C# Class UniversalMarkdown.Display.XamlRenderer

Exibir arquivo Open project: QuinnDamerell/UniversalMarkdown Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Render ( ) : UIElement

Called externally to render markdown to a text block.

XamlRenderer ( MarkdownDocument document, ILinkRegister linkRegister ) : System

Private Methods

Method Description
AllTextIsSuperscript ( IInlineContainer container, int superscriptLevel ) : bool

Checks if all text elements inside the given container are superscript.

AlterChildRuns ( Span parentSpan, Run>.Action action ) : void

Performs an action against any runs that occur within the given span.

CollapseWhitespace ( RenderContext context, string text ) : string

Removes leading whitespace, but only if this is the first run in the block.

CreateOrReuseRichTextBlock ( UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : RichTextBlock

Creates a new RichTextBlock, if the last element of the provided collection isn't already a RichTextBlock.

CreateTextBlock ( RenderContext context ) : TextBlock

Creates a new TextBlock, with default settings.

RemoveSuperscriptRuns ( IInlineContainer container, bool insertCaret ) : void

Removes all superscript elements from the given container.

RenderBlock ( MarkdownBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Called to render a block element.

RenderBlocks ( IEnumerable blockElements, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a list of block elements.

RenderBoldRun ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, BoldTextInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a bold run element.

RenderCode ( CodeBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a code element.

RenderCodeRun ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, CodeInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a code element

RenderHeader ( HeaderBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a header element.

RenderHorizontalRule ( HorizontalRuleBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a horizontal rule element.

RenderHyperlink ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, HyperlinkInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a raw link element.

RenderInline ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, UniversalMarkdown.Parse.MarkdownInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Called to render an inline element.

RenderInlineChildren ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, IList inlineElements, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders all of the children for the given element.

RenderItalicRun ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, ItalicTextInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a text run element.

RenderListElement ( ListBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a list element.

RenderMarkdownLink ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, MarkdownLinkInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a link element

RenderParagraph ( ParagraphBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a paragraph element.

RenderQuote ( QuoteBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a quote element.

RenderStrikethroughRun ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, StrikethroughTextInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a strikethrough element.

RenderSuperscriptRun ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, SuperscriptTextInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a superscript element.

RenderTable ( TableBlock element, UIElementCollection blockUIElementCollection, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a table element.

RenderTextRun ( InlineCollection inlineCollection, TextRunInline element, TextElement parent, RenderContext context ) : void

Renders a text run element.

Method Details

Render() public method

Called externally to render markdown to a text block.
public Render ( ) : UIElement
return Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement

XamlRenderer() public method

public XamlRenderer ( MarkdownDocument document, ILinkRegister linkRegister ) : System
document UniversalMarkdown.Parse.MarkdownDocument
linkRegister ILinkRegister
return System