C# Class Spring.Expressions.Parser.antlr.ParseTreeRule

Inheritance: ParseTree
Exibir arquivo Open project: spring-projects/spring-net

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
altNumber int
ruleName string

Public Methods

Method Description
ParseTreeRule ( string ruleName )
ParseTreeRule ( string ruleName, int altNumber )
ToString ( ) : string
getRuleName ( ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
getLeftmostDerivation ( System.Text.StringBuilder buf, int step ) : int

Do a step-first walk, building up a buffer of tokens until you've reached a particular step and print out any rule subroots insteads of descending.

Method Details

ParseTreeRule() public method

public ParseTreeRule ( string ruleName )
ruleName string

ParseTreeRule() public method

public ParseTreeRule ( string ruleName, int altNumber )
ruleName string
altNumber int

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

getLeftmostDerivation() protected method

Do a step-first walk, building up a buffer of tokens until you've reached a particular step and print out any rule subroots insteads of descending.
protected getLeftmostDerivation ( System.Text.StringBuilder buf, int step ) : int
buf System.Text.StringBuilder derivation buffer
step int derivation steps
return int

getRuleName() public method

public getRuleName ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

altNumber protected_oe property

protected int altNumber
return int

ruleName protected_oe property

protected string ruleName
return string