C# Class Segmenter.Model.Threshold.ThresholdVariator

A rule for handle a threshold value
Inheritance: IDefinable
Exibir arquivo Open project: intervals-mining-lab/libiada-core Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
current double
leftBound double
rightBound double

Public Methods

Method Description
GetValue ( ) : double

The get value.

Next ( Criterion criterion ) : double

Calculates a new value of the threshold subject to taken criterion

SaveBest ( ) : void

Fix the best value

ThresholdVariator ( double leftBound, double rightBound ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ThresholdVariator class.

Method Details

GetValue() public method

The get value.
public GetValue ( ) : double
return double

Next() public abstract method

Calculates a new value of the threshold subject to taken criterion
public abstract Next ( Criterion criterion ) : double
criterion Criterion a rule subject to the threshold changes
return double

SaveBest() public method

Fix the best value
public SaveBest ( ) : void
return void

ThresholdVariator() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ThresholdVariator class.
public ThresholdVariator ( double leftBound, double rightBound ) : System
leftBound double /// The left bound of threshold. ///
rightBound double /// The right bound of threshold. ///
return System

Property Details

current protected_oe property

The current.
protected double current
return double

leftBound protected_oe property

The left bound.
protected double leftBound
return double

rightBound protected_oe property

The right bound.
protected double rightBound
return double