C# Class Panteon.Host.PanteonEngine

Inheritance: System.MarshalByRefObject, IPanteonEngine
Exibir arquivo Open project: PanteonProject/Panteon.Host

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Bootstrap void
CreateTaskContainer IContainer
EngineFactory Func
GetPathName string
InitTasksRegistry void
MountApi void
OnChanged void

Public Methods

Method Description
GetTasks ( ) : IEnumerable
LoadHistory ( string name, System.DateTime @from, System.DateTime to ) : IEnumerable
PanteonEngine ( ) : System
Start ( ) : void
StartTask ( string name, DateTimeOffset lastKnownEvent = default(DateTimeOffset) ) : bool
Stop ( bool immediate ) : void
StopTask ( string name ) : bool
UpdateTask ( string name, string scheduleExpression ) : bool

Private Methods

Method Description
Bootstrap ( ) : void
CreateTaskContainer ( ITaskExports exports ) : IContainer
EngineFactory ( ) : Func
GetPathName ( string folder ) : string
InitTasksRegistry ( ) : void
MountApi ( ) : void
OnChanged ( WatchEventArgs e ) : void

Method Details

GetTasks() public method

public GetTasks ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

LoadHistory() public method

public LoadHistory ( string name, System.DateTime @from, System.DateTime to ) : IEnumerable
name string
@from System.DateTime
to System.DateTime
return IEnumerable

PanteonEngine() public method

public PanteonEngine ( ) : System
return System

Start() public method

public Start ( ) : void
return void

StartTask() public method

public StartTask ( string name, DateTimeOffset lastKnownEvent = default(DateTimeOffset) ) : bool
name string
lastKnownEvent DateTimeOffset
return bool

Stop() public method

public Stop ( bool immediate ) : void
immediate bool
return void

StopTask() public method

public StopTask ( string name ) : bool
name string
return bool

UpdateTask() public method

public UpdateTask ( string name, string scheduleExpression ) : bool
name string
scheduleExpression string
return bool