C# Class SharpDisasm.Instruction

Represents a decoded instruction.
Exibir arquivo Open project: spazzarama/SharpDisasm Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
adr_mode byte
br_far byte
br_near byte
dis_mode ArchitectureMode
have_modrm byte
itab_entry SharpDisasm.Udis86.ud_itab_entry
modrm byte
opr_mode byte
pfx_adr byte
pfx_lock byte
pfx_opr byte
pfx_rep byte
pfx_repe byte
pfx_repne byte
pfx_rex byte
pfx_seg byte
pfx_str byte
primary_opcode byte

Public Methods

Method Description
ToString ( ) : string

Output the instruction using the Translators.Translator assigned to Disassembler.Translator.

Private Methods

Method Description
Instruction ( Udis86 &u, bool keepBinary ) : System

Method Details

ToString() public method

Output the instruction using the Translators.Translator assigned to Disassembler.Translator.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

adr_mode public_oe property

The memory addressing mode of the instruction (16-,32-, or 64-bit)
public byte adr_mode
return byte

br_far public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte br_far
return byte

br_near public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte br_near
return byte

dis_mode public_oe property

The instruction architecture as configured within the constructor of Disassembler
public ArchitectureMode dis_mode
return ArchitectureMode

have_modrm public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte have_modrm
return byte

itab_entry public_oe property

The instruction table entry that applies to this instruction
public SharpDisasm.Udis86.ud_itab_entry itab_entry
return SharpDisasm.Udis86.ud_itab_entry

modrm public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte modrm
return byte

opr_mode public_oe property

The operand mode (16-,32-, or 64-bit), i.e. we could be reading a 16-bit value from a 32-bit address, in which case opr_mode would be 16, while adr_mode would be 32.
public byte opr_mode
return byte

pfx_adr public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_adr
return byte

pfx_lock public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_lock
return byte

pfx_opr public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_opr
return byte

pfx_rep public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_rep
return byte

pfx_repe public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_repe
return byte

pfx_repne public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_repne
return byte

pfx_rex public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_rex
return byte

pfx_seg public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_seg
return byte

pfx_str public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte pfx_str
return byte

primary_opcode public_oe property

Low-level decode information
public byte primary_opcode
return byte