C# Class RestockRequest.Actor.RestockRequestActor

Inheritance: Actor, IRestockRequestActor, IRemindable
Exibir arquivo Open project: Azure-Samples/service-fabric-dotnet-web-reference-app

Public Methods

Method Description
AddRestockRequestAsync ( RestockRequest.Domain.RestockRequest request ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Accepts a restock request and changes the Actor's state accordingly. The request is processed async and the caller will be notified when the processing is done.

ReceiveReminderAsync ( string reminderName, byte context, System.TimeSpan dueTime, System.TimeSpan period ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
RestockRequestActor ( ActorService actorService, ActorId actorId ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnActivateAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Private Methods

Method Description
RestockPipeline ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Simulates the processing of a restock request by advancing the processing status each time this method is invoked until it reaches the complete stage.

SignalRequestStatusChange ( RestockRequest.Actor.RestockRequestActorState state ) : void
UnregisterRestockPipelineChangeReminderAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

Method Details

AddRestockRequestAsync() public method

Accepts a restock request and changes the Actor's state accordingly. The request is processed async and the caller will be notified when the processing is done.
public AddRestockRequestAsync ( RestockRequest.Domain.RestockRequest request ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
request RestockRequest.Domain.RestockRequest
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

OnActivateAsync() protected method

protected OnActivateAsync ( ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

ReceiveReminderAsync() public method

public ReceiveReminderAsync ( string reminderName, byte context, System.TimeSpan dueTime, System.TimeSpan period ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
reminderName string
context byte
dueTime System.TimeSpan
period System.TimeSpan
return System.Threading.Tasks.Task

RestockRequestActor() public method

public RestockRequestActor ( ActorService actorService, ActorId actorId ) : System
actorService ActorService
actorId ActorId
return System