C# Class RedBlueGames.Tools.SpriteSlicingOptions

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Public Properties

Property Type Description
CellSize UnityEngine.Vector2
CustomPivot UnityEngine.Vector2
Frames int
GridSlicing GridSlicingMethod
ImportMode SpriteImportMode
OverridePivot bool
Pivot SpriteAlignment

Public Methods

Method Description
FromSerializableString ( string serializedOptions ) : SpriteSlicingOptions

Deserializes the options from a serialized string

IsValid ( ) : bool

Determines whether the options have been set up correctly.

ToSerializableString ( ) : string

Converts the Options to a string that serializes all data

ToString ( ) : string

Converts the object to a displayable string

Method Details

FromSerializableString() public static method

Deserializes the options from a serialized string
public static FromSerializableString ( string serializedOptions ) : SpriteSlicingOptions
serializedOptions string String that represents serialized SlicingOptions.
return SpriteSlicingOptions

IsValid() public method

Determines whether the options have been set up correctly.
public IsValid ( ) : bool
return bool

ToSerializableString() public method

Converts the Options to a string that serializes all data
public ToSerializableString ( ) : string
return string

ToString() public method

Converts the object to a displayable string
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

CellSize public_oe property

public Vector2,UnityEngine CellSize
return UnityEngine.Vector2

CustomPivot public_oe property

public Vector2,UnityEngine CustomPivot
return UnityEngine.Vector2

Frames public_oe property

public int Frames
return int

GridSlicing public_oe property

public GridSlicingMethod GridSlicing
return GridSlicingMethod

ImportMode public_oe property

public SpriteImportMode ImportMode
return SpriteImportMode

OverridePivot public_oe property

public bool OverridePivot
return bool

Pivot public_oe property

public SpriteAlignment Pivot
return SpriteAlignment