C# Class YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.WinForms.HtmlToolTip

Provides HTML rendering on the tooltips.
Inheritance: System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip
Exibir arquivo Open project: jcaillon/3P

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
BaseCssData YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.CssData
BaseRawCssData string
HtmlContainer HtmlContainer
_textRenderingHint TextRenderingHint

Private Properties

Property Type Description
OnImageLoad void
OnLinkClicked void
OnLinkHandlingTimerTick void
OnRenderError void
OnStylesheetLoad void
OnToolTipDisposed void
OnToolTipDraw void
OnToolTipPopup void

Public Methods

Method Description
HtmlToolTip ( ) : System


Protected Methods

Method Description
AdjustTooltipPosition ( Control associatedControl, Size size ) : void

Adjust the location of the tooltip window to the location of the mouse and handle if the tooltip window will try to appear outside the boundaries of the control.

OnImageLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the image load event from root container.

OnLinkClicked ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the LinkClicked event from root container.

OnLinkHandlingTimerTick ( EventArgs e ) : void

Raised on link handling timer tick, used for: 1. Know when the tooltip is hidden by checking the visibility of the tooltip window. 2. Call HandleMouseMove so the mouse cursor will react if over a link element. 3. Call HandleMouseDown and HandleMouseUp to simulate click on a link if one was clicked.

OnRenderError ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the Render Error event from root container.

OnStylesheetLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs e ) : void

Propagate the stylesheet load event from root container.

OnToolTipDisposed ( EventArgs e ) : void

Unsubscribe from events and dispose of HtmlContainer.

OnToolTipDraw ( DrawToolTipEventArgs e ) : void

Draw the html using the tooltip graphics.

OnToolTipPopup ( System.Windows.Forms.PopupEventArgs e ) : void

On tooltip appear set the html by the associated control, layout and set the tooltip size by the html size.

Private Methods

Method Description
OnImageLoad ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs e ) : void
OnLinkClicked ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void
OnLinkHandlingTimerTick ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
OnRenderError ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs e ) : void
OnStylesheetLoad ( object sender, YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs e ) : void
OnToolTipDisposed ( object sender, EventArgs e ) : void
OnToolTipDraw ( object sender, DrawToolTipEventArgs e ) : void
OnToolTipPopup ( object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PopupEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

AdjustTooltipPosition() protected method

Adjust the location of the tooltip window to the location of the mouse and handle if the tooltip window will try to appear outside the boundaries of the control.
protected AdjustTooltipPosition ( Control associatedControl, Size size ) : void
associatedControl System.Windows.Forms.Control the control the tooltip is appearing on
size System.Drawing.Size the size of the tooltip window
return void

HtmlToolTip() public method

public HtmlToolTip ( ) : System
return System

OnImageLoad() protected method

Propagate the image load event from root container.
protected OnImageLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlImageLoadEventArgs
return void

OnLinkClicked() protected method

Propagate the LinkClicked event from root container.
protected OnLinkClicked ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlLinkClickedEventArgs
return void

OnLinkHandlingTimerTick() protected method

Raised on link handling timer tick, used for: 1. Know when the tooltip is hidden by checking the visibility of the tooltip window. 2. Call HandleMouseMove so the mouse cursor will react if over a link element. 3. Call HandleMouseDown and HandleMouseUp to simulate click on a link if one was clicked.
protected OnLinkHandlingTimerTick ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
return void

OnRenderError() protected method

Propagate the Render Error event from root container.
protected OnRenderError ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlRenderErrorEventArgs
return void

OnStylesheetLoad() protected method

Propagate the stylesheet load event from root container.
protected OnStylesheetLoad ( YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs e ) : void
e YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.Entities.HtmlStylesheetLoadEventArgs
return void

OnToolTipDisposed() protected method

Unsubscribe from events and dispose of HtmlContainer.
protected OnToolTipDisposed ( EventArgs e ) : void
e System.EventArgs
return void

OnToolTipDraw() protected method

Draw the html using the tooltip graphics.
protected OnToolTipDraw ( DrawToolTipEventArgs e ) : void
e System.Windows.Forms.DrawToolTipEventArgs
return void

OnToolTipPopup() protected method

On tooltip appear set the html by the associated control, layout and set the tooltip size by the html size.
protected OnToolTipPopup ( System.Windows.Forms.PopupEventArgs e ) : void
e System.Windows.Forms.PopupEventArgs
return void

Property Details

BaseCssData protected_oe property

the base stylesheet data used in the panel
protected CssData,YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core BaseCssData
return YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.Core.Core.CssData

BaseRawCssData protected_oe property

the raw base stylesheet data used in the control
protected string BaseRawCssData
return string

HtmlContainer protected_oe property

the container to render and handle the html shown in the tooltip
protected HtmlContainer,YamuiFramework.HtmlRenderer.WinForms HtmlContainer
return HtmlContainer

_textRenderingHint protected_oe property

The text rendering hint to be used for text rendering.
protected TextRenderingHint _textRenderingHint
return TextRenderingHint