C# Class Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile.Extension.RollingFileLoggerConfigurationExtensions

Exibir arquivo Open project: Peymanmi/Serilog.Sinks.RollingFile.Extension

Public Methods

Method Description
SizeRollingFile ( this sinkConfiguration, ITextFormatter formatter, string pathFormat, System.TimeSpan retainedFileDurationLimit = null, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel = LevelAlias.Minimum, string outputTemplate = DefaultOutputTemplate, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null, long fileSizeLimitBytes = null, bool supportAsync = false, int bufferSize = null, int maxRetries = null ) : LoggerConfiguration
SizeRollingFile ( this sinkConfiguration, string pathFormat, System.TimeSpan retainedFileDurationLimit = null, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel = LevelAlias.Minimum, string outputTemplate = DefaultOutputTemplate, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null, long fileSizeLimitBytes = null, bool supportAsync = false, int bufferSize = null, int maxRetries = null ) : LoggerConfiguration

Write log events to a series of files. Each file will be named according to the date of the first log entry written to it. Only simple date-based rolling is currently supported.

The file will be written using the UTF-8 character set.

Method Details

SizeRollingFile() public static method

public static SizeRollingFile ( this sinkConfiguration, ITextFormatter formatter, string pathFormat, System.TimeSpan retainedFileDurationLimit = null, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel = LevelAlias.Minimum, string outputTemplate = DefaultOutputTemplate, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null, long fileSizeLimitBytes = null, bool supportAsync = false, int bufferSize = null, int maxRetries = null ) : LoggerConfiguration
sinkConfiguration this
formatter ITextFormatter
pathFormat string
retainedFileDurationLimit System.TimeSpan
restrictedToMinimumLevel LogEventLevel
outputTemplate string
formatProvider IFormatProvider
fileSizeLimitBytes long
supportAsync bool
bufferSize int
maxRetries int
return LoggerConfiguration

SizeRollingFile() public static method

Write log events to a series of files. Each file will be named according to the date of the first log entry written to it. Only simple date-based rolling is currently supported.
The file will be written using the UTF-8 character set.
public static SizeRollingFile ( this sinkConfiguration, string pathFormat, System.TimeSpan retainedFileDurationLimit = null, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel = LevelAlias.Minimum, string outputTemplate = DefaultOutputTemplate, IFormatProvider formatProvider = null, long fileSizeLimitBytes = null, bool supportAsync = false, int bufferSize = null, int maxRetries = null ) : LoggerConfiguration
sinkConfiguration this Logger sink configuration.
pathFormat string String describing the location of the log files, /// with {Date} in the place of the file date. E.g. "Logs\myapp-{Date}.log" will result in log /// files such as "Logs\myapp-2013-10-20.log", "Logs\myapp-2013-10-21.log" and so on.
retainedFileDurationLimit System.TimeSpan The maximum timespan of log files that will be retained, /// including the current log file. The value should folowing TimeSpan format (d.hh.mm.ss).The default is 7 days
restrictedToMinimumLevel LogEventLevel The minimum level for /// events passed through the sink. Ignored when is specified.
outputTemplate string A message template describing the format used to write to the sink. /// the default is "{Timestamp} [{Level}] {Message}{NewLine}{Exception}".
formatProvider IFormatProvider Supplies culture-specific formatting information, or null.
fileSizeLimitBytes long The maximum size, in bytes, to which any single log file will be allowed to grow. /// For unrestricted growth, pass null. The default is 1 GB.
supportAsync bool
bufferSize int
maxRetries int
return LoggerConfiguration