C# Class SPL.Crypto.PgpEncrypt

Wrapper around Bouncy Castle OpenPGP library. Bouncy documentation can be found here: http://www.bouncycastle.org/docs/pgdocs1.6/index.html Code from: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/blogs/kim/archive/2009/01/23/pgp-zip-encrypted-files-with-c.aspx with some very minor changes.
Exibir arquivo Open project: sledwith/PGP-Decryption-With-C-Sharp

Public Methods

Method Description
EncryptAndSign ( Stream outputStream, FileInfo unencryptedFileInfo ) : void

Encrypt and sign the file pointed to by unencryptedFileInfo and write the encrypted content to outputStream.

PgpEncrypt ( PgpEncryptionKeys encryptionKeys ) : System

Instantiate a new PgpEncrypt class with initialized PgpEncryptionKeys.

Private Methods

Method Description
chainCompressedOut ( Stream encryptedOut ) : Stream
chainEncryptedOut ( Stream outputStream ) : Stream
chainLiteralOut ( Stream compressedOut, FileInfo file ) : Stream
initSignatureGenerator ( Stream compressedOut ) : PgpSignatureGenerator
writeOutputAndSign ( Stream compressedOut, Stream literalOut, FileStream inputFile, PgpSignatureGenerator signatureGenerator ) : void

Method Details

EncryptAndSign() public method

Encrypt and sign the file pointed to by unencryptedFileInfo and write the encrypted content to outputStream.
public EncryptAndSign ( Stream outputStream, FileInfo unencryptedFileInfo ) : void
outputStream Stream /// The stream that will contain the encrypted data when this method returns. ///
unencryptedFileInfo System.IO.FileInfo
return void

PgpEncrypt() public method

Instantiate a new PgpEncrypt class with initialized PgpEncryptionKeys.
encryptionKeys is null
public PgpEncrypt ( PgpEncryptionKeys encryptionKeys ) : System
encryptionKeys PgpEncryptionKeys
return System