C# Class RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model.StatementQueryObject

Exibir arquivo Open project: RusticiSoftware/TinCanAPILibraryCSharp Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
actor RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model.Actor
ascending bool
authoritative bool
context bool
continueToken string
historical bool
instructor RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model.Actor
limit int
registration string
since NullableDateTime
sparse bool
targetObject StatementTarget
until NullableDateTime
verb string

Public Methods

Method Description
StatementQueryObject ( ) : System
ToNameValueCollection ( TCAPIVersion version ) : NameValueCollection

Transforms the Query object into a NameValueCollection, which will be transformed into a query string.

Method Details

StatementQueryObject() public method

public StatementQueryObject ( ) : System
return System

ToNameValueCollection() public method

Transforms the Query object into a NameValueCollection, which will be transformed into a query string.
public ToNameValueCollection ( TCAPIVersion version ) : NameValueCollection
version TCAPIVersion The TCAPI Version to serialize the statement as.
return System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection

Property Details

actor protected_oe property

protected Actor,RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model actor
return RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model.Actor

ascending protected_oe property

protected bool ascending
return bool

authoritative protected_oe property

protected bool authoritative
return bool

context protected_oe property

protected bool context
return bool

continueToken protected_oe property

protected string continueToken
return string

historical protected_oe property

protected bool historical
return bool

instructor protected_oe property

protected Actor,RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model instructor
return RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model.Actor

limit protected_oe property

protected int limit
return int

registration protected_oe property

protected string registration
return string

since protected_oe property

protected NullableDateTime since
return NullableDateTime

sparse protected_oe property

protected bool sparse
return bool

targetObject protected_oe property

protected StatementTarget,RusticiSoftware.TinCanAPILibrary.Model targetObject
return StatementTarget

until protected_oe property

protected NullableDateTime until
return NullableDateTime

verb protected_oe property

protected string verb
return string