C# Class WebApplications.Utilities.Logging.Log

Exibir arquivo Open project: webappsuk/CoreLibraries

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Add Log
CalculateMessage void
FormatStackTrace String
Get string
GetMessage string
GetMessageFormat string
GetPrefixed string>>.IEnumerable
Log System
Log System
Log System
Log System
Log System
Log System
Log System
Log System
Log System
OnDeserializing void
Throw void
this string

Public Methods

Method Description
Log ( LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.

Log ( LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.

Log ( [ exception, LoggingLevel level = LoggingLevel.Error ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ context, LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.

Log ( [ context, LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.

Log ( [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level = LoggingLevel.Error ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level = LoggingLevel.Error ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System

Logs a message at the information log level.

Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, [ resource ) : System

Logs an exception.

Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ resource ) : System

Logs a message at the information log level.

Log ( [ context, [ resource ) : System

Logs a message at the information log level.

Log ( string>.[ dictionary ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Log class.

This is used for deserializing Log entries - it does not result in logs being added!

To add logs use Log.Add(string, object[]) instead.

You can create partial logs, however the context must contain at least the GuidKey">Guid key, and be a valid

Log ( [ resource ) : System

Logs a message at the information log level.

Resolve ( FormatWriteContext context, FormatChunk chunk ) : object

Resolves the specified tag.

Private Methods

Method Description
Add ( ) : Log
CalculateMessage ( [ culture ) : void

Calculates the message given the current culture.

FormatStackTrace ( [ trace ) : String
Get ( [ key ) : string
GetMessage ( [ culture ) : string
GetMessageFormat ( [ culture ) : string
GetPrefixed ( [ prefix ) : string>>.IEnumerable
Log ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Log class. Used during deserialization.

Log ( LoggingLevel level, [ format ) : System
Log ( [ format ) : System
Log ( [ context, LoggingLevel level, [ format ) : System
Log ( [ context, [ format ) : System
Log ( [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ format ) : System
Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ format ) : System
Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ format ) : System
Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ format, [ resource ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Log class.

OnDeserializing ( StreamingContext context ) : void
Throw ( ) : void
this ( [ key ) : string

Method Details

Log() public method

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.
public Log ( LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System
level LoggingLevel The log level.
resourceType [ The resource class type.
resourceProperty [ The name of the resource property in .
return System

Log() public method

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.
public Log ( LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System
level LoggingLevel The log level.
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ exception, LoggingLevel level = LoggingLevel.Error ) : System
exception [ The exception to log. /// /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
level LoggingLevel The log level. /// By default this uses the error log level.
return System

Log() public method

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.
public Log ( [ context, LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System
context [ The log context.
level LoggingLevel The log level.
resourceType [ The resource class type.
resourceProperty [ The name of the resource property in .
return System

Log() public method

Logs a message at the specified LoggingLevel.
public Log ( [ context, LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System
context [ The log context.
level LoggingLevel The log level.
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level = LoggingLevel.Error ) : System
context [ The log context.
exception [ /// The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them. ///
level LoggingLevel /// The log level. /// By default this uses the error log level. ///
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System
context [ The log context.
exception [ The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
level LoggingLevel The log level. /// By default this uses the error log level.
resourceType [ The resource class type.
resourceProperty [ The name of the resource property in .
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System
context [ The log context.
exception [ The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
level LoggingLevel The log level. /// By default this uses the error log level.
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level = LoggingLevel.Error ) : System
culture [ The culture.
context [ The log context.
exception [ The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
level LoggingLevel The log level. /// By default this uses the error log level.
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System
culture [ The culture.
context [ The log context.
exception [ The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
level LoggingLevel The log level. /// By default this uses the error log level.
resourceType [ The resource class type.
resourceProperty [ The name of the resource property in .
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, LoggingLevel level, [ resource ) : System
culture [ The culture.
context [ The log context.
exception [ The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
level LoggingLevel The log level. /// By default this uses the error log level.
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Log() public method

Logs a message at the information log level.
public Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System
culture [ The culture.
context [ The log context.
resourceType [ The resource class type.
resourceProperty [ The name of the resource property in .
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, [ resourceType, [ resourceProperty ) : System
culture [ The culture.
context [ The log context.
exception [ The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
resourceType [ The resource class type.
resourceProperty [ The name of the resource property in .
return System

Log() public method

Logs an exception.
public Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ exception, [ resource ) : System
culture [ The culture.
context [ The log context.
exception [ The exception to log. /// 's add themselves and so this method ignores them.
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Log() public method

Logs a message at the information log level.
public Log ( [ culture, [ context, [ resource ) : System
culture [ The culture.
context [ The log context.
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Log() public method

Logs a message at the information log level.
public Log ( [ context, [ resource ) : System
context [ The log context.
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Log() public method

Initializes a new instance of the Log class.

This is used for deserializing Log entries - it does not result in logs being added!

To add logs use Log.Add(string, object[]) instead.

You can create partial logs, however the context must contain at least the GuidKey">Guid key, and be a valid

public Log ( string>.[ dictionary ) : System
dictionary string>.[ The key value pairs.
return System

Log() public method

Logs a message at the information log level.
public Log ( [ resource ) : System
resource [ The resource expression, e.g. ()=> Resources.Log_Message.
return System

Resolve() public method

Resolves the specified tag.
public Resolve ( FormatWriteContext context, FormatChunk chunk ) : object
context WebApplications.Utilities.Formatting.FormatWriteContext The context.
chunk WebApplications.Utilities.Formatting.FormatChunk The chunk.
return object