C# Class RFID.RFIDInterface.LakeChabotReader

Inheritance: IDisposable, IReader
Exibir arquivo Open project: mti-rfid/RFID_Explorer Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
VirtualReaderQueue Queue

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CreateDataSet void
EnumerateReaders List
InitReader Result
LakeChabotReader System
LakeChabotReader System
LoadLibrary IntPtr
PacketCallBackFromReader bool
ProcessPacket void
ProcessQueuedPackets int
SavePacket void
WaitForFileReady void
initAntennaList Result

Public Methods

Method Description
API_AntennaPortGetConfiguration ( byte r_Port, AntennaPortConfig &r_Config ) : System.Result
API_AntennaPortGetSenseThreshold ( UInt32 &AntennaThreshold ) : System.Result
API_AntennaPortSetConfiguration ( byte r_Port, AntennaPortConfig r_Config ) : System.Result
API_AntennaPortSetSenseThreshold ( UInt32 AntennaThreshold ) : System.Result
API_AntennaPortSetState ( byte r_Port, AntennaPortState r_State ) : Result
API_ControlSoftReset ( ) : Result
API_GpioReadPins ( byte r_Mask, byte &r_Value ) : Result
API_MacGetCustomerRegion ( string &r_CustomerRegion ) : Result
API_TestGetAntennaPortConfiguration ( byte &r_btPhysicalPort, UInt16 &r_usPowerLevel ) : Result
API_TestGetFrequencyConfiguration ( byte &r_btChannelFlag, UInt32 &r_uiExactFrequecny ) : Result
API_TestGetRandomDataPulseTime ( UInt16 &r_usOnTime, UInt16 &r_usOffTime ) : Result
API_TestSetAntennaPortConfiguration ( byte r_btPhysicalPort, UInt16 r_usPowerLevel ) : Result
API_TestSetFrequencyConfiguration ( byte r_btChannelFlag, UInt32 r_uiExactFrequecny ) : Result
API_TestSetRandomDataPulseTime ( UInt16 r_usOnTime, UInt16 r_usOffTime ) : Result
API_TestTurnCarrierWaveOff ( ) : Result
API_TestTurnCarrierWaveOn ( ) : Result
API_l8K6CSetTagAccessPassword ( UInt32 AccessPassword ) : Result
API_l8K6CTagGetAccessPassword ( UInt32 &AccessPassword ) : Result
API_l8K6CTagInventory ( ) : Result
AssemblyClosing ( ) : void
BindReader ( rfidReaderID Reader ) : LakeChabotReader
BuildTables ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase

ClearSession ( ) : void
CloseReader ( ) : void
Dispose ( ) : void
FindReaders ( ) : List
FindReaders ( rfidReaderID whereToLook ) : List
GetPropertyAsString ( string name ) : string
GetSessionRelativeDateTime ( long pointInTimeMS ) : DateTime
GetSessionRelativeSessionDuration ( long elapsedMilliseconds ) : TimeSpan
LakeChabotReader ( rfidReaderID ReaderToBind ) : System

Create a bound reader

LoadFileIntoStaticReader ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS, string zipFileName ) : ReportBase

MacBypassReadRegister ( ushort address, ushort &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacBypassWriteRegister ( ushort address, ushort data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacClearError ( ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacGetError ( uint &errorCode, uint &lastErrorCode ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacReadBankedRegister ( ushort address, ushort bank, uint &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacReadOemData ( ushort address, uint &Data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacReadRegister ( ushort address, uint &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacReadRegisterGetTempature ( ushort address, int &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacReadRegisterInfo ( ushort address, RegisterInfo &info ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacReset ( ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacWriteBankedRegister ( ushort address, ushort bank, uint data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacWriteOemData ( ushort address, uint Data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MacWriteRegister ( UInt16 address, uint data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
MonitorInventory ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase
MonitorPulse ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase
MyCallback ( UInt32 bufferLength, IntPtr pBuffer, IntPtr context ) : Int32
ReadInventory ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase

ReadRegister ( UInt16 address, string &errorMessage ) : UInt32
SaveDataToFile ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS, string Filename ) : ReportBase
SetProperty ( string name, object value ) : void
SettingsChanged ( ) : void

Called after the public properties have been changed.

TagAccess ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS, int r_iTagAccessReqCount, int r_iTagAccessReqCountRead ) : ReportBase

Read Tag memory

UpdateInventoryStats ( ) : void
WriteRegister ( UInt16 address, UInt32 value, string &errorMessage ) : UInt32

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Dispose(bool disposing) executes in two distinct scenarios. If disposing equals true, the method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code. Managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed. If disposing equals false, the method has been called by the runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference other objects. Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateDataSet ( ) : void
EnumerateReaders ( rfidReaderID whereToLook ) : List
InitReader ( ) : Result
LakeChabotReader ( ) : System
LakeChabotReader ( bool noStartup ) : System
LoadLibrary ( String lpFileName ) : IntPtr
PacketCallBackFromReader ( int readerIndex, Byte PacketBuffer ) : bool

ProcessPacket ( PacketData envelope ) : void

ProcessQueuedPackets ( ) : int

SavePacket ( PacketData envelope ) : void

Caculate basic stats and save the packet to a stream

WaitForFileReady ( string newFilePath ) : void
initAntennaList ( ) : Result

Method Details

API_AntennaPortGetConfiguration() public method

public API_AntennaPortGetConfiguration ( byte r_Port, AntennaPortConfig &r_Config ) : System.Result
r_Port byte
r_Config AntennaPortConfig
return System.Result

API_AntennaPortGetSenseThreshold() public method

public API_AntennaPortGetSenseThreshold ( UInt32 &AntennaThreshold ) : System.Result
AntennaThreshold System.UInt32
return System.Result

API_AntennaPortSetConfiguration() public method

public API_AntennaPortSetConfiguration ( byte r_Port, AntennaPortConfig r_Config ) : System.Result
r_Port byte
r_Config AntennaPortConfig
return System.Result

API_AntennaPortSetSenseThreshold() public method

public API_AntennaPortSetSenseThreshold ( UInt32 AntennaThreshold ) : System.Result
AntennaThreshold System.UInt32
return System.Result

API_AntennaPortSetState() public method

public API_AntennaPortSetState ( byte r_Port, AntennaPortState r_State ) : Result
r_Port byte
r_State AntennaPortState
return Result

API_ControlSoftReset() public method

public API_ControlSoftReset ( ) : Result
return Result

API_GpioReadPins() public method

public API_GpioReadPins ( byte r_Mask, byte &r_Value ) : Result
r_Mask byte
r_Value byte
return Result

API_MacGetCustomerRegion() public method

public API_MacGetCustomerRegion ( string &r_CustomerRegion ) : Result
r_CustomerRegion string
return Result

API_TestGetAntennaPortConfiguration() public method

public API_TestGetAntennaPortConfiguration ( byte &r_btPhysicalPort, UInt16 &r_usPowerLevel ) : Result
r_btPhysicalPort byte
r_usPowerLevel UInt16
return Result

API_TestGetFrequencyConfiguration() public method

public API_TestGetFrequencyConfiguration ( byte &r_btChannelFlag, UInt32 &r_uiExactFrequecny ) : Result
r_btChannelFlag byte
r_uiExactFrequecny UInt32
return Result

API_TestGetRandomDataPulseTime() public method

public API_TestGetRandomDataPulseTime ( UInt16 &r_usOnTime, UInt16 &r_usOffTime ) : Result
r_usOnTime UInt16
r_usOffTime UInt16
return Result

API_TestSetAntennaPortConfiguration() public method

public API_TestSetAntennaPortConfiguration ( byte r_btPhysicalPort, UInt16 r_usPowerLevel ) : Result
r_btPhysicalPort byte
r_usPowerLevel UInt16
return Result

API_TestSetFrequencyConfiguration() public method

public API_TestSetFrequencyConfiguration ( byte r_btChannelFlag, UInt32 r_uiExactFrequecny ) : Result
r_btChannelFlag byte
r_uiExactFrequecny UInt32
return Result

API_TestSetRandomDataPulseTime() public method

public API_TestSetRandomDataPulseTime ( UInt16 r_usOnTime, UInt16 r_usOffTime ) : Result
r_usOnTime UInt16
r_usOffTime UInt16
return Result

API_TestTurnCarrierWaveOff() public method

public API_TestTurnCarrierWaveOff ( ) : Result
return Result

API_TestTurnCarrierWaveOn() public method

public API_TestTurnCarrierWaveOn ( ) : Result
return Result

API_l8K6CSetTagAccessPassword() public method

public API_l8K6CSetTagAccessPassword ( UInt32 AccessPassword ) : Result
AccessPassword UInt32
return Result

API_l8K6CTagGetAccessPassword() public method

public API_l8K6CTagGetAccessPassword ( UInt32 &AccessPassword ) : Result
AccessPassword UInt32
return Result

API_l8K6CTagInventory() public method

public API_l8K6CTagInventory ( ) : Result
return Result

AssemblyClosing() public static method

public static AssemblyClosing ( ) : void
return void

BindReader() public method

public BindReader ( rfidReaderID Reader ) : LakeChabotReader
Reader rfidReaderID
return LakeChabotReader

BuildTables() public method

public BuildTables ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase
context Object
worker BackgroundWorker
refreshMS int
return ReportBase

ClearSession() public method

public ClearSession ( ) : void
return void

CloseReader() public method

public CloseReader ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

Dispose(bool disposing) executes in two distinct scenarios. If disposing equals true, the method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code. Managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed. If disposing equals false, the method has been called by the runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference other objects. Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

FindReaders() public static method

public static FindReaders ( ) : List
return List

FindReaders() public static method

public static FindReaders ( rfidReaderID whereToLook ) : List
whereToLook rfidReaderID
return List

GetPropertyAsString() public method

public GetPropertyAsString ( string name ) : string
name string
return string

GetSessionRelativeDateTime() public method

public GetSessionRelativeDateTime ( long pointInTimeMS ) : DateTime
pointInTimeMS long
return DateTime

GetSessionRelativeSessionDuration() public method

public GetSessionRelativeSessionDuration ( long elapsedMilliseconds ) : TimeSpan
elapsedMilliseconds long
return TimeSpan

LakeChabotReader() public method

Create a bound reader
public LakeChabotReader ( rfidReaderID ReaderToBind ) : System
ReaderToBind rfidReaderID
return System

LoadFileIntoStaticReader() public static method

public static LoadFileIntoStaticReader ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS, string zipFileName ) : ReportBase
context Object
worker BackgroundWorker
refreshMS int
zipFileName string
return ReportBase

MacBypassReadRegister() public method

public MacBypassReadRegister ( ushort address, ushort &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
data ushort
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacBypassWriteRegister() public method

public MacBypassWriteRegister ( ushort address, ushort data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
data ushort
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacClearError() public method

public MacClearError ( ) : rfid.Constants.Result
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacGetError() public method

public MacGetError ( uint &errorCode, uint &lastErrorCode ) : rfid.Constants.Result
errorCode uint
lastErrorCode uint
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacReadBankedRegister() public method

public MacReadBankedRegister ( ushort address, ushort bank, uint &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
bank ushort
data uint
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacReadOemData() public method

public MacReadOemData ( ushort address, uint &Data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
Data uint
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacReadRegister() public method

public MacReadRegister ( ushort address, uint &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
data uint
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacReadRegisterGetTempature() public method

public MacReadRegisterGetTempature ( ushort address, int &data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
data int
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacReadRegisterInfo() public method

public MacReadRegisterInfo ( ushort address, RegisterInfo &info ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
info RegisterInfo
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacReset() public method

public MacReset ( ) : rfid.Constants.Result
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacWriteBankedRegister() public method

public MacWriteBankedRegister ( ushort address, ushort bank, uint data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
bank ushort
data uint
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacWriteOemData() public method

public MacWriteOemData ( ushort address, uint Data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address ushort
Data uint
return rfid.Constants.Result

MacWriteRegister() public method

public MacWriteRegister ( UInt16 address, uint data ) : rfid.Constants.Result
address UInt16
data uint
return rfid.Constants.Result

MonitorInventory() public method

public MonitorInventory ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase
context Object
worker BackgroundWorker
refreshMS int
return ReportBase

MonitorPulse() public method

public MonitorPulse ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase
context Object
worker BackgroundWorker
refreshMS int
return ReportBase

MyCallback() public method

public MyCallback ( UInt32 bufferLength, IntPtr pBuffer, IntPtr context ) : Int32
bufferLength UInt32
pBuffer IntPtr
context IntPtr
return Int32

ReadInventory() public method

public ReadInventory ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS ) : ReportBase
context Object
worker BackgroundWorker
refreshMS int
return ReportBase

ReadRegister() public method

public ReadRegister ( UInt16 address, string &errorMessage ) : UInt32
address UInt16
errorMessage string
return UInt32

SaveDataToFile() public method

public SaveDataToFile ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS, string Filename ) : ReportBase
context Object
worker BackgroundWorker
refreshMS int
Filename string
return ReportBase

SetProperty() public method

public SetProperty ( string name, object value ) : void
name string
value object
return void

SettingsChanged() public method

Called after the public properties have been changed.
public SettingsChanged ( ) : void
return void

TagAccess() public method

Read Tag memory
public TagAccess ( Object context, BackgroundWorker worker, int refreshMS, int r_iTagAccessReqCount, int r_iTagAccessReqCountRead ) : ReportBase
context Object
worker BackgroundWorker
refreshMS int
r_iTagAccessReqCount int
r_iTagAccessReqCountRead int
return ReportBase

UpdateInventoryStats() public method

public UpdateInventoryStats ( ) : void
return void

WriteRegister() public method

public WriteRegister ( UInt16 address, UInt32 value, string &errorMessage ) : UInt32
address UInt16
value UInt32
errorMessage string
return UInt32

Property Details

MANAGED_ACCESS public_oe static_oe property

public static rfid.Linkage MANAGED_ACCESS
return rfid.Linkage

VirtualReaderQueue public_oe property

public Queue VirtualReaderQueue
return Queue