C# Class Recurity.Swf.Shape

The SHAPE structure defines a shape without fill style or line style information.
Inheritance: AbstractSwfElement
Exibir arquivo Open project: rtezli/Blitzableiter

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_fillStyles FillStyleArray
_lineStyles LineStyleArray
_numFillBits System.UInt16
_numLineBits System.UInt16
_shapeRecordBuffer byte[]
_shapeRecordStream System.IO.MemoryStream
_shapeRecords List

Public Methods

Method Description
Parse ( Stream input, System.Int64 length, TagTypes caller ) : void

Shape ( byte InitialVersion ) : System

The SHAPE structure defines a shape without fill style or line style information.

ToString ( ) : string

Converts the value of this instance to a System.String.

TryParseShapeRecords ( MemoryStream input, TagTypes caller ) : void

Verify ( ) : bool

Verifies a SHAPE.

Write ( Stream output ) : void

Writes this object back to a stream.

Method Details

Parse() public method

public Parse ( Stream input, System.Int64 length, TagTypes caller ) : void
input Stream
length System.Int64
caller TagTypes
return void

Shape() public method

The SHAPE structure defines a shape without fill style or line style information.
public Shape ( byte InitialVersion ) : System
InitialVersion byte The version of the Swf file using this object.
return System

ToString() public method

Converts the value of this instance to a System.String.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

TryParseShapeRecords() public method

public TryParseShapeRecords ( MemoryStream input, TagTypes caller ) : void
input System.IO.MemoryStream
caller TagTypes
return void

Verify() public method

Verifies a SHAPE.
public Verify ( ) : bool
return bool

Write() public method

Writes this object back to a stream.
public Write ( Stream output ) : void
output Stream The stream to write to.
return void

Property Details

_fillStyles protected_oe property

protected FillStyleArray,Recurity.Swf _fillStyles
return FillStyleArray

_lineStyles protected_oe property

protected LineStyleArray,Recurity.Swf _lineStyles
return LineStyleArray

_numFillBits protected_oe property

protected UInt16,System _numFillBits
return System.UInt16

_numLineBits protected_oe property

protected UInt16,System _numLineBits
return System.UInt16

_shapeRecordBuffer protected_oe property

protected byte[] _shapeRecordBuffer
return byte[]

_shapeRecordStream protected_oe property

protected MemoryStream,System.IO _shapeRecordStream
return System.IO.MemoryStream

_shapeRecords protected_oe property

protected List _shapeRecords
return List