Method | Description | |
CheckIfRdfContainerNode ( |
Verify if we are on a standard rdf:[Bag|Seq|Alt] element
CheckIfRdfDescriptionNode ( |
Verify if we are on a standard rdf:Description element
Deserialize ( Stream inputStream ) : RDFGraph |
Deserializes the given Xml stream to a graph.
Deserialize ( String filepath ) : RDFGraph |
Deserializes the given Xml filepath to a graph.
GenerateNamespace ( String namespaceString, System.Boolean isDatatypeNamespace ) : RDFNamespace |
Generates an automatic prefix for a namespace
GetAutomaticNamespaces ( RDFGraph graph ) : List |
Gets the list of automatic namespaces used within the predicates of the triples of the given graph
GetContainerNode ( |
Given an element, return the child element which can correspond to the RDF container
GetParseTypeCollectionAttribute ( |
Given an element, return the attribute which can correspond to the RDF parseType "Collection"
GetParseTypeLiteralAttribute ( |
Given an element, return the attribute which can correspond to the RDF parseType "Literal"
GetRdfAboutAttribute ( |
Given an element, return the attribute which can correspond to the RDF subj
GetRdfDatatypeAttribute ( |
Given an element, return the attribute which can correspond to the RDF typed literal datatype
GetRdfResourceAttribute ( |
Given an element, return the attribute which can correspond to the RDF object
GetRdfRootNode ( |
Gives the "rdf:RDF" root node of the document
GetSubjectNode ( |
Gives the subj node extracted from the attribute list of the current element
GetXmlLangAttribute ( |
Given an element, return the attribute which can correspond to the RDF plain literal language
GetXmlnsNamespaces ( |
Gives the collection of "xmlns" attributes of the "rdf:RDF" root node
ParseCollectionElements ( |
Given an attribute representing a RDF collection, iterates on its constituent elements to build its standard reification triples.
ParseContainerElements ( RDFModelEnums contType, |
Given an element representing a RDF container, iterates on its constituent elements to build its standard reification triples.
ReconstructCollection ( |
Given the metadata of a graph and a collection resource, it reconstructs the RDF collection and returns it as a list of nodes This is needed for building the " rdf:parseType=Collection>" RDF/XML abbreviation goody for collections of resources
ResolveRelativeNode ( |
Checks if the given attribute is absolute Uri, relative Uri, "rdf:ID" relative Uri, "rdf:nodeID" blank node Uri
Serialize ( RDFGraph graph, Stream outputStream ) : void |
Serializes the given graph to the given stream using XML data format.
Serialize ( RDFGraph graph, String filepath ) : void |
Serializes the given graph to the given filepath using XML data format.