C# Class Spring.DataBinding.AbstractBinding

Abstract base class for IBinding implementations.
Inheritance: IBinding
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Public Properties

Property Type Description

Public Methods

Method Description
BindSourceToTarget ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors ) : void

Binds source object to target object.

BindSourceToTarget ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors, object>.IDictionary variables ) : void

Binds source object to target object.

BindTargetToSource ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors ) : void

Binds target object to source object.

BindTargetToSource ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors, object>.IDictionary variables ) : void

Binds target object to source object.

Equals ( object obj ) : bool

Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .

GetHashCode ( ) : int

Serves as a hash function for a particular type. is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.

IsValid ( IValidationErrors errors ) : bool

Gets or sets a flag specifying whether this binding is valid.

SetErrorMessage ( string messageId ) : void

Sets error message that should be displayed in the case of a non-fatal binding error.

Protected Methods

Method Description
AbstractBinding ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the class.

SetInvalid ( IValidationErrors validationErrors ) : bool

Marks this binding's state as invalid for this validationErrors collection. Returns false if validationErrors is null.

Method Details

AbstractBinding() protected method

Initializes a new instance of the class.
protected AbstractBinding ( ) : System
return System

BindSourceToTarget() public method

Binds source object to target object.
public BindSourceToTarget ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors ) : void
source object /// The source object. ///
target object /// The target object. ///
validationErrors IValidationErrors /// Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to. ///
return void

BindSourceToTarget() public abstract method

Binds source object to target object.
public abstract BindSourceToTarget ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors, object>.IDictionary variables ) : void
source object /// The source object. ///
target object /// The target object. ///
validationErrors IValidationErrors /// Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to. ///
variables object>.IDictionary /// Variables that should be used during expression evaluation. ///
return void

BindTargetToSource() public method

Binds target object to source object.
public BindTargetToSource ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors ) : void
source object /// The source object. ///
target object /// The target object. ///
validationErrors IValidationErrors /// Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to. ///
return void

BindTargetToSource() public abstract method

Binds target object to source object.
public abstract BindTargetToSource ( object source, object target, IValidationErrors validationErrors, object>.IDictionary variables ) : void
source object /// The source object. ///
target object /// The target object. ///
validationErrors IValidationErrors /// Validation errors collection that type conversion errors should be added to. ///
variables object>.IDictionary /// Variables that should be used during expression evaluation. ///
return void

Equals() public method

Determines whether the specified is equal to the current .
public Equals ( object obj ) : bool
obj object The to compare with the current .
return bool

GetHashCode() public method

Serves as a hash function for a particular type. is suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
public GetHashCode ( ) : int
return int

IsValid() public method

Gets or sets a flag specifying whether this binding is valid.
public IsValid ( IValidationErrors errors ) : bool
errors IValidationErrors
return bool

SetErrorMessage() public method

Sets error message that should be displayed in the case of a non-fatal binding error.
public SetErrorMessage ( string messageId ) : void
messageId string /// Resource ID of the error message. ///
return void

SetInvalid() protected method

Marks this binding's state as invalid for this validationErrors collection. Returns false if validationErrors is null.
protected SetInvalid ( IValidationErrors validationErrors ) : bool
validationErrors IValidationErrors
return bool

Property Details

ALL_BINDINGERRORS_PROVIDER public_oe static_oe property

The name of the always filled error provider
return string