C# Class SharpBits.Base.BitsJob

Inheritance: IDisposable
Exibir arquivo Open project: robertbaker/SevenUpdate Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
AddFiles void
BitsJob System
Dispose void
JobError void
JobModified void
JobTransferred void
PublishException void

Public Methods

Method Description
AddFile ( BitsFileInfo fileInfo ) : void

Adds the file.

AddFile ( string remoteName, string localName ) : void

Adds the file.

AddFiles ( Collection files ) : void

Adds the files the current BitsJob.

Cancel ( ) : void

Cancels the BitsJob.

Complete ( ) : void

Completes and removes the BitsJob from the collection.

Dispose ( ) : void

Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.

EnumerateFiles ( ) : void

Enumerate the BitsFile collection.

Resume ( ) : void

Resumes the BitsJob.

Suspend ( ) : void

Suspends the BitsJob.

TakeOwnership ( ) : void

Takes the ownership.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddFiles ( BGFileInfo files ) : void

Adds the files to the current job.

BitsJob ( BitsManager manager, IBackgroundCopyJob job ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the BitsJob class.

Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.

JobError ( object sender, ErrorNotificationEventArgs e ) : void

Fires the event when the job has occurred an error.

JobModified ( object sender ) : void

Fires the event when the job has been modified.

JobTransferred ( object sender ) : void

Fires the event when the job has transferred.

PublishException ( COMException exception ) : void

Publishes the exception.

Method Details

AddFile() public method

Adds the file.
public AddFile ( BitsFileInfo fileInfo ) : void
fileInfo BitsFileInfo The file info.
return void

AddFile() public method

Adds the file.
public AddFile ( string remoteName, string localName ) : void
remoteName string Name of the remote.
localName string Name of the local.
return void

AddFiles() public method

Adds the files the current BitsJob.
public AddFiles ( Collection files ) : void
files Collection The files.
return void

Cancel() public method

Cancels the BitsJob.
public Cancel ( ) : void
return void

Complete() public method

Completes and removes the BitsJob from the collection.
public Complete ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() public method

Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

EnumerateFiles() public method

Enumerate the BitsFile collection.
public EnumerateFiles ( ) : void
return void

Resume() public method

Resumes the BitsJob.
public Resume ( ) : void
return void

Suspend() public method

Suspends the BitsJob.
public Suspend ( ) : void
return void

TakeOwnership() public method

Takes the ownership.
public TakeOwnership ( ) : void
return void