C# Class Selenium.Extensions.WindowHelper

Exibir arquivo Open project: Jayman1305/Selenium.Extensions

Public Methods

Method Description
GetDescendantWindows ( IntPtr parent ) : List
GetDesktop ( ) : IntPtr
GetDialogHandles ( string title ) : IEnumerable
GetWindowClass ( IntPtr hWnd ) : string
GetWindowTitle ( IntPtr hWnd ) : string
SendKey ( IntPtr handle, int key ) : void
SetActiveWindow ( IntPtr handle ) : bool

Sets the active window to the handle passed.

SetWindowTitle ( IntPtr handle, string title ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AttachThreadInput ( uint idAttach, uint idAttachTo, bool fAttach ) : bool
BringWindowToTop ( IntPtr hWnd ) : bool
EnumChildWindows ( IntPtr window, EnumWindowProc callback, IntPtr i ) : bool
EnumWindow ( IntPtr handle, IntPtr pointer ) : bool
GetClassName ( IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpClassName, int nMaxCount ) : int
GetDesktopWindow ( ) : IntPtr
GetForegroundWindow ( ) : IntPtr
GetWindowText ( IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount ) : int
GetWindowTextLength ( IntPtr hWnd ) : int
GetWindowThreadProcessId ( IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lpdwProcessId ) : uint
PostMessage ( IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam ) : IntPtr
SetForegroundWindow ( IntPtr hWnd ) : bool
SetWindowText ( IntPtr hwnd, String lpString ) : bool

Method Details

GetDescendantWindows() public static method

public static GetDescendantWindows ( IntPtr parent ) : List
parent System.IntPtr
return List

GetDesktop() public static method

public static GetDesktop ( ) : IntPtr
return System.IntPtr

GetDialogHandles() public static method

public static GetDialogHandles ( string title ) : IEnumerable
title string
return IEnumerable

GetWindowClass() public static method

public static GetWindowClass ( IntPtr hWnd ) : string
hWnd System.IntPtr
return string

GetWindowTitle() public static method

public static GetWindowTitle ( IntPtr hWnd ) : string
hWnd System.IntPtr
return string

SendKey() public static method

public static SendKey ( IntPtr handle, int key ) : void
handle System.IntPtr
key int
return void

SetActiveWindow() public static method

Sets the active window to the handle passed.
public static SetActiveWindow ( IntPtr handle ) : bool
handle System.IntPtr /// The handle. ///
return bool

SetWindowTitle() public static method

public static SetWindowTitle ( IntPtr handle, string title ) : void
handle System.IntPtr
title string
return void