C# Class TuningHostProject.HostWorker

Exibir arquivo Open project: noahsw/highlight-hunter

Public Properties

Property Type Description
AllowedConcurrentScanCount int
CancelTest bool
CompletedPassesCount int
CompletedPassesCountAtSessionStart int
CompletedPassesCountThisSession int
CompletedScansInThisPass int
CurrentConsecutiveDarkFramesInSecondsThreshold float
CurrentDarknessPercentageThreshold int
CurrentIndividualPixelBrightnessThreshold int
CurrentPassNumber int
CurrentPixelScanPercentageThreshold int
CurrentSecondsSkipThreshold float
InputFileCount int
NextInputFileNumber int
PassAccurateCount int
PassActualScore int
PassFalsePositivesCount int
PassFoundCount int
PassMaxScore int
PassMissingCount int
PassScanTime System.TimeSpan
ScanProcessList List
TotalPassesCount int

Public Methods

Method Description
Cleanup ( ) : void
DoWork ( ) : void
Initialize ( TuningForm mTf ) : void
WriteTuningGraphLogHeader ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckForCancel ( ) : bool
LogInfo ( string message ) : void

Method Details

Cleanup() public static method

public static Cleanup ( ) : void
return void

DoWork() public static method

public static DoWork ( ) : void
return void

Initialize() public static method

public static Initialize ( TuningForm mTf ) : void
mTf TuningForm
return void

WriteTuningGraphLogHeader() public static method

public static WriteTuningGraphLogHeader ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

AllowedConcurrentScanCount public_oe static_oe property

The current number of allowed concurrent scans. Default is 3.
public static int AllowedConcurrentScanCount
return int

CancelTest public_oe static_oe property

public static bool CancelTest
return bool

CompletedPassesCount public_oe static_oe property

public static int CompletedPassesCount
return int

CompletedPassesCountAtSessionStart public_oe static_oe property

public static int CompletedPassesCountAtSessionStart
return int

CompletedPassesCountThisSession public_oe static_oe property

public static int CompletedPassesCountThisSession
return int

CompletedScansInThisPass public_oe static_oe property

public static int CompletedScansInThisPass
return int

CurrentConsecutiveDarkFramesInSecondsThreshold public_oe static_oe property

public static float CurrentConsecutiveDarkFramesInSecondsThreshold
return float

CurrentDarknessPercentageThreshold public_oe static_oe property

public static int CurrentDarknessPercentageThreshold
return int

CurrentIndividualPixelBrightnessThreshold public_oe static_oe property

The current threshold settings. These are public so the calling form can access them.
public static int CurrentIndividualPixelBrightnessThreshold
return int

CurrentPassNumber public_oe static_oe property

public static int CurrentPassNumber
return int

CurrentPixelScanPercentageThreshold public_oe static_oe property

public static int CurrentPixelScanPercentageThreshold
return int

CurrentSecondsSkipThreshold public_oe static_oe property

public static float CurrentSecondsSkipThreshold
return float

InputFileCount public_oe static_oe property

public static int InputFileCount
return int

NextInputFileNumber public_oe static_oe property

public static int NextInputFileNumber
return int

PassAccurateCount public_oe static_oe property

public static int PassAccurateCount
return int

PassActualScore public_oe static_oe property

Variables to keep track of the pass info
public static int PassActualScore
return int

PassFalsePositivesCount public_oe static_oe property

public static int PassFalsePositivesCount
return int

PassFoundCount public_oe static_oe property

public static int PassFoundCount
return int

PassMaxScore public_oe static_oe property

public static int PassMaxScore
return int

PassMissingCount public_oe static_oe property

public static int PassMissingCount
return int

PassScanTime public_oe static_oe property

public static TimeSpan,System PassScanTime
return System.TimeSpan

ScanProcessList public_oe static_oe property

Maintains a list of currently running scans and their associated process
public static List ScanProcessList
return List

TotalPassesCount public_oe static_oe property

public static int TotalPassesCount
return int