() public method

public COMPILE ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

CacheDelegateCount() public static method

Get the cache delegate count.
public static CacheDelegateCount ( ) : int
return int

CacheItemCount() public static method

Get the cache item count.
public static CacheItemCount ( ) : int
return int

Code() public method

Set the code or expression to evaluate.
public Code ( string code ) : SQLNET
code string The code or expression to evaluate.
return SQLNET

Compile() public method

public Compile ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

Counter() public static method

public static Counter ( ) : int
return int

DISPOSE() public method

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public DISPOSE ( ) : bool
return bool

Dispose() public method

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public Dispose ( ) : bool
return bool

EXPIRECACHE() public static method

Expire caching item.
public static EXPIRECACHE ( ) : bool
return bool

ExpireCache() public static method

Expire caching item.
public static ExpireCache ( ) : bool
return bool

Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_1() public static method

public static Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_1 ( object obj, object &value1 ) : void
obj object
value1 object
return void

Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_2() public static method

public static Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_2 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2 ) : void
obj object
value1 object
value2 object
return void

Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_3() public static method

public static Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_3 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2, object &value3 ) : void
obj object
value1 object
value2 object
value3 object
return void

Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_4() public static method

public static Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_4 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2, object &value3, object &value4 ) : void
obj object
value1 object
value2 object
value3 object
value4 object
return void

Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_5() public static method

public static Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_5 ( object obj, object &value1, object &value2, object &value3, object &value4, object &value5 ) : void
obj object
value1 object
value2 object
value3 object
value4 object
value5 object
return void

Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_String() public static method

public static Fill_SQLNET_EvalTVF_String ( object obj, SqlString &value1 ) : void
obj object
value1 System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString
return void

GETAUTODISPOSE() public method

Gets the value if the object should AutoDispose once it has been evaluated.
public GETAUTODISPOSE ( ) : bool
return bool

GETCODE() public method

Gets the code or expression to evaluate.
public GETCODE ( ) : string
return string

GETIMPERSONATE() public method

Gets the value if the context should use an impersonate context to evaluate the code or expression.
public GETIMPERSONATE ( ) : bool
return bool

GETVALUE() public method

Gets the value associated with the specified key.
Throws an exception if no value is associated with the specified key.
public GETVALUE ( string key ) : object
key string The key of the value to get.
return object

GETVALUEBIGINT() public method

Gets the big int value associated with the specified key.
public GETVALUEBIGINT ( string key ) : long?
key string The key of the value to get.
return long?

GETVALUEBIT() public method

Gets the bit value associated with the specified key.
public GETVALUEBIT ( string key ) : bool?
key string The key of the value to get.
return bool?

GETVALUEINT() public method

Gets the int value associated with the specified key.
public GETVALUEINT ( string key ) : int?
key string The key of the value to get.
return int?

GETVALUESMALLINT() public method

Gets the small int value associated with the specified key.
public GETVALUESMALLINT ( string key ) : short?
key string The key of the value to get.
return short?

GETVALUETINYINT() public method

Gets the tiny int value associated with the specified key.
public GETVALUETINYINT ( string key ) : byte?
key string The key of the value to get.
return byte?

GetAutoDispose() public method

Gets the value if the object should AutoDispose once it has been evaluated.
public GetAutoDispose ( ) : bool
return bool

GetCode() public method

Gets the code or expression to evaluate.
public GetCode ( ) : string
return string

GetImpersonate() public method

Gets the value if the context should use an impersonate context to evaluate the code or expression.
public GetImpersonate ( ) : bool
return bool

GetValue() public method

Gets the value associated with the specified key.
Throws an exception if no value is associated with the specified key.
public GetValue ( string key ) : object
key string The key of the value to get.
return object

GetValueBigInt() public method

Gets the big int value associated with the specified key.
public GetValueBigInt ( string key ) : long?
key string The key of the value to get.
return long?

GetValueBit() public method

Gets the bit value associated with the specified key.
public GetValueBit ( string key ) : bool?
key string The key of the value to get.
return bool?

GetValueInt() public method

Gets the int value associated with the specified key.
public GetValueInt ( string key ) : int?
key string The key of the value to get.
return int?

GetValueSmallInt() public method

Gets the small int value associated with the specified key.
public GetValueSmallInt ( string key ) : short?
key string The key of the value to get.
return short?

GetValueTinyInt() public method

Gets the tiny int value associated with the specified key.
public GetValueTinyInt ( string key ) : byte?
key string The key of the value to get.
return byte?

IMPERSONATE() public method

Set the IsImpersonate value to true.
return SQLNET

Impersonate() public method

Set the IsImpersonate value to true.
public Impersonate ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

InstanceCounter() public method

public InstanceCounter ( ) : int
return int

InternalEval() public method

public InternalEval ( ) : object
return object

InternalValue() public method

public InternalValue ( SqlString keyString, Type type, object value ) : SQLNET
keyString System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString
type System.Type
value object
return SQLNET

RELEASELOCK() public static method

Releases all locks.
public static RELEASELOCK ( ) : bool
return bool

ROOT() public method

public ROOT ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

ReleaseLocks() public static method

Releases all locks.
public static ReleaseLocks ( ) : bool
return bool

Root() public method

public Root ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

ToString() public method

Convert the SQLNET object into a string representation.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

VAL() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VAL ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALNULLABLE() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALNULLABLE ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUE() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUE ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUEBIGINT() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUEBIGINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUEBINARY() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUEBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUEBIT() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUEBIT ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUEDATETIME() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUEDATETIME ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUEINT() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUEINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUENULLABLE() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLE ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLEBIGINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLEBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUENULLABLEBIT() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLEBIT ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLEDATETIME ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUENULLABLEINT() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLEINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLESMALLINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLESTRING ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLETINYINT ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLEUNIQUEIDENTIFIER ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUENULLABLEVARBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUESMALLINT() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUESMALLINT ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUESQLNET() public method

Add or update a SQLNET value associated with the specified key.
public VALUESQLNET ( SqlString key, SQLNET value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value SQLNET The SQLNET value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUESTRING() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public VALUESTRING ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUETABLE() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public VALUETABLE ( SqlString key, string value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value string The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUETINYINT() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public VALUETINYINT ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET


Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUEUNIQUEIDENTIFIER ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

VALUEVARBINARY() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public VALUEVARBINARY ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

Val() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public Val ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValNullable() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValNullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

Value() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public Value ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueBigInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueBigInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueBinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueBit() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueBit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueDateTime() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueDateTime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullable() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableBigInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableBigInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableBinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableBit() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableBit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableDateTime() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableDateTime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableSmallInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableSmallInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableString() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableString ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableTinyInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableTinyInt ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableUniqueIdentifier() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableUniqueIdentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueNullableVarBinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueNullableVarBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueSQLNET() public method

Add or update a SQLNET value associated with the specified key.
public ValueSQLNET ( SqlString key, SQLNET value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value SQLNET The SQLNET value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueSmallInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueSmallInt ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueString() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public ValueString ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueTable() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public ValueTable ( SqlString keyString, SqlString valueString ) : SQLNET
keyString System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
valueString System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueTinyInt() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public ValueTinyInt ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueUniqueIdentifier() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueUniqueIdentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

ValueVarBinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public ValueVarBinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

addlicense() public static method

Add the PRO license purchased from ZZZ Projects Inc. (http://eval-sql.net/).
public static addlicense ( string licenseName, string licenseKey ) : bool
licenseName string The license name.
licenseKey string The license key.
return bool

autodispose() public method

Set the IsAutoDispose value to true.
public autodispose ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

cachedelegatecount() public static method

Get the cache delegate count.
public static cachedelegatecount ( ) : int
return int

code() public method

Set the code or expression to evaluate.
public code ( string code ) : SQLNET
code string The code or expression to evaluate.
return SQLNET

compile() public method

public compile ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

dispose() public method

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
public dispose ( ) : bool
return bool

expirecache() public static method

Expire caching item.
public static expirecache ( ) : bool
return bool

getautodispose() public method

Gets the value if the object should AutoDispose once it has been evaluated.
public getautodispose ( ) : bool
return bool

getcode() public method

Gets the code or expression to evaluate.
public getcode ( ) : string
return string

getimpersonate() public method

Gets the value if the context should use an impersonate context to evaluate the code or expression.
public getimpersonate ( ) : bool
return bool

getvalue() public method

Gets the value associated with the specified key.
Throws an exception if no value is associated with the specified key.
public getvalue ( string key ) : object
key string The key of the value to get.
return object

getvaluebigint() public method

Gets the big int value associated with the specified key.
public getvaluebigint ( string key ) : long?
key string The key of the value to get.
return long?

getvaluebit() public method

Gets the bit value associated with the specified key.
public getvaluebit ( string key ) : bool?
key string The key of the value to get.
return bool?

getvalueint() public method

Gets the int value associated with the specified key.
public getvalueint ( string key ) : int?
key string The key of the value to get.
return int?

getvaluesmallint() public method

Gets the small int value associated with the specified key.
public getvaluesmallint ( string key ) : short?
key string The key of the value to get.
return short?

getvaluetinyint() public method

Gets the tiny int value associated with the specified key.
public getvaluetinyint ( string key ) : byte?
key string The key of the value to get.
return byte?

impersonate() public method

Set the IsImpersonate value to true.
public impersonate ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

releaselock() public static method

Releases all locks.
public static releaselock ( ) : bool
return bool

root() public method

public root ( ) : SQLNET
return SQLNET

val() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public val ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valnullable() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valnullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

value() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public value ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuebigint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuebigint ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuebinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valuebinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuebit() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuebit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuedatetime() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valuedatetime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valueint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valueint ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullable() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullable ( SqlString key, object value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value object The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullablebigint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullablebigint ( SqlString key, SqlInt64 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullablebinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullablebinary ( SqlString key, SqlBinary value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullablebit() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullablebit ( SqlString key, SqlBoolean value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullabledatetime() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullabledatetime ( SqlString key, SqlDateTime value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullableint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullableint ( SqlString key, SqlInt32 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullablesmallint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullablesmallint ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullablestring() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullablestring ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullabletinyint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullabletinyint ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullableuniqueidentifier() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullableuniqueidentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuenullablevarbinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valuenullablevarbinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuesmallint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuesmallint ( SqlString key, SqlInt16 value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuesqlnet() public method

Add or update a SQLNET value associated with the specified key.
public valuesqlnet ( SqlString key, SQLNET value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value SQLNET The SQLNET value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuestring() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public valuestring ( SqlString key, SqlString value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuetable() public method

Add or update a string value associated with the specified key.
public valuetable ( SqlString key, string value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value string The string value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuetinyint() public method

Add or update a value associated with the specified key.
public valuetinyint ( SqlString key, SqlByte value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte The value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valueuniqueidentifier() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valueuniqueidentifier ( SqlString key, SqlGuid value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

valuevarbinary() public method

Add or update a binary value associated with the specified key.
public valuevarbinary ( SqlString key, SqlBytes value ) : SQLNET
key System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString The key of the value to add or update.
value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes The binary value to add or update associated with the specified key.
return SQLNET

Property Details

InternalValueName public_oe static_oe property

Name of internal value.
public static string InternalValueName
return string

ValueParallel public_oe property

public int ValueParallel
return int

ValueSerializable public_oe property

The value serializable.
public int ValueSerializable
return int