C# Class XamlBrewer.UWP.MoonSharpSample.Views.CSharpFunctionPage

Shows how to expose C# methods to a Lua script, and call these.
Inheritance: Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page
Exibir arquivo Open project: XamlBrewer/UWP-Lua-Scripting-Sample

Public Methods

Method Description
CSharpFunctionPage ( ) : MoonSharp.Interpreter
Reverse ( string tobereversed ) : string

Method with return type that will be exposed to the script.

No, it doesn't have to be static.

Say ( string message ) : void

void Method that will be exposed to the script.

Yes, it's async.

Private Methods

Method Description
Button_Click ( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

CSharpFunctionPage() public method

public CSharpFunctionPage ( ) : MoonSharp.Interpreter
return MoonSharp.Interpreter

Reverse() public static method

Method with return type that will be exposed to the script.
No, it doesn't have to be static.
public static Reverse ( string tobereversed ) : string
tobereversed string
return string

Say() public static method

void Method that will be exposed to the script.
Yes, it's async.
public static Say ( string message ) : void
message string
return void