C# Class SQLTrismegiste.ViewModel.Main

Main ViewModel for the SQLTrismegiste GUI
Inheritance: INotifyPropertyChanged
Exibir arquivo Open project: rudi-bruchez/SQLTrismegiste Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CE_ViewPlan ( object o ) : void
CheckAllDatabases ( ) : void

Select all databases in the databases list to be checked

Connect ( ) : bool

Connect to SQL Server and fill in the GUI to provide options for the check

Main ( ) : SimpleLogger
PopulateFolders ( ) : void
RunFullAnalysis ( ) : void

runs full analysis. Call the background worker to run asynchronously

ZipResults ( ) : string

creates a zip file from the analysis result folder to be attached in the results email

Private Methods

Method Description
CE_FilterPlanCache ( string text ) : void
CE_ViewQuery ( object o ) : void
CacheExplorer ( ) : void
ClearStats ( ) : void
LoadConfig ( ) : void
OnPropertyChanged ( string propertyName ) : void
SaveConfig ( ) : void
SaveZip ( ) : void
ValidateHermeticus ( ) : void

XML validation

worker_RunAnalysis ( object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e ) : void
worker_RunAnalysisCompleted ( object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e ) : void
worker_RunAnalysisProgressChanged ( object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

CE_ViewPlan() public method

public CE_ViewPlan ( object o ) : void
o object
return void

CheckAllDatabases() public method

Select all databases in the databases list to be checked
public CheckAllDatabases ( ) : void
return void

Connect() public method

Connect to SQL Server and fill in the GUI to provide options for the check
public Connect ( ) : bool
return bool

Main() public method

public Main ( ) : SimpleLogger
return SimpleLogger

PopulateFolders() public method

public PopulateFolders ( ) : void
return void

RunFullAnalysis() public method

runs full analysis. Call the background worker to run asynchronously
public RunFullAnalysis ( ) : void
return void

ZipResults() public method

creates a zip file from the analysis result folder to be attached in the results email
public ZipResults ( ) : string
return string