C# Class UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter

Inheritance: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour, ILayoutSelfController, ILayoutController
Exibir arquivo Open project: CarlosHBC/UnityDecompiled Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
GetParentSize Vector2
GetSizeDeltaToProduceSize float
UpdateRect void

Public Methods

Method Description
SetLayoutHorizontal ( ) : void

Method called by the layout system.

SetLayoutVertical ( ) : void

Method called by the layout system.

Protected Methods

Method Description
AspectRatioFitter ( ) : System
OnDisable ( ) : void

See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable.

OnEnable ( ) : void
OnRectTransformDimensionsChange ( ) : void
OnValidate ( ) : void
SetDirty ( ) : void

Mark the AspectRatioFitter as dirty.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetParentSize ( ) : Vector2
GetSizeDeltaToProduceSize ( float size, int axis ) : float
UpdateRect ( ) : void

Method Details

AspectRatioFitter() protected method

protected AspectRatioFitter ( ) : System
return System

OnDisable() protected method

See MonoBehaviour.OnDisable.

protected OnDisable ( ) : void
return void

OnEnable() protected method

protected OnEnable ( ) : void
return void

OnRectTransformDimensionsChange() protected method

protected OnRectTransformDimensionsChange ( ) : void
return void

OnValidate() protected method

protected OnValidate ( ) : void
return void

SetDirty() protected method

Mark the AspectRatioFitter as dirty.

protected SetDirty ( ) : void
return void

SetLayoutHorizontal() public method

Method called by the layout system.

public SetLayoutHorizontal ( ) : void
return void

SetLayoutVertical() public method

Method called by the layout system.

public SetLayoutVertical ( ) : void
return void