C# Class Recurity.Swf.StraightEdgeRecord

The StraightEdgeRecord stores the edge as an X-Y delta. The delta is added to the current drawing position, and this becomes the new drawing position. The edge is rendered between the old and new drawing positions. Straight edge records support three types of lines: 1. General lines. 2. Horizontal lines. 3. Vertical lines.
Inheritance: ShapeRecord
Exibir arquivo Open project: rtezli/Blitzableiter Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_deltaX System.Int32
_deltaY System.Int32
_generalLineFlag bool
_numbits System.UInt32
_vertLineFlag bool

Public Methods

Method Description
Parse ( Stream inout, BitStream bits ) : void

StraightEdgeRecord ( byte InitialVersion ) : System

The STRAIGHTEDGERECORD stores the edge as an X-Y delta.

ToString ( ) : string

Converts the value of this instance to a System.String.

Verify ( ) : bool

Verifies this object and its components for documentation compliance.

Write ( Stream output, BitStream bits ) : void

Method Details

Parse() public method

public Parse ( Stream inout, BitStream bits ) : void
inout Stream
bits BitStream
return void

StraightEdgeRecord() public method

The STRAIGHTEDGERECORD stores the edge as an X-Y delta.
public StraightEdgeRecord ( byte InitialVersion ) : System
InitialVersion byte The version of the Swf file using this object
return System

ToString() public method

Converts the value of this instance to a System.String.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Verify() public method

Verifies this object and its components for documentation compliance.
public Verify ( ) : bool
return bool

Write() public method

public Write ( Stream output, BitStream bits ) : void
output Stream
bits BitStream
return void

Property Details

_deltaX protected_oe property

protected Int32,System _deltaX
return System.Int32

_deltaY protected_oe property

protected Int32,System _deltaY
return System.Int32

_generalLineFlag protected_oe property

protected bool _generalLineFlag
return bool

_numbits protected_oe property

protected UInt32,System _numbits
return System.UInt32

_vertLineFlag protected_oe property

protected bool _vertLineFlag
return bool