C# Class Quickstarts.HistoricalAccessServer.DataFileReader

Reads an item history from a file.
Exibir arquivo Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NET Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateData ( ArchiveItem item ) : void

Creates new data.

LoadConfiguration ( ISystemContext context, ArchiveItem item ) : bool

Loads the item configuaration.

LoadHistoryData ( ISystemContext context, ArchiveItem item ) : void

Loads the history for the item.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateDataSet ( ) : DataSet

Creates a new data set.

ExtractField ( int lineCount, string &line, BuiltInType &value ) : bool

Extracts a BuiltInType value from the line.

ExtractField ( int lineCount, string &line, ServiceMessageContext context, BuiltInType valueType, Variant &value ) : bool

Extracts a BuiltInType value from the line.

ExtractField ( int lineCount, string &line, Opc.Ua.StatusCode &value ) : bool

Extracts a StatusCode value from the line.

ExtractField ( int lineCount, string &line, int &value ) : bool

Extracts an integer value from the line.

ExtractField ( int lineCount, string &line, string &value ) : bool

Extracts an integer value from the line.

ExtractField ( string &line ) : string

Extracts the next comma seperated field from the line.

LoadData ( ISystemContext context, System.DateTime baseline, StreamReader reader ) : DataSet

Loads the history data from a stream.

Method Details

CreateData() public method

Creates new data.
public CreateData ( ArchiveItem item ) : void
item ArchiveItem
return void

LoadConfiguration() public method

Loads the item configuaration.
public LoadConfiguration ( ISystemContext context, ArchiveItem item ) : bool
context ISystemContext
item ArchiveItem
return bool

LoadHistoryData() public method

Loads the history for the item.
public LoadHistoryData ( ISystemContext context, ArchiveItem item ) : void
context ISystemContext
item ArchiveItem
return void