C# Class Svg.SvgPathBuilder

Inheritance: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
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Public Methods

Method Description
CanConvertTo ( ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType ) : bool
ConvertFrom ( ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value ) : object
ConvertTo ( ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType ) : object
CreatePathSegment ( char command, SvgPathSegmentList segments, List coords, bool isRelative ) : void
Parse ( string path ) : SvgPathSegmentList

Parses the specified string into a collection of path segments.

Private Methods

Method Description
ParseCoordinates ( string coords ) : IEnumerable
Reflect ( PointF point, PointF mirror ) : PointF
SplitCommands ( string path ) : IEnumerable
ToAbsolute ( float x, float y, SvgPathSegmentList segments, bool isRelativeBoth ) : PointF

Creates point with absolute coorindates.

ToAbsolute ( float x, float y, SvgPathSegmentList segments, bool isRelativeX, bool isRelativeY ) : PointF

Creates point with absolute coorindates.

Method Details

CanConvertTo() public method

public CanConvertTo ( ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type destinationType ) : bool
context ITypeDescriptorContext
destinationType System.Type
return bool

ConvertFrom() public method

public ConvertFrom ( ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value ) : object
context ITypeDescriptorContext
culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo
value object
return object

ConvertTo() public method

public ConvertTo ( ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destinationType ) : object
context ITypeDescriptorContext
culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo
value object
destinationType System.Type
return object

CreatePathSegment() public static method

public static CreatePathSegment ( char command, SvgPathSegmentList segments, List coords, bool isRelative ) : void
command char
segments SvgPathSegmentList
coords List
isRelative bool
return void

Parse() public static method

Parses the specified string into a collection of path segments.
public static Parse ( string path ) : SvgPathSegmentList
path string A containing path data.
return SvgPathSegmentList