C# Class Tests.CommonTests

Exibir arquivo Open project: victorarias/PersistentQueue

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
factory IPersistentQueueFactory

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildFactory ( ) : IPersistentQueueFactory

Abstract method used to build the tested Class' factory

CommonTests ( ) : System
Create ( string queueName ) : IPersistentQueue

Shortcut to call Create(string name) on the concrete test class' factory

CreateNew ( ) : IPersistentQueue

Shortcut to call CreateNew() on the concrete test class' factory

CreateNew ( string queueName ) : IPersistentQueue

Shortcut to call CreateNew(string name) on the concrete test class' factory

InstanceTypeCheck ( ) : void

Performs type checks on the Interfaces returned by factory methods

Private Methods

Method Description
Init ( ) : void
ShouldBeAbleToDequeueAComplexObjectAfterDisposeAndRecreation ( ) : void
ShouldHideInvisibleItemFromPeek ( ) : void
ShouldHideInvisibleMessages ( ) : void
ShouldHideInvisibleMessagesUntilTimeout ( ) : void
ShouldQueueAndDequeueInt ( ) : void
ShouldQueueAndDequeueString ( ) : void
ShouldQueueAndPeekString ( ) : void
ShouldRemoveInvisibleItemWhenDeleted ( ) : void
ShouldReturnNullWhenQueueIsEmpty ( ) : void
ShouldReturnSameQueueIfTheNameIsEqualToAnother ( ) : void
ShouldThrownExceptionTryingToCreateNewThatAlreadyExists ( ) : void

Method Details

BuildFactory() public abstract method

Abstract method used to build the tested Class' factory
public abstract BuildFactory ( ) : IPersistentQueueFactory
return IPersistentQueueFactory

CommonTests() public method

public CommonTests ( ) : System
return System

Create() public method

Shortcut to call Create(string name) on the concrete test class' factory
public Create ( string queueName ) : IPersistentQueue
queueName string
return IPersistentQueue

CreateNew() public method

Shortcut to call CreateNew() on the concrete test class' factory
public CreateNew ( ) : IPersistentQueue
return IPersistentQueue

CreateNew() public method

Shortcut to call CreateNew(string name) on the concrete test class' factory
public CreateNew ( string queueName ) : IPersistentQueue
queueName string
return IPersistentQueue

InstanceTypeCheck() public abstract method

Performs type checks on the Interfaces returned by factory methods
public abstract InstanceTypeCheck ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

factory protected_oe property

A Factory that builds the test class
protected IPersistentQueueFactory factory
return IPersistentQueueFactory