C# Class SIL.FieldWorks.IText.LinguaLinksImport

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Private Methods

Method Description
AddAlternativeWssToWordform ( IAnalysis analysis, Word word, ILgWritingSystem wsMainVernWs, ITsStrFactory strFactory ) : void

add any alternative forms (in alternative writing systems) to the wordform. Overwrite any existing alternative form in a given alternative writing system.

AddELANInfoToSegment ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, Phrase phrase, ISegment newSegment ) : void
AddSegmentItemData ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsFactory, Phrase phrase, ISegment newSegment, ITsStrFactory tsStrFactory, bool &textInFile, ITsString &phraseText ) : void

Add all the data from items in the FLExText file into their proper spots in the segment.

AddWordToSegment ( ISegment newSegment, Word word, ITsStrFactory strFactory ) : void
CheckAndAddLanguagesInternal ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, Interlineartext interlinText, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsFactory, IThreadedProgress progress ) : bool

The imported text may be in a writing system that is not part of this project. Return false if the user rejects the text which tells the caller of this method to abort the import.

CreateWordAnalysisStack ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, Word word, ITsStrFactory strFactory ) : IAnalysis
EnsureVernacularLanguage ( Interlineartext interlinText, string langName ) : void
FindOrCreateSpeaker ( string speaker, SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache ) : ICmPerson
GetInstructions ( Interlineartext interlinText, String wsName, String instructions ) : string
GetPartOfPhrase ( Interlineartext interlinText ) : string
GetWsEngine ( ILgWritingSystemFactory wsFactory, string langCode ) : ILgWritingSystem
MergeTextWithBIRDDoc ( FDO &newText, TextCreationParams textParams ) : bool

Merge the contents of the given Text into the exising one. If this fails for some reason then return false to tell the calling method to abort the import.

MergeWordToSegment ( ISegment newSegment, Word word, ITsStrFactory tsStrFactory ) : void
PhraseHasExactlyOneTxtItemNotAKnownWordform ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache fdoCache, Phrase phrase ) : bool

Return true if the phrase has exactly one word which has exactly one item of type txt, and that item is not a known wordform.

PopulateTextFromBIRDDoc ( FDO &newText, TextCreationParams textParams ) : bool

This method will create a new Text document from the given BIRD format Interlineartext. If this fails for some reason then return false to tell the calling method to abort the import.

SafelyGetWritingSystem ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsFactory, System.Language lang, bool &fIsVernacular ) : ILgWritingSystem
SetTextMetaAndMergeMedia ( SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FdoCache cache, Interlineartext interlinText, ILgWritingSystemFactory wsFactory, FDO newText, bool merging ) : void

Set text metadata, create or merge media file URI's. media files (ELAN initiated) need to be processed before the paragraphs, as segments could reference these parts.

SetVernacularLanguagesByUsage ( Interlineartext interlinText ) : void
ShowDialogAboveProgressbar ( IThreadedProgress progress, string text, string title, MessageBoxButtons buttons ) : DialogResult

This method will display a message box above the progress dialog.

SomeLanguageSpecifiesVernacular ( Interlineartext interlinText ) : bool
UpdateParagraphTextForPhrase ( IStTxtPara newTextPara, int &offset, ITsString phraseText ) : void

This method will update the newTextPara param appending the phraseText and possibly modifying the segment ending to add an end of segment character. The offset parameter will be set to the value where a following segment would start from.

UpdatePhraseTextForWordItems ( ILgWritingSystemFactory wsFactory, ITsStrFactory tsStrFactory, ITsString &phraseText, Word word, bool &lastWasWord, char space ) : void

This method will update the phraseText ref item with the contents of the item entries under the word

UpgradeToWordGloss ( Word word, IAnalysis &analysis ) : void