C# Class ParkitectNexus.Data.Web.API.ParkitectNexusAPI

Represents the ParkitectNexus API.
Inheritance: IParkitectNexusAPI
Exibir arquivo Open project: ParkitectNexus/ParkitectNexusClient

Public Methods

Method Description
GetAsset ( string id ) : Task

Gets the asset with the specified identifier.

GetRequiredModIdentifiers ( ) : Task

Gets the identifiers of the required mods.

GetSubscriptions ( string authKey ) : Task

Gets the subscriptions of the authenticated user.

GetUserInfo ( string authKey ) : Task

Gets user info of the authenticated user.

ParkitectNexusAPI ( IWebsite website, INexusWebClientFactory webClientFactory, ILogger log ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ParkitectNexusAPI class.

RegisterDownload ( string id ) : void

Registers a download for the asset with the specified identifier.

Method Details

GetAsset() public method

Gets the asset with the specified identifier.
public GetAsset ( string id ) : Task
id string The identifier.
return Task

GetRequiredModIdentifiers() public method

Gets the identifiers of the required mods.
public GetRequiredModIdentifiers ( ) : Task
return Task

GetSubscriptions() public method

Gets the subscriptions of the authenticated user.
public GetSubscriptions ( string authKey ) : Task
authKey string The authentication key.
return Task

GetUserInfo() public method

Gets user info of the authenticated user.
public GetUserInfo ( string authKey ) : Task
authKey string The authentication key.
return Task

ParkitectNexusAPI() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ParkitectNexusAPI class.
website or webClientFactory is null.
public ParkitectNexusAPI ( IWebsite website, INexusWebClientFactory webClientFactory, ILogger log ) : System
website IWebsite The website.
webClientFactory INexusWebClientFactory The web client factory.
log ILogger
return System

RegisterDownload() public method

Registers a download for the asset with the specified identifier.
public RegisterDownload ( string id ) : void
id string The identifier.
return void