C# Class OpenTK.Platform.X11.Glx

Provides access to GLX functions.
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Public Methods

Method Description
DestroyContext ( IntPtr dpy, ContextHandle context ) : void
LoadAll ( ) : void
MakeCurrent ( IntPtr display, IntPtr drawable, ContextHandle context ) : bool
QueryExtensionsString ( IntPtr dpy, int screen ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetAddress ( string funcname ) : IntPtr

Private Methods

Method Description
ChooseFBConfig ( IntPtr dpy, int screen, int attriblist, int &fbount ) : IntPtr*
ChooseVisual ( IntPtr dpy, int screen, IntPtr attriblist ) : IntPtr
ChooseVisual ( IntPtr dpy, int screen, int &attriblist ) : IntPtr
CreateContext ( IntPtr dpy, IntPtr vis, IntPtr shareList, bool direct ) : IntPtr
CreateContext ( IntPtr dpy, XVisualInfo &vis, IntPtr shareList, bool direct ) : IntPtr
DestroyContext ( IntPtr dpy, IntPtr context ) : void
GetConfig ( IntPtr dpy, XVisualInfo &vis, GLXAttribute attrib, int &value ) : int
GetCurrentContext ( ) : IntPtr
GetExtensionDelegate ( string name, Type signature ) : Delegate

Creates a System.Delegate that can be used to call a dynamically exported OpenGL function.

GetProcAddress ( [ procName ) : IntPtr
GetVisualFromFBConfig ( IntPtr dpy, IntPtr fbconfig ) : IntPtr
Glx ( ) : System
IsDirect ( IntPtr dpy, IntPtr context ) : bool
LoadDelegate ( string name, Type signature ) : Delegate

Creates a System.Delegate that can be used to call an OpenGL function, core or extension.

MakeCurrent ( IntPtr display, IntPtr drawable, IntPtr context ) : bool
QueryExtension ( IntPtr dpy, int &errorBase, int &eventBase ) : bool
QueryExtensionsStringInternal ( IntPtr dpy, int screen ) : IntPtr
SwapBuffers ( IntPtr display, IntPtr drawable ) : void

Method Details

DestroyContext() public static method

public static DestroyContext ( IntPtr dpy, ContextHandle context ) : void
dpy System.IntPtr
context ContextHandle
return void

GetAddress() protected method

protected GetAddress ( string funcname ) : IntPtr
funcname string
return System.IntPtr

LoadAll() public static method

public static LoadAll ( ) : void
return void

MakeCurrent() public static method

public static MakeCurrent ( IntPtr display, IntPtr drawable, ContextHandle context ) : bool
display System.IntPtr
drawable System.IntPtr
context ContextHandle
return bool

QueryExtensionsString() public static method

public static QueryExtensionsString ( IntPtr dpy, int screen ) : string
dpy System.IntPtr
screen int
return string