C# Class OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.Scene

Inheritance: SceneBase
Exibir arquivo Open project: N3X15/VoxelSim Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
DumpAssetsToFile bool
EastBorders List
LoadingPrims bool
LoginsDisabled bool
MaxUndoCount int
NorthBorders List
SouthBorders List
StatsReporter SimStatsReporter
SynchronizeScene SynchronizeSceneHandler
WestBorders List
XferManager IXfer
m_allowScriptCrossings bool
m_clampPrimSize bool
m_dontPersistBefore long
m_maxNonphys float
m_maxPhys float
m_persistAfter long
m_physicalPrim bool
m_seeIntoRegionFromNeighbor bool
m_strictAccessControl bool
m_trustBinaries bool
m_useFlySlow bool
m_usePreJump bool

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
GenerationSeed long
m_AssetService IAssetService
m_AuthenticationService IAuthenticationService
m_AuthorizationService IAuthorizationService
m_AvatarFactory IAvatarFactory
m_AvatarService IAvatarService
m_EstateDataService IEstateDataService
m_GridService IGridService
m_GridUserService IGridUserService
m_InventoryService IInventoryService
m_LibraryService ILibraryService
m_PresenceService IPresenceService
m_SimulationDataService ISimulationDataService
m_UserAccountService IUserAccountService
m_asyncSceneObjectDeleter AsyncSceneObjectGroupDeleter
m_authenticateHandler AgentCircuitManager
m_capsModule ICapabilitiesModule
m_config IConfigSource
m_dialogModule IDialogModule
m_fps int
m_frame uint
m_lastupdate DateTime
m_moduleLoader ModuleLoader
m_neighbours List
m_regionRestartNotifyList List
m_restartWaitTimer System.Timers.Timer
m_sceneGridService SceneCommunicationService
m_serialiser IRegionSerialiserModule
m_simulationService ISimulationService
m_simulatorVersion string
m_splitRegionID int
m_teleportModule IEntityTransferModule
m_timespan float
m_worldCommModule IWorldComm
m_xmlrpcModule IXMLRPC

Public Methods

Method Description
AddGroupTarget ( SceneObjectGroup grp ) : void
AddInventoryItem ( InventoryItemBase item ) : bool

Add the given inventory item to a user's inventory.

AddInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, InventoryItemBase item ) : void

Add an inventory item to an avatar's inventory.

AddInventoryItemReturned ( UUID AgentId, InventoryItemBase item ) : bool
AddNeighborRegion ( RegionInfo region ) : void
AddNewClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void

Adding a New Client and Create a Presence for it.

AddNewPrim ( UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, PrimitiveBaseShape shape ) : SceneObjectGroup
AddNewPrim ( UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, Vector3 RayEnd, Quaternion rot, PrimitiveBaseShape shape, byte bypassRaycast, Vector3 RayStart, UUID RayTargetID, byte RayEndIsIntersection ) : void

Create a New SceneObjectGroup/Part by raycasting

AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup ) : bool

Add a newly created object to the scene. Updates are also sent to viewers.

AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, Vector3 vel ) : bool

Add a newly created object to the scene.

AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool

Add a newly created object to the scene

AddPhysicalPrim ( int num ) : void
AddRestoredSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool alreadyPersisted ) : bool

Add an object into the scene that has come from storage

AddRestoredSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool alreadyPersisted, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool

Add an object into the scene that has come from storage

AddReturn ( UUID agentID, string objectName, Vector3 location, string reason ) : void

Return object to avatar Message

AddSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject ) : bool

Adds a Scene Object group to the Scene. Verifies that the creator of the object is not banned from the simulator. Checks if the item is an Attachment

AddScriptEngine ( ScriptEngineInterface scriptEngine ) : void

AddUploadedInventoryItem ( UUID agentID, InventoryItemBase item ) : void
AgentCrossing ( UUID agentID, Vector3 position, bool isFlying ) : void

Triggered when an agent crosses into this sim. Also happens on initial login.

Backup ( bool forced ) : void

Backup the scene. This acts as the main method of the backup thread.

CapsUpdateInventoryItemAsset ( UUID avatarId, UUID itemID, byte data ) : UUID

CapsUpdatedInventoryItemAsset(IClientAPI, UUID, byte[])

CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemId, UUID primId, bool isScriptRunning, byte data ) : ArrayList

Capability originating call to update the asset of a script in a prim's (task's) inventory

CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset ( UUID avatarId, UUID itemId, UUID primId, bool isScriptRunning, byte data ) : ArrayList

CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset(IClientAPI, UUID, UUID, bool, byte[])

ChangeCircuitCode ( uint oldcc, uint newcc ) : bool

Change the Circuit Code for the user's Circuit Data

CheckClient ( UUID agentID, System ep ) : bool
CheckNeighborRegion ( RegionInfo region ) : bool
CleanDroppedAttachments ( ) : void
CleanTempObjects ( ) : void
ClientMoveTaskInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderId, uint primLocalId, UUID itemId ) : void


Close ( ) : void
ConsoleScene ( ) : Scene
ConvertLocalIDToFullID ( uint localID ) : UUID

CopyInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint callbackID, UUID oldAgentID, UUID oldItemID, UUID newFolderID, string newName ) : void
CreateAsset ( string name, string description, sbyte assetType, byte data, UUID creatorID ) : AssetBase

Create a new asset data structure.

CreateNewInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, UUID folderID, uint callbackID, string description, string name, sbyte invType, sbyte assetType, byte wearableType, uint nextOwnerMask, int creationDate ) : void

Create a new inventory item. Called when the client creates a new item directly within their inventory (e.g. by selecting a context inventory menu option).

CreateScriptInstances ( ) : void

Start all the scripts in the scene which should be started.

CrossAgentToNewRegion ( ScenePresence agent, bool isFlying ) : void
CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion ( Vector3 attemptedPosition, SceneObjectGroup grp, bool silent ) : void

Move the given scene object into a new region depending on which region its absolute position has moved into.

DeRezObjects ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List localIDs, UUID groupID, DeRezAction action, UUID destinationID ) : void
DeleteAllSceneObjects ( ) : void

Delete every object from the scene. This does not include attachments worn by avatars.

DeleteFromStorage ( UUID uuid ) : void
DeleteSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup group, bool silent ) : void

Synchronously delete the given object from the scene.

DelinkObjects ( List primIds, IClientAPI client ) : void
DeselectPrim ( uint primLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Handle the deselection of a prim from the client.

DeserializeObject ( string representation ) : ISceneObject
ForEachClient ( Action action ) : void
ForEachSOG ( Action action ) : void
ForEachScenePresence ( Action action ) : void

Performs action on all scene presences.

ForceClientUpdate ( ) : void

Causes all clients to get a full object update on all of the objects in the scene.

ForceSceneObjectBackup ( SceneObjectGroup group ) : void

Synchronous force backup. For deletes and links/unlinks

GetAvatarAppearance ( IClientAPI client, AvatarAppearance &appearance ) : void

Get the avatar apperance for the given client.

GetChildAgentCount ( ) : int
GetCombinedBoundingBox ( List objects, float &minX, float &maxX, float &minY, float &maxY, float &minZ, float &maxZ ) : Vector3[]
GetCrossedBorder ( Vector3 position, Cardinals gridline ) : Border
GetEntities ( ) : EntityBase[]

Returns a list of the entities in the scene. This is a new list so operations perform on the list itself will not affect the original list of objects in the scene.

GetEstateRegions ( int estateID ) : List
GetGroundHeight ( float x, float y ) : float
GetGroupByPrim ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectGroup

Get a scene object group that contains the prim with the given local id

GetHealth ( ) : int
GetInaccurateNeighborCount ( ) : int
GetLandData ( float x, float y ) : LandData
GetLandData ( uint x, uint y ) : LandData
GetNearestAllowedParcel ( UUID avatarId, float x, float y ) : ILandObject
GetNearestAllowedPosition ( ScenePresence avatar ) : Vector3?
GetNewRezLocation ( Vector3 RayStart, Vector3 RayEnd, UUID RayTargetID, Quaternion rot, byte bypassRayCast, byte RayEndIsIntersection, bool frontFacesOnly, Vector3 scale, bool FaceCenter ) : Vector3

Gets a new rez location based on the raycast and the size of the object that is being rezzed.

GetRootAgentCount ( ) : int
GetSceneObjectPart ( UUID fullID ) : SceneObjectPart

Get a prim via its UUID

GetSceneObjectPart ( string name ) : SceneObjectPart

Get a named prim contained in this scene (will return the first found, if there are more than one prim with the same name)

GetSceneObjectPart ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectPart

Get a prim via its local id

GetScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : ScenePresence

Request a scene presence by UUID. Fast, indexed lookup.

GetScenePresence ( string firstName, string lastName ) : ScenePresence

Request the scene presence by name.

GetScenePresence ( uint localID ) : ScenePresence

Request the scene presence by localID.

GetScriptRunning ( IClientAPI controllingClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID ) : void
GetSimulatorVersion ( ) : string
GetUserName ( UUID uuid ) : string
GetUserNames ( UUID uuid ) : string[]
GiveInventoryFolder ( UUID recipientId, UUID senderId, UUID folderId, UUID recipientParentFolderId ) : InventoryFolderBase

Give an entire inventory folder from one user to another. The entire contents (including all descendent folders) is given.

GiveInventoryItem ( UUID recipient, UUID senderId, UUID itemId ) : InventoryItemBase

Give an inventory item from one user to another

GiveInventoryItem ( UUID recipient, UUID senderId, UUID itemId, UUID recipientFolderId ) : InventoryItemBase

Give an inventory item from one user to another

GiveInventoryItem ( IClientAPI recipientClient, UUID senderId, UUID itemId ) : void

Give an inventory item from one user to another

HandleCreateInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, ushort folderType, string folderName, UUID parentID ) : void

Handle an inventory folder creation request from the client.

HandleEditCommand ( string cmdparams ) : void

This is currently only used for scale (to scale to MegaPrim size) There is a console command that calls this in OpenSimMain

HandleFetchInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, UUID ownerID ) : void

Handle a fetch inventory request from the client

HandleFetchInventoryDescendents ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder ) : void

Tell the client about the various child items and folders contained in the requested folder.

HandleFetchInventoryDescendentsCAPS ( UUID agentID, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder, int &version ) : InventoryCollection

Handle the caps inventory descendents fetch. Since the folder structure is sent to the client on login, I believe we only need to handle items. Diva comment 8/13/2009: what if someone gave us a folder in the meantime??

HandleLogOffUserFromGrid ( UUID AvatarID, UUID RegionSecret, string message ) : void

The Grid has requested that we log-off a user. Log them off.

HandleMoveInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID parentID ) : void
HandleObjectPermissionsUpdate ( IClientAPI controller, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, byte field, uint localId, uint mask, byte set ) : void
HandlePurgeInventoryDescendents ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID ) : void
HandleRemoveKnownRegionsFromAvatar ( UUID avatarID, List regionslst ) : void

Removes region from an avatar's known region list. This coincides with child agents. For each child agent, there will be a known region entry.

HandleUUIDNameRequest ( UUID uuid, IClientAPI remote_client ) : void
HandleUpdateInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, ushort type, string name, UUID parentID ) : void

Handle a client request to update the inventory folder

IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate ( AgentData cAgentData ) : bool

We've got an update about an agent that sees into this region, send it to ScenePresence for processing It's the full data.

IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate ( AgentPosition cAgentData ) : bool

We've got an update about an agent that sees into this region, send it to ScenePresence for processing It's only positional data

IncomingCloseAgent ( UUID agentID ) : bool

Tell a single agent to disconnect from the region.

IncomingCreateObject ( ISceneObject sog ) : bool

Called when objects or attachments cross the border, or teleport, between regions.

IncomingCreateObject ( UUID userID, UUID itemID ) : bool

Attachment rezzing

IncomingHelloNeighbour ( RegionInfo neighbour ) : GridRegion
IncomingRetrieveRootAgent ( UUID id, IAgentData &agent ) : bool
LinkObjects ( IClientAPI client, uint parentPrimId, List childPrimIds ) : void
LoadPrimsFromStorage ( UUID regionID ) : void

Loads the World's objects

LoadWindlightProfile ( ) : void
LoadWorldMap ( ) : void

Loads the World heightmap

MoveInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List items ) : void

Move an item within the agent's inventory.

MoveTaskInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderId, SceneObjectPart part, UUID itemId ) : InventoryItemBase

Move the given item in the given prim to a folder in the client's inventory

MoveTaskInventoryItem ( UUID avatarId, UUID folderId, SceneObjectPart part, UUID itemId ) : InventoryItemBase


MoveTaskInventoryItem ( UUID destId, SceneObjectPart part, UUID itemId ) : void

Copy a task (prim) inventory item to another task (prim)

MoveTaskInventoryItems ( UUID destID, string category, SceneObjectPart host, List items ) : UUID
NeedSceneCacheClear ( UUID agentID ) : bool
NewUserConnection ( AgentCircuitData agent, uint teleportFlags, string &reason ) : bool

Do the work necessary to initiate a new user connection for a particular scene. At the moment, this consists of setting up the caps infrastructure The return bool should allow for connections to be refused, but as not all calling paths take proper notice of it let, we allowed banned users in still.

NewUserConnection ( AgentCircuitData agent, uint teleportFlags, string &reason, bool requirePresenceLookup ) : bool

Do the work necessary to initiate a new user connection for a particular scene. At the moment, this consists of setting up the caps infrastructure The return bool should allow for connections to be refused, but as not all calling paths take proper notice of it let, we allowed banned users in still.

OtherRegionUp ( GridRegion otherRegion ) : void

Another region is up. We only add it to the neighbor list if it's within 1 region from here. Agents may have draw distance values that cross two regions though, so we add it to the notify list regardless of distance. We'll check the agent's draw distance before notifying them though.

PipeEventsForScript ( uint localID ) : bool
PresenceChildStatus ( UUID avatarID ) : bool
ProcessAvatarPickerRequest ( IClientAPI client, UUID avatarID, UUID RequestID, string query ) : void
ProcessMoneyTransferRequest ( UUID source, UUID destination, int amount, int transactiontype, string description ) : void
ProcessObjectDeGrab ( uint localID, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void
ProcessObjectGrab ( uint localID, Vector3 offsetPos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void
ProcessObjectGrabUpdate ( UUID objectID, Vector3 offset, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void
ProcessParcelBuy ( UUID agentId, UUID groupId, bool final, bool groupOwned, bool removeContribution, int parcelLocalID, int parcelArea, int parcelPrice, bool authenticated ) : void
ProcessScriptReset ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID ) : void
RegenerateMaptile ( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
RegionHandleRequest ( IClientAPI client, UUID regionID ) : void
RegisterCommsEvents ( ) : void

Register the methods that should be invoked when this scene receives various incoming events

RegisterRegionWithGrid ( ) : void

Register this region with a grid service

ReloadEstateData ( ) : void
RemoveClient ( UUID agentID ) : void

Remove the given client from the scene.

RemoveGroupTarget ( SceneObjectGroup grp ) : void
RemovePhysicalPrim ( int num ) : void
RemoveTaskInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, uint localID ) : void

Remove an item from a prim (task) inventory

RequestPrim ( uint primLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Invoked when the client requests a prim.

RequestTaskInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID ) : void

Send the details of a prim's inventory to the client.

RequestTeleportLandmark ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID regionID, Vector3 position ) : void

Tries to teleport agent to landmark.

RequestTeleportLocation ( IClientAPI remoteClient, string regionName, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookat, uint teleportFlags ) : void

Tries to teleport agent to other region.

RequestTeleportLocation ( IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags ) : void

Tries to teleport agent to other region.

Restart ( float seconds ) : void

Given float seconds, this will restart the region.

RestartNotifyWaitElapsed ( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
RestartNow ( ) : void
RestartTimer_Elapsed ( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
RezObject ( SceneObjectPart sourcePart, TaskInventoryItem item, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, Vector3 vel, int param ) : SceneObjectGroup

Rez an object into the scene from a prim's inventory.

RezObject ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, Vector3 RayEnd, Vector3 RayStart, UUID RayTargetID, byte BypassRayCast, bool RayEndIsIntersection, bool RezSelected, bool RemoveItem, UUID fromTaskID ) : void

Event Handler Rez an object into a scene Calls the non-void event handler

RezScript ( IClientAPI remoteClient, InventoryItemBase itemBase, UUID transactionID, uint localID ) : void

Rez a script into a prim's inventory, either ex nihilo or from an existing avatar inventory

RezScript ( UUID srcId, SceneObjectPart srcPart, UUID destId, int pin, int running, int start_param ) : void

Rez a script into a prim's inventory from another prim

SaveTerrain ( ) : void

Store the terrain in the persistant data store

Scene ( RegionInfo regInfo ) : System

Mock constructor for scene group persistency unit tests. SceneObjectGroup RegionId property is delegated to Scene.

Scene ( RegionInfo regInfo, AgentCircuitManager authen, SceneCommunicationService sceneGridService, ISimulationDataService simDataService, IEstateDataService estateDataService, ModuleLoader moduleLoader, bool dumpAssetsToFile, bool physicalPrim, bool SeeIntoRegionFromNeighbor, IConfigSource config, string simulatorVersion ) : System
ScriptDanger ( uint localID, Vector3 pos ) : bool
SelectPrim ( uint primLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void

Invoked when the client selects a prim.

SendCommandToPlugins ( string args ) : void

Console command handler to send script command to script engine.

SendKillObject ( uint localID ) : void
SendOutChildAgentUpdates ( AgentPosition cadu, ScenePresence presence ) : void
SetHomeRezPoint ( IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint flags ) : void

Sets the Home Point. The LoginService uses this to know where to put a user when they log-in

SetModuleInterfaces ( ) : void

Sets up references to modules required by the scene

SetSceneCoreDebug ( bool ScriptEngine, bool CollisionEvents, bool PhysicsEngine ) : void
SetScriptRunning ( IClientAPI controllingClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID, bool running ) : void
Show ( string showParams ) : void
SimChat ( byte message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent ) : void

SimChat ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent ) : void
SimChat ( string message, string fromName ) : void
SimChatBroadcast ( byte message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent ) : void

StartTimer ( ) : void

Start the timer which triggers regular scene updates

StoreWindlightProfile ( RegionLightShareData wl ) : void
SubscribeToClientEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void

Register for events from the client

SubscribeToClientGridEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientInventoryEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientNetworkEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientParcelEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientPrimEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientPrimRezEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientScriptEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientTeleportEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SubscribeToClientTerrainEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
SwapRootAgentCount ( bool rootChildChildRootTF ) : void
TeleportClientHome ( UUID agentId, IClientAPI client ) : void

Teleport an avatar to their home region

TestBorderCross ( Vector3 position, Cardinals border ) : bool
TriggerEstateSunUpdate ( ) : void
TryGetAvatarByName ( string avatarName, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
TryGetClient ( System remoteEndPoint, IClientAPI &client ) : bool
TryGetClient ( UUID avatarID, IClientAPI &client ) : bool
TryGetScenePresence ( UUID avatarId, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
UnRegisterRegionWithComms ( ) : void

Deregister this scene from receiving incoming region events

UnSubscribeToClientEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void

Unsubscribe the client from events.

UnSubscribeToClientGridEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientInventoryEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientNetworkEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientParcelEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientPrimEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientPrimRezEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientScriptEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientTeleportEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnSubscribeToClientTerrainEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
UnlinkSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup so, bool softDelete ) : bool

Unlink the given object from the scene. Unlike delete, this just removes the record of the object - the object itself is not destroyed.

Update ( ) : void

Performs per-frame updates on the scene, this should be the central scene loop

UpdateCircuitData ( AgentCircuitData data ) : void

Update an AgentCircuitData object with new information

UpdateInventoryItemAsset ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, UUID itemID, InventoryItemBase itemUpd ) : void

Update an item which is either already in the client's inventory or is within a transaction

UpdateTaskInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, TaskInventoryItem itemInfo, uint primLocalID ) : void

Update an item in a prim (task) inventory. This method does not handle scripts, RezScript(IClientAPI, UUID, unit)

VerifyUserPresence ( AgentCircuitData agent, string &reason ) : bool

Verifies that the user has a presence on the Grid

attachObjectAssetStore ( IClientAPI remoteClient, SceneObjectGroup grp, UUID AgentId, UUID &itemID ) : UUID
doObjectDuplicateOnRay ( uint localID, uint dupeFlags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID, UUID RayTargetObj, Vector3 RayEnd, Vector3 RayStart, bool BypassRaycast, bool RayEndIsIntersection, bool CopyCenters, bool CopyRotates ) : void

Duplicates object specified by localID at position raycasted against RayTargetObject using RayEnd and RayStart to determine what the angle of the ray is

jointErrorMessage ( PhysicsJoint joint, string message ) : void
loadAllLandObjectsFromStorage ( UUID regionID ) : void

Loads all Parcel data from the datastore for region identified by regionID

returnObjects ( SceneObjectGroup returnobjects, UUID AgentId ) : bool

Protected Methods

Method Description
AuthorizeUser ( AgentCircuitData agent, string &reason ) : bool

Verify if the user can connect to this region. Checks the banlist and ensures that the region is set for public access

CreateAndAddScenePresence ( IClientAPI client ) : ScenePresence

Create a child agent scene presence and add it to this scene.

GetConfig ( ) : IConfigSource
ProcessViewerEffect ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List args ) : void
RegisterDefaultSceneEvents ( ) : void
SendInventoryAsync ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder ) : void
SendInventoryComplete ( IAsyncResult iar ) : void
SimChat ( byte message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent, bool broadcast ) : void
WaitGetScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : ScenePresence
jointDeactivated ( PhysicsJoint joint ) : void
jointMoved ( PhysicsJoint joint ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
AddInventoryItem ( UUID AgentID, InventoryItemBase item ) : void
AllParcels ( ) : List
BackupWaitCallback ( object o ) : void

Wrapper for Backup() that can be called with Util.FireAndForget()

CheckAtTargets ( ) : void
CheckHeartbeat ( ) : void
CreateAgentInventoryItemFromTask ( UUID destAgent, SceneObjectPart part, UUID itemId ) : InventoryItemBase
CreateNewInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, string creatorID, UUID folderID, string name, uint flags, uint callbackID, AssetBase asset, sbyte invType, uint nextOwnerMask, int creationDate ) : void

Create a new inventory item.

CreateNewInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, string creatorID, UUID folderID, string name, uint flags, uint callbackID, AssetBase asset, sbyte invType, uint baseMask, uint currentMask, uint everyoneMask, uint nextOwnerMask, uint groupMask, int creationDate ) : void

Create a new Inventory Item

GetNearestPointInParcelAlongDirectionFromPoint ( Vector3 pos, Vector3 direction, ILandObject parcel ) : Vector3?
GetNearestRegionEdgePosition ( ScenePresence avatar ) : Vector3
GetParcelCenter ( ILandObject parcel ) : Vector2
GetParcelCenterAtGround ( ILandObject parcel ) : Vector3
GetParcelDistancefromPoint ( ILandObject parcel, float x, float y ) : float
GetPositionAtAvatarHeightOrGroundHeight ( ScenePresence avatar, float x, float y ) : Vector3
GetPositionAtGround ( float x, float y ) : Vector3
HandleLinkInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transActionID, UUID folderID, uint callbackID, string description, string name, sbyte invType, sbyte type, UUID olditemID ) : void
HandleReloadEstate ( string module, string cmd ) : void
Heartbeat ( ) : void

Performs per-frame updates regularly

ObjectOwner ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, List localIDs ) : void
PurgeFolderAsync ( UUID userID, UUID folderID ) : void
PurgeFolderCompleted ( IAsyncResult iar ) : void
RemoveInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List folderIDs ) : void

Removes an inventory folder. This packet is sent when the user right-clicks a folder that's already in trash and chooses "purge"

RemoveInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List itemIDs ) : void

Remove an inventory item for the client's inventory

ScriptDanger ( SceneObjectPart part, Vector3 pos ) : bool
SendInventoryUpdate ( IClientAPI client, InventoryFolderBase folder, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems ) : void
SendSimStatsPackets ( SimStats stats ) : void

Send out simstats data to all clients

TestLandRestrictions ( AgentCircuitData agent, ILandObject land, string &reason ) : bool
TriggerChangedTeleport ( SceneObjectGroup sog ) : void
UpdateEvents ( ) : void

Sends out the OnFrame event to the modules

UpdateLand ( ) : void

Recount SceneObjectPart in parcel aabb

UpdateStorageBackup ( ) : void

Back up queued up changes

UpdateTerrain ( ) : void

Update the terrain if it needs to be updated.

VerifyClient ( AgentCircuitData aCircuit, System ep, bool &vialogin ) : bool

Method Details

AddGroupTarget() public method

public AddGroupTarget ( SceneObjectGroup grp ) : void
grp SceneObjectGroup
return void

AddInventoryItem() public method

Add the given inventory item to a user's inventory.
public AddInventoryItem ( InventoryItemBase item ) : bool
item InventoryItemBase
return bool

AddInventoryItem() public method

Add an inventory item to an avatar's inventory.
public AddInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, InventoryItemBase item ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI The remote client controlling the avatar
item InventoryItemBase The item. This structure contains all the item metadata, including the folder /// in which the item is to be placed.
return void

AddInventoryItemReturned() public method

public AddInventoryItemReturned ( UUID AgentId, InventoryItemBase item ) : bool
AgentId UUID
item InventoryItemBase
return bool

AddNeighborRegion() public method

public AddNeighborRegion ( RegionInfo region ) : void
region RegionInfo
return void

AddNewClient() public method

Adding a New Client and Create a Presence for it.
public AddNewClient ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

AddNewPrim() public method

public AddNewPrim ( UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, PrimitiveBaseShape shape ) : SceneObjectGroup
ownerID UUID
groupID UUID
pos Vector3
rot Quaternion
shape PrimitiveBaseShape
return SceneObjectGroup

AddNewPrim() public method

Create a New SceneObjectGroup/Part by raycasting
public AddNewPrim ( UUID ownerID, UUID groupID, Vector3 RayEnd, Quaternion rot, PrimitiveBaseShape shape, byte bypassRaycast, Vector3 RayStart, UUID RayTargetID, byte RayEndIsIntersection ) : void
ownerID UUID
groupID UUID
RayEnd Vector3
rot Quaternion
shape PrimitiveBaseShape
bypassRaycast byte
RayStart Vector3
RayTargetID UUID
RayEndIsIntersection byte
return void

AddNewSceneObject() public method

Add a newly created object to the scene. Updates are also sent to viewers.
public AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool /// If true, the object is made persistent into the scene. /// If false, the object will not persist over server restarts ///
return bool

AddNewSceneObject() public method

Add a newly created object to the scene.
public AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, Vector3 vel ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool
pos Vector3 Position of the object
rot Quaternion Rotation of the object
vel Vector3 Velocity of the object. This parameter only has an effect if the object is physical
return bool

AddNewSceneObject() public method

Add a newly created object to the scene
public AddNewSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool /// If true, the object is made persistent into the scene. /// If false, the object will not persist over server restarts ///
sendClientUpdates bool /// If true, updates for the new scene object are sent to all viewers in range. /// If false, it is left to the caller to schedule the update ///
return bool

AddPhysicalPrim() public method

public AddPhysicalPrim ( int num ) : void
num int
return void

AddRestoredSceneObject() public method

Add an object into the scene that has come from storage
public AddRestoredSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool alreadyPersisted ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool /// If true, changes to the object will be reflected in its persisted data /// If false, the persisted data will not be changed even if the object in the scene is changed ///
alreadyPersisted bool /// If true, we won't persist this object until it changes /// If false, we'll persist this object immediately ///
return bool

AddRestoredSceneObject() public method

Add an object into the scene that has come from storage
public AddRestoredSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject, bool attachToBackup, bool alreadyPersisted, bool sendClientUpdates ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
attachToBackup bool /// If true, changes to the object will be reflected in its persisted data /// If false, the persisted data will not be changed even if the object in the scene is changed ///
alreadyPersisted bool /// If true, we won't persist this object until it changes /// If false, we'll persist this object immediately ///
sendClientUpdates bool /// If true, we send updates to the client to tell it about this object /// If false, we leave it up to the caller to do this ///
return bool

AddReturn() public method

Return object to avatar Message
public AddReturn ( UUID agentID, string objectName, Vector3 location, string reason ) : void
agentID UUID Avatar Unique Id
objectName string Name of object returned
location Vector3 Location of object returned
reason string Reasion for object return
return void

AddSceneObject() public method

Adds a Scene Object group to the Scene. Verifies that the creator of the object is not banned from the simulator. Checks if the item is an Attachment
public AddSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup sceneObject ) : bool
sceneObject SceneObjectGroup
return bool

AddScriptEngine() public method

public AddScriptEngine ( ScriptEngineInterface scriptEngine ) : void
scriptEngine ScriptEngineInterface
return void

AddUploadedInventoryItem() public method

public AddUploadedInventoryItem ( UUID agentID, InventoryItemBase item ) : void
agentID UUID
item InventoryItemBase
return void

AgentCrossing() public method

Triggered when an agent crosses into this sim. Also happens on initial login.
public AgentCrossing ( UUID agentID, Vector3 position, bool isFlying ) : void
agentID UUID
position Vector3
isFlying bool
return void

AuthorizeUser() protected method

Verify if the user can connect to this region. Checks the banlist and ensures that the region is set for public access
protected AuthorizeUser ( AgentCircuitData agent, string &reason ) : bool
agent AgentCircuitData The circuit data for the agent
reason string outputs the reason to this string
return bool

Backup() public method

Backup the scene. This acts as the main method of the backup thread.
public Backup ( bool forced ) : void
forced bool
return void

CapsUpdateInventoryItemAsset() public method

CapsUpdatedInventoryItemAsset(IClientAPI, UUID, byte[])
public CapsUpdateInventoryItemAsset ( UUID avatarId, UUID itemID, byte data ) : UUID
avatarId UUID
data byte
return UUID

CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset() public method

Capability originating call to update the asset of a script in a prim's (task's) inventory
public CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemId, UUID primId, bool isScriptRunning, byte data ) : ArrayList
remoteClient IClientAPI
itemId UUID
primId UUID
isScriptRunning bool Indicates whether the script to update is currently running
data byte
return ArrayList

CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset() public method

CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset(IClientAPI, UUID, UUID, bool, byte[])
public CapsUpdateTaskInventoryScriptAsset ( UUID avatarId, UUID itemId, UUID primId, bool isScriptRunning, byte data ) : ArrayList
avatarId UUID
itemId UUID
primId UUID
isScriptRunning bool
data byte
return ArrayList

ChangeCircuitCode() public method

Change the Circuit Code for the user's Circuit Data
public ChangeCircuitCode ( uint oldcc, uint newcc ) : bool
oldcc uint The old Circuit Code. Must match a previous circuit code
newcc uint The new Circuit Code. Must not be an already existing circuit code
return bool

CheckClient() public method

public CheckClient ( UUID agentID, System ep ) : bool
agentID UUID
ep System
return bool

CheckNeighborRegion() public method

public CheckNeighborRegion ( RegionInfo region ) : bool
region RegionInfo
return bool

CleanDroppedAttachments() public method

public CleanDroppedAttachments ( ) : void
return void

CleanTempObjects() public method

public CleanTempObjects ( ) : void
return void

ClientMoveTaskInventoryItem() public method

public ClientMoveTaskInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderId, uint primLocalId, UUID itemId ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderId UUID
primLocalId uint
itemId UUID
return void

Close() public method

public Close ( ) : void
return void

ConsoleScene() public method

public ConsoleScene ( ) : Scene
return Scene

ConvertLocalIDToFullID() public method

public ConvertLocalIDToFullID ( uint localID ) : UUID
localID uint
return UUID

CopyInventoryItem() public method

public CopyInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint callbackID, UUID oldAgentID, UUID oldItemID, UUID newFolderID, string newName ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
callbackID uint
oldAgentID UUID
oldItemID UUID
newFolderID UUID
newName string
return void

CreateAndAddScenePresence() protected method

Create a child agent scene presence and add it to this scene.
protected CreateAndAddScenePresence ( IClientAPI client ) : ScenePresence
client IClientAPI
return ScenePresence

CreateAsset() public method

Create a new asset data structure.
public CreateAsset ( string name, string description, sbyte assetType, byte data, UUID creatorID ) : AssetBase
name string
description string
assetType sbyte
data byte
creatorID UUID
return AssetBase

CreateNewInventoryItem() public method

Create a new inventory item. Called when the client creates a new item directly within their inventory (e.g. by selecting a context inventory menu option).
public CreateNewInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, UUID folderID, uint callbackID, string description, string name, sbyte invType, sbyte assetType, byte wearableType, uint nextOwnerMask, int creationDate ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
transactionID UUID
folderID UUID
callbackID uint
description string
name string
invType sbyte
assetType sbyte
wearableType byte
nextOwnerMask uint
creationDate int
return void

CreateScriptInstances() public method

Start all the scripts in the scene which should be started.
public CreateScriptInstances ( ) : void
return void

CrossAgentToNewRegion() public method

public CrossAgentToNewRegion ( ScenePresence agent, bool isFlying ) : void
agent ScenePresence
isFlying bool
return void

CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion() public method

Move the given scene object into a new region depending on which region its absolute position has moved into.
public CrossPrimGroupIntoNewRegion ( Vector3 attemptedPosition, SceneObjectGroup grp, bool silent ) : void
attemptedPosition Vector3 the attempted out of region position of the scene object
grp SceneObjectGroup the scene object that we're crossing
silent bool
return void

DeRezObjects() public method

public DeRezObjects ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List localIDs, UUID groupID, DeRezAction action, UUID destinationID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
localIDs List
groupID UUID
action DeRezAction
destinationID UUID
return void

DeleteAllSceneObjects() public method

Delete every object from the scene. This does not include attachments worn by avatars.
public DeleteAllSceneObjects ( ) : void
return void

DeleteFromStorage() public method

public DeleteFromStorage ( UUID uuid ) : void
uuid UUID
return void

DeleteSceneObject() public method

Synchronously delete the given object from the scene.
public DeleteSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup group, bool silent ) : void
group SceneObjectGroup Object Id
silent bool Suppress broadcasting changes to other clients.
return void

DelinkObjects() public method

public DelinkObjects ( List primIds, IClientAPI client ) : void
primIds List
client IClientAPI
return void

DeselectPrim() public method

Handle the deselection of a prim from the client.
public DeselectPrim ( uint primLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
primLocalID uint
remoteClient IClientAPI
return void

DeserializeObject() public method

public DeserializeObject ( string representation ) : ISceneObject
representation string
return ISceneObject

ForEachClient() public method

public ForEachClient ( Action action ) : void
action Action
return void

ForEachSOG() public method

public ForEachSOG ( Action action ) : void
action Action
return void

ForEachScenePresence() public method

Performs action on all scene presences.
public ForEachScenePresence ( Action action ) : void
action Action
return void

ForceClientUpdate() public method

Causes all clients to get a full object update on all of the objects in the scene.
public ForceClientUpdate ( ) : void
return void

ForceSceneObjectBackup() public method

Synchronous force backup. For deletes and links/unlinks
public ForceSceneObjectBackup ( SceneObjectGroup group ) : void
group SceneObjectGroup Object to be backed up
return void

GetAvatarAppearance() public method

Get the avatar apperance for the given client.
public GetAvatarAppearance ( IClientAPI client, AvatarAppearance &appearance ) : void
client IClientAPI
appearance AvatarAppearance
return void

GetChildAgentCount() public method

public GetChildAgentCount ( ) : int
return int

GetCombinedBoundingBox() public method

public GetCombinedBoundingBox ( List objects, float &minX, float &maxX, float &minY, float &maxY, float &minZ, float &maxZ ) : Vector3[]
objects List
minX float
maxX float
minY float
maxY float
minZ float
maxZ float
return Vector3[]

GetConfig() protected method

protected GetConfig ( ) : IConfigSource
return IConfigSource

GetCrossedBorder() public method

public GetCrossedBorder ( Vector3 position, Cardinals gridline ) : Border
position Vector3
gridline Cardinals
return Border

GetEntities() public method

Returns a list of the entities in the scene. This is a new list so operations perform on the list itself will not affect the original list of objects in the scene.
public GetEntities ( ) : EntityBase[]
return EntityBase[]

GetEstateRegions() public method

public GetEstateRegions ( int estateID ) : List
estateID int
return List

GetGroundHeight() public method

public GetGroundHeight ( float x, float y ) : float
x float
y float
return float

GetGroupByPrim() public method

Get a scene object group that contains the prim with the given local id
public GetGroupByPrim ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectGroup
localID uint
return SceneObjectGroup

GetHealth() public method

public GetHealth ( ) : int
return int

GetInaccurateNeighborCount() public method

public GetInaccurateNeighborCount ( ) : int
return int

GetLandData() public method

public GetLandData ( float x, float y ) : LandData
x float
y float
return LandData

GetLandData() public method

public GetLandData ( uint x, uint y ) : LandData
x uint
y uint
return LandData

GetNearestAllowedParcel() public method

public GetNearestAllowedParcel ( UUID avatarId, float x, float y ) : ILandObject
avatarId UUID
x float
y float
return ILandObject

GetNearestAllowedPosition() public method

public GetNearestAllowedPosition ( ScenePresence avatar ) : Vector3?
avatar ScenePresence
return Vector3?

GetNewRezLocation() public method

Gets a new rez location based on the raycast and the size of the object that is being rezzed.
public GetNewRezLocation ( Vector3 RayStart, Vector3 RayEnd, UUID RayTargetID, Quaternion rot, byte bypassRayCast, byte RayEndIsIntersection, bool frontFacesOnly, Vector3 scale, bool FaceCenter ) : Vector3
RayStart Vector3
RayEnd Vector3
RayTargetID UUID
rot Quaternion
bypassRayCast byte
RayEndIsIntersection byte
frontFacesOnly bool
scale Vector3
FaceCenter bool
return Vector3

GetRootAgentCount() public method

public GetRootAgentCount ( ) : int
return int

GetSceneObjectPart() public method

Get a prim via its UUID
public GetSceneObjectPart ( UUID fullID ) : SceneObjectPart
return SceneObjectPart

GetSceneObjectPart() public method

Get a named prim contained in this scene (will return the first found, if there are more than one prim with the same name)
public GetSceneObjectPart ( string name ) : SceneObjectPart
name string
return SceneObjectPart

GetSceneObjectPart() public method

Get a prim via its local id
public GetSceneObjectPart ( uint localID ) : SceneObjectPart
localID uint
return SceneObjectPart

GetScenePresence() public method

Request a scene presence by UUID. Fast, indexed lookup.
public GetScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : ScenePresence
agentID UUID
return ScenePresence

GetScenePresence() public method

Request the scene presence by name.
public GetScenePresence ( string firstName, string lastName ) : ScenePresence
firstName string
lastName string
return ScenePresence

GetScenePresence() public method

Request the scene presence by localID.
public GetScenePresence ( uint localID ) : ScenePresence
localID uint
return ScenePresence

GetScriptRunning() public method

public GetScriptRunning ( IClientAPI controllingClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID ) : void
controllingClient IClientAPI
objectID UUID
return void

GetSimulatorVersion() public method

public GetSimulatorVersion ( ) : string
return string

GetUserName() public method

public GetUserName ( UUID uuid ) : string
uuid UUID
return string

GetUserNames() public method

public GetUserNames ( UUID uuid ) : string[]
uuid UUID
return string[]

GiveInventoryFolder() public method

Give an entire inventory folder from one user to another. The entire contents (including all descendent folders) is given.
public GiveInventoryFolder ( UUID recipientId, UUID senderId, UUID folderId, UUID recipientParentFolderId ) : InventoryFolderBase
recipientId UUID
senderId UUID ID of the sender of the item
folderId UUID
recipientParentFolderId UUID /// The id of the receipient folder in which the send folder should be placed. If UUID.Zero then the /// recipient folder is the root folder ///
return InventoryFolderBase

GiveInventoryItem() public method

Give an inventory item from one user to another
public GiveInventoryItem ( UUID recipient, UUID senderId, UUID itemId ) : InventoryItemBase
recipient UUID
senderId UUID ID of the sender of the item
itemId UUID
return InventoryItemBase

GiveInventoryItem() public method

Give an inventory item from one user to another
public GiveInventoryItem ( UUID recipient, UUID senderId, UUID itemId, UUID recipientFolderId ) : InventoryItemBase
recipient UUID
senderId UUID ID of the sender of the item
itemId UUID
recipientFolderId UUID /// The id of the folder in which the copy item should go. If UUID.Zero then the item is placed in the most /// appropriate default folder. ///
return InventoryItemBase

GiveInventoryItem() public method

Give an inventory item from one user to another
public GiveInventoryItem ( IClientAPI recipientClient, UUID senderId, UUID itemId ) : void
recipientClient IClientAPI
senderId UUID ID of the sender of the item
itemId UUID
return void

HandleCreateInventoryFolder() public method

Handle an inventory folder creation request from the client.
public HandleCreateInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, ushort folderType, string folderName, UUID parentID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderID UUID
folderType ushort
folderName string
parentID UUID
return void

HandleEditCommand() public method

This is currently only used for scale (to scale to MegaPrim size) There is a console command that calls this in OpenSimMain
public HandleEditCommand ( string cmdparams ) : void
cmdparams string
return void

HandleFetchInventory() public method

Handle a fetch inventory request from the client
public HandleFetchInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, UUID ownerID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
ownerID UUID
return void

HandleFetchInventoryDescendents() public method

Tell the client about the various child items and folders contained in the requested folder.
public HandleFetchInventoryDescendents ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderID UUID
ownerID UUID
fetchFolders bool
fetchItems bool
sortOrder int
return void

HandleFetchInventoryDescendentsCAPS() public method

Handle the caps inventory descendents fetch. Since the folder structure is sent to the client on login, I believe we only need to handle items. Diva comment 8/13/2009: what if someone gave us a folder in the meantime??
public HandleFetchInventoryDescendentsCAPS ( UUID agentID, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder, int &version ) : InventoryCollection
agentID UUID
folderID UUID
ownerID UUID
fetchFolders bool
fetchItems bool
sortOrder int
version int
return InventoryCollection

HandleLogOffUserFromGrid() public method

The Grid has requested that we log-off a user. Log them off.
public HandleLogOffUserFromGrid ( UUID AvatarID, UUID RegionSecret, string message ) : void
AvatarID UUID Unique ID of the avatar to log-off
RegionSecret UUID SecureSessionID of the user, or the RegionSecret text when logging on to the grid
message string message to display to the user. Reason for being logged off
return void

HandleMoveInventoryFolder() public method

public HandleMoveInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID parentID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderID UUID
parentID UUID
return void

HandleObjectPermissionsUpdate() public method

public HandleObjectPermissionsUpdate ( IClientAPI controller, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, byte field, uint localId, uint mask, byte set ) : void
controller IClientAPI
agentID UUID
sessionID UUID
field byte
localId uint
mask uint
set byte
return void

HandlePurgeInventoryDescendents() public method

public HandlePurgeInventoryDescendents ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderID UUID
return void

HandleRemoveKnownRegionsFromAvatar() public method

Removes region from an avatar's known region list. This coincides with child agents. For each child agent, there will be a known region entry.
public HandleRemoveKnownRegionsFromAvatar ( UUID avatarID, List regionslst ) : void
avatarID UUID
regionslst List
return void

HandleUUIDNameRequest() public method

public HandleUUIDNameRequest ( UUID uuid, IClientAPI remote_client ) : void
uuid UUID
remote_client IClientAPI
return void

HandleUpdateInventoryFolder() public method

Handle a client request to update the inventory folder
public HandleUpdateInventoryFolder ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, ushort type, string name, UUID parentID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderID UUID
type ushort
name string
parentID UUID
return void

IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate() public method

We've got an update about an agent that sees into this region, send it to ScenePresence for processing It's the full data.
public IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate ( AgentData cAgentData ) : bool
cAgentData AgentData Agent that contains all of the relevant things about an agent. /// Appearance, animations, position, etc.
return bool

IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate() public method

We've got an update about an agent that sees into this region, send it to ScenePresence for processing It's only positional data
public IncomingChildAgentDataUpdate ( AgentPosition cAgentData ) : bool
cAgentData AgentPosition AgentPosition that contains agent positional data so we can know what to send
return bool

IncomingCloseAgent() public method

Tell a single agent to disconnect from the region.
public IncomingCloseAgent ( UUID agentID ) : bool
agentID UUID
return bool

IncomingCreateObject() public method

Called when objects or attachments cross the border, or teleport, between regions.
public IncomingCreateObject ( ISceneObject sog ) : bool
sog ISceneObject
return bool

IncomingCreateObject() public method

Attachment rezzing
public IncomingCreateObject ( UUID userID, UUID itemID ) : bool
userID UUID Agent Unique ID
itemID UUID Object ID
return bool

IncomingHelloNeighbour() public method

public IncomingHelloNeighbour ( RegionInfo neighbour ) : GridRegion
neighbour RegionInfo
return OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.GridRegion

IncomingRetrieveRootAgent() public method

public IncomingRetrieveRootAgent ( UUID id, IAgentData &agent ) : bool
agent IAgentData
return bool

LinkObjects() public method

public LinkObjects ( IClientAPI client, uint parentPrimId, List childPrimIds ) : void
client IClientAPI
parentPrimId uint
childPrimIds List
return void

LoadPrimsFromStorage() public method

Loads the World's objects
public LoadPrimsFromStorage ( UUID regionID ) : void
regionID UUID
return void

LoadWindlightProfile() public method

public LoadWindlightProfile ( ) : void
return void

LoadWorldMap() public method

Loads the World heightmap
public LoadWorldMap ( ) : void
return void

MoveInventoryItem() public method

Move an item within the agent's inventory.
public MoveInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List items ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
items List
return void

MoveTaskInventoryItem() public method

Move the given item in the given prim to a folder in the client's inventory
public MoveTaskInventoryItem ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderId, SceneObjectPart part, UUID itemId ) : InventoryItemBase
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderId UUID
part SceneObjectPart
itemId UUID
return InventoryItemBase

MoveTaskInventoryItem() public method

public MoveTaskInventoryItem ( UUID avatarId, UUID folderId, SceneObjectPart part, UUID itemId ) : InventoryItemBase
avatarId UUID
folderId UUID
part SceneObjectPart
itemId UUID
return InventoryItemBase

MoveTaskInventoryItem() public method

Copy a task (prim) inventory item to another task (prim)
public MoveTaskInventoryItem ( UUID destId, SceneObjectPart part, UUID itemId ) : void
destId UUID
part SceneObjectPart
itemId UUID
return void

MoveTaskInventoryItems() public method

public MoveTaskInventoryItems ( UUID destID, string category, SceneObjectPart host, List items ) : UUID
category string
host SceneObjectPart
items List
return UUID

NeedSceneCacheClear() public method

public NeedSceneCacheClear ( UUID agentID ) : bool
agentID UUID
return bool

NewUserConnection() public method

Do the work necessary to initiate a new user connection for a particular scene. At the moment, this consists of setting up the caps infrastructure The return bool should allow for connections to be refused, but as not all calling paths take proper notice of it let, we allowed banned users in still.
public NewUserConnection ( AgentCircuitData agent, uint teleportFlags, string &reason ) : bool
agent AgentCircuitData CircuitData of the agent who is connecting
teleportFlags uint
reason string Outputs the reason for the false response on this string
return bool

NewUserConnection() public method

Do the work necessary to initiate a new user connection for a particular scene. At the moment, this consists of setting up the caps infrastructure The return bool should allow for connections to be refused, but as not all calling paths take proper notice of it let, we allowed banned users in still.
public NewUserConnection ( AgentCircuitData agent, uint teleportFlags, string &reason, bool requirePresenceLookup ) : bool
agent AgentCircuitData CircuitData of the agent who is connecting
teleportFlags uint
reason string Outputs the reason for the false response on this string
requirePresenceLookup bool True for normal presence. False for NPC /// or other applications where a full grid/Hypergrid presence may not be required.
return bool

OtherRegionUp() public method

Another region is up. We only add it to the neighbor list if it's within 1 region from here. Agents may have draw distance values that cross two regions though, so we add it to the notify list regardless of distance. We'll check the agent's draw distance before notifying them though.
public OtherRegionUp ( GridRegion otherRegion ) : void
otherRegion OpenSim.Services.Interfaces.GridRegion RegionInfo handle for the new region.
return void

PipeEventsForScript() public method

public PipeEventsForScript ( uint localID ) : bool
localID uint
return bool

PresenceChildStatus() public method

public PresenceChildStatus ( UUID avatarID ) : bool
avatarID UUID
return bool

ProcessAvatarPickerRequest() public method

public ProcessAvatarPickerRequest ( IClientAPI client, UUID avatarID, UUID RequestID, string query ) : void
client IClientAPI
avatarID UUID
RequestID UUID
query string
return void

ProcessMoneyTransferRequest() public method

public ProcessMoneyTransferRequest ( UUID source, UUID destination, int amount, int transactiontype, string description ) : void
source UUID
destination UUID
amount int
transactiontype int
description string
return void

ProcessObjectDeGrab() public method

public ProcessObjectDeGrab ( uint localID, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void
localID uint
remoteClient IClientAPI
surfaceArgs List
return void

ProcessObjectGrab() public method

public ProcessObjectGrab ( uint localID, Vector3 offsetPos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void
localID uint
offsetPos Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
surfaceArgs List
return void

ProcessObjectGrabUpdate() public method

public ProcessObjectGrabUpdate ( UUID objectID, Vector3 offset, Vector3 pos, IClientAPI remoteClient, List surfaceArgs ) : void
objectID UUID
offset Vector3
pos Vector3
remoteClient IClientAPI
surfaceArgs List
return void

ProcessParcelBuy() public method

public ProcessParcelBuy ( UUID agentId, UUID groupId, bool final, bool groupOwned, bool removeContribution, int parcelLocalID, int parcelArea, int parcelPrice, bool authenticated ) : void
agentId UUID
groupId UUID
final bool
groupOwned bool
removeContribution bool
parcelLocalID int
parcelArea int
parcelPrice int
authenticated bool
return void

ProcessScriptReset() public method

public ProcessScriptReset ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
objectID UUID
return void

ProcessViewerEffect() protected method

protected ProcessViewerEffect ( IClientAPI remoteClient, List args ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
args List
return void

RegenerateMaptile() public method

public RegenerateMaptile ( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e ElapsedEventArgs
return void

RegionHandleRequest() public method

public RegionHandleRequest ( IClientAPI client, UUID regionID ) : void
client IClientAPI
regionID UUID
return void

RegisterCommsEvents() public method

Register the methods that should be invoked when this scene receives various incoming events
public RegisterCommsEvents ( ) : void
return void

RegisterDefaultSceneEvents() protected method

protected RegisterDefaultSceneEvents ( ) : void
return void

RegisterRegionWithGrid() public method

Register this region with a grid service
Thrown if registration of the region itself fails.
public RegisterRegionWithGrid ( ) : void
return void

ReloadEstateData() public method

public ReloadEstateData ( ) : void
return void

RemoveClient() public method

Remove the given client from the scene.
public RemoveClient ( UUID agentID ) : void
agentID UUID
return void

RemoveGroupTarget() public method

public RemoveGroupTarget ( SceneObjectGroup grp ) : void
grp SceneObjectGroup
return void

RemovePhysicalPrim() public method

public RemovePhysicalPrim ( int num ) : void
num int
return void

RemoveTaskInventory() public method

Remove an item from a prim (task) inventory
public RemoveTaskInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, uint localID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI Unused at the moment but retained since the avatar ID might /// be necessary for a permissions check at some stage.
localID uint
return void

RequestPrim() public method

Invoked when the client requests a prim.
public RequestPrim ( uint primLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
primLocalID uint
remoteClient IClientAPI
return void

RequestTaskInventory() public method

Send the details of a prim's inventory to the client.
public RequestTaskInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, uint primLocalID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
primLocalID uint
return void

RequestTeleportLandmark() public method

Tries to teleport agent to landmark.
public RequestTeleportLandmark ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID regionID, Vector3 position ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
regionID UUID
position Vector3
return void

RequestTeleportLocation() public method

Tries to teleport agent to other region.
public RequestTeleportLocation ( IClientAPI remoteClient, string regionName, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookat, uint teleportFlags ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
regionName string
position Vector3
lookat Vector3
teleportFlags uint
return void

RequestTeleportLocation() public method

Tries to teleport agent to other region.
public RequestTeleportLocation ( IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint teleportFlags ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
regionHandle ulong
position Vector3
lookAt Vector3
teleportFlags uint
return void

Restart() public method

Given float seconds, this will restart the region.
public Restart ( float seconds ) : void
seconds float float indicating duration before restart.
return void

RestartNotifyWaitElapsed() public method

public RestartNotifyWaitElapsed ( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e ElapsedEventArgs
return void

RestartNow() public method

public RestartNow ( ) : void
return void

RestartTimer_Elapsed() public method

public RestartTimer_Elapsed ( object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e ElapsedEventArgs
return void

RezObject() public method

Rez an object into the scene from a prim's inventory.
public RezObject ( SceneObjectPart sourcePart, TaskInventoryItem item, Vector3 pos, Quaternion rot, Vector3 vel, int param ) : SceneObjectGroup
sourcePart SceneObjectPart
item TaskInventoryItem
pos Vector3
rot Quaternion
vel Vector3
param int
return SceneObjectGroup

RezObject() public method

Event Handler Rez an object into a scene Calls the non-void event handler
public RezObject ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID itemID, Vector3 RayEnd, Vector3 RayStart, UUID RayTargetID, byte BypassRayCast, bool RayEndIsIntersection, bool RezSelected, bool RemoveItem, UUID fromTaskID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
RayEnd Vector3
RayStart Vector3
RayTargetID UUID
BypassRayCast byte
RayEndIsIntersection bool
RezSelected bool
RemoveItem bool
fromTaskID UUID
return void

RezScript() public method

Rez a script into a prim's inventory, either ex nihilo or from an existing avatar inventory
public RezScript ( IClientAPI remoteClient, InventoryItemBase itemBase, UUID transactionID, uint localID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
itemBase InventoryItemBase
transactionID UUID
localID uint
return void

RezScript() public method

Rez a script into a prim's inventory from another prim
public RezScript ( UUID srcId, SceneObjectPart srcPart, UUID destId, int pin, int running, int start_param ) : void
srcId UUID
srcPart SceneObjectPart
destId UUID
pin int
running int
start_param int
return void

SaveTerrain() public method

Store the terrain in the persistant data store
public SaveTerrain ( ) : void
return void

Scene() public method

Mock constructor for scene group persistency unit tests. SceneObjectGroup RegionId property is delegated to Scene.
public Scene ( RegionInfo regInfo ) : System
regInfo RegionInfo
return System

Scene() public method

public Scene ( RegionInfo regInfo, AgentCircuitManager authen, SceneCommunicationService sceneGridService, ISimulationDataService simDataService, IEstateDataService estateDataService, ModuleLoader moduleLoader, bool dumpAssetsToFile, bool physicalPrim, bool SeeIntoRegionFromNeighbor, IConfigSource config, string simulatorVersion ) : System
regInfo RegionInfo
authen AgentCircuitManager
sceneGridService SceneCommunicationService
simDataService ISimulationDataService
estateDataService IEstateDataService
moduleLoader ModuleLoader
dumpAssetsToFile bool
physicalPrim bool
SeeIntoRegionFromNeighbor bool
config IConfigSource
simulatorVersion string
return System

ScriptDanger() public method

public ScriptDanger ( uint localID, Vector3 pos ) : bool
localID uint
pos Vector3
return bool

SelectPrim() public method

Invoked when the client selects a prim.
public SelectPrim ( uint primLocalID, IClientAPI remoteClient ) : void
primLocalID uint
remoteClient IClientAPI
return void

SendCommandToPlugins() public method

Console command handler to send script command to script engine.
public SendCommandToPlugins ( string args ) : void
args string
return void

SendInventoryAsync() protected method

protected SendInventoryAsync ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID folderID, UUID ownerID, bool fetchFolders, bool fetchItems, int sortOrder ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
folderID UUID
ownerID UUID
fetchFolders bool
fetchItems bool
sortOrder int
return void

SendInventoryComplete() protected method

protected SendInventoryComplete ( IAsyncResult iar ) : void
iar IAsyncResult
return void

SendKillObject() public method

public SendKillObject ( uint localID ) : void
localID uint
return void

SendOutChildAgentUpdates() public method

public SendOutChildAgentUpdates ( AgentPosition cadu, ScenePresence presence ) : void
cadu AgentPosition
presence ScenePresence
return void

SetHomeRezPoint() public method

Sets the Home Point. The LoginService uses this to know where to put a user when they log-in
public SetHomeRezPoint ( IClientAPI remoteClient, ulong regionHandle, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, uint flags ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
regionHandle ulong
position Vector3
lookAt Vector3
flags uint
return void

SetModuleInterfaces() public method

Sets up references to modules required by the scene
public SetModuleInterfaces ( ) : void
return void

SetSceneCoreDebug() public method

public SetSceneCoreDebug ( bool ScriptEngine, bool CollisionEvents, bool PhysicsEngine ) : void
ScriptEngine bool
CollisionEvents bool
PhysicsEngine bool
return void

SetScriptRunning() public method

public SetScriptRunning ( IClientAPI controllingClient, UUID objectID, UUID itemID, bool running ) : void
controllingClient IClientAPI
objectID UUID
running bool
return void

Show() public method

public Show ( string showParams ) : void
showParams string
return void

SimChat() public method

public SimChat ( byte message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent ) : void
message byte
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
fromPos Vector3
fromName string
fromAgent bool
return void

SimChat() protected method

protected SimChat ( byte message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent, bool broadcast ) : void
message byte
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
fromPos Vector3
fromName string
fromAgent bool
broadcast bool
return void

SimChat() public method

public SimChat ( string message, ChatTypeEnum type, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent ) : void
message string
type ChatTypeEnum
fromPos Vector3
fromName string
fromAgent bool
return void

SimChat() public method

public SimChat ( string message, string fromName ) : void
message string
fromName string
return void

SimChatBroadcast() public method

public SimChatBroadcast ( byte message, ChatTypeEnum type, int channel, Vector3 fromPos, string fromName, UUID fromID, bool fromAgent ) : void
message byte
type ChatTypeEnum
channel int
fromPos Vector3
fromName string
fromAgent bool
return void

StartTimer() public method

Start the timer which triggers regular scene updates
public StartTimer ( ) : void
return void

StoreWindlightProfile() public method

public StoreWindlightProfile ( RegionLightShareData wl ) : void
wl RegionLightShareData
return void

SubscribeToClientEvents() public method

Register for events from the client
public SubscribeToClientEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI The IClientAPI of the connected client
return void

SubscribeToClientGridEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientGridEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientInventoryEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientInventoryEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientNetworkEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientNetworkEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientParcelEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientParcelEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientPrimEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientPrimEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientPrimRezEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientPrimRezEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientScriptEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientScriptEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientTeleportEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientTeleportEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SubscribeToClientTerrainEvents() public method

public SubscribeToClientTerrainEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

SwapRootAgentCount() public method

public SwapRootAgentCount ( bool rootChildChildRootTF ) : void
rootChildChildRootTF bool
return void

TeleportClientHome() public method

Teleport an avatar to their home region
public TeleportClientHome ( UUID agentId, IClientAPI client ) : void
agentId UUID The avatar's Unique ID
client IClientAPI The IClientAPI for the client
return void

TestBorderCross() public method

public TestBorderCross ( Vector3 position, Cardinals border ) : bool
position Vector3
border Cardinals
return bool

TriggerEstateSunUpdate() public method

public TriggerEstateSunUpdate ( ) : void
return void

TryGetAvatarByName() public method

public TryGetAvatarByName ( string avatarName, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
avatarName string
avatar ScenePresence
return bool

TryGetClient() public method

public TryGetClient ( System remoteEndPoint, IClientAPI &client ) : bool
remoteEndPoint System
client IClientAPI
return bool

TryGetClient() public method

public TryGetClient ( UUID avatarID, IClientAPI &client ) : bool
avatarID UUID
client IClientAPI
return bool

TryGetScenePresence() public method

public TryGetScenePresence ( UUID avatarId, ScenePresence &avatar ) : bool
avatarId UUID
avatar ScenePresence
return bool

UnRegisterRegionWithComms() public method

Deregister this scene from receiving incoming region events
public UnRegisterRegionWithComms ( ) : void
return void

UnSubscribeToClientEvents() public method

Unsubscribe the client from events.
public UnSubscribeToClientEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI The IClientAPI of the client
return void

UnSubscribeToClientGridEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientGridEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientInventoryEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientInventoryEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientNetworkEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientNetworkEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientParcelEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientParcelEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientPrimEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientPrimEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientPrimRezEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientPrimRezEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientScriptEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientScriptEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientTeleportEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientTeleportEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnSubscribeToClientTerrainEvents() public method

public UnSubscribeToClientTerrainEvents ( IClientAPI client ) : void
client IClientAPI
return void

UnlinkSceneObject() public method

Unlink the given object from the scene. Unlike delete, this just removes the record of the object - the object itself is not destroyed.
public UnlinkSceneObject ( SceneObjectGroup so, bool softDelete ) : bool
so SceneObjectGroup The scene object.
softDelete bool If true, only deletes from scene, but keeps the object in the database.
return bool

Update() public method

Performs per-frame updates on the scene, this should be the central scene loop
public Update ( ) : void
return void

UpdateCircuitData() public method

Update an AgentCircuitData object with new information
public UpdateCircuitData ( AgentCircuitData data ) : void
data AgentCircuitData Information to update the AgentCircuitData with
return void

UpdateInventoryItemAsset() public method

Update an item which is either already in the client's inventory or is within a transaction
public UpdateInventoryItemAsset ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, UUID itemID, InventoryItemBase itemUpd ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
transactionID UUID The transaction ID. If this is UUID.Zero we will /// assume that we are not in a transaction
itemID UUID The ID of the updated item
itemUpd InventoryItemBase
return void

UpdateTaskInventory() public method

Update an item in a prim (task) inventory. This method does not handle scripts, RezScript(IClientAPI, UUID, unit)
public UpdateTaskInventory ( IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID transactionID, TaskInventoryItem itemInfo, uint primLocalID ) : void
remoteClient IClientAPI
transactionID UUID
itemInfo TaskInventoryItem
primLocalID uint
return void

VerifyUserPresence() public method

Verifies that the user has a presence on the Grid
public VerifyUserPresence ( AgentCircuitData agent, string &reason ) : bool
agent AgentCircuitData Circuit Data of the Agent we're verifying
reason string Outputs the reason for the false response on this string
return bool

WaitGetScenePresence() protected method

protected WaitGetScenePresence ( UUID agentID ) : ScenePresence
agentID UUID
return ScenePresence

attachObjectAssetStore() public method

public attachObjectAssetStore ( IClientAPI remoteClient, SceneObjectGroup grp, UUID AgentId, UUID &itemID ) : UUID
remoteClient IClientAPI
grp SceneObjectGroup
AgentId UUID
return UUID

doObjectDuplicateOnRay() public method

Duplicates object specified by localID at position raycasted against RayTargetObject using RayEnd and RayStart to determine what the angle of the ray is
public doObjectDuplicateOnRay ( uint localID, uint dupeFlags, UUID AgentID, UUID GroupID, UUID RayTargetObj, Vector3 RayEnd, Vector3 RayStart, bool BypassRaycast, bool RayEndIsIntersection, bool CopyCenters, bool CopyRotates ) : void
localID uint ID of object to duplicate
dupeFlags uint
AgentID UUID Agent doing the duplication
GroupID UUID Group of new object
RayTargetObj UUID The target of the Ray
RayEnd Vector3 The ending of the ray (farthest away point)
RayStart Vector3 The Beginning of the ray (closest point)
BypassRaycast bool Bool to bypass raycasting
RayEndIsIntersection bool The End specified is the place to add the object
CopyCenters bool Position the object at the center of the face that it's colliding with
CopyRotates bool Rotate the object the same as the localID object
return void

jointDeactivated() protected method

protected jointDeactivated ( PhysicsJoint joint ) : void
joint PhysicsJoint
return void

jointErrorMessage() public method

public jointErrorMessage ( PhysicsJoint joint, string message ) : void
joint PhysicsJoint
message string
return void

jointMoved() protected method

protected jointMoved ( PhysicsJoint joint ) : void
joint PhysicsJoint
return void

loadAllLandObjectsFromStorage() public method

Loads all Parcel data from the datastore for region identified by regionID
public loadAllLandObjectsFromStorage ( UUID regionID ) : void
regionID UUID Unique Identifier of the Region to load parcel data for
return void

returnObjects() public method

public returnObjects ( SceneObjectGroup returnobjects, UUID AgentId ) : bool
returnobjects SceneObjectGroup
AgentId UUID
return bool

Property Details

DumpAssetsToFile public_oe property

public bool DumpAssetsToFile
return bool

EastBorders public_oe property

public List EastBorders
return List

GenerationSeed protected_oe property

protected long GenerationSeed
return long

LoadingPrims public_oe property

public bool LoadingPrims
return bool

LoginsDisabled public_oe property

public bool LoginsDisabled
return bool

MaxUndoCount public_oe property

public int MaxUndoCount
return int

NorthBorders public_oe property

public List NorthBorders
return List

SouthBorders public_oe property

public List SouthBorders
return List

StatsReporter public_oe property

public SimStatsReporter StatsReporter
return SimStatsReporter

SynchronizeScene public_oe property

public SynchronizeSceneHandler SynchronizeScene
return SynchronizeSceneHandler

WestBorders public_oe property

public List WestBorders
return List

XferManager public_oe property

public IXfer XferManager
return IXfer

m_AssetService protected_oe property

protected IAssetService m_AssetService
return IAssetService

m_AuthenticationService protected_oe property

protected IAuthenticationService m_AuthenticationService
return IAuthenticationService

m_AuthorizationService protected_oe property

protected IAuthorizationService m_AuthorizationService
return IAuthorizationService

m_AvatarFactory protected_oe property

protected IAvatarFactory m_AvatarFactory
return IAvatarFactory

m_AvatarService protected_oe property

protected IAvatarService m_AvatarService
return IAvatarService

m_EstateDataService protected_oe property

protected IEstateDataService m_EstateDataService
return IEstateDataService

m_GridService protected_oe property

protected IGridService m_GridService
return IGridService

m_GridUserService protected_oe property

protected IGridUserService m_GridUserService
return IGridUserService

m_InventoryService protected_oe property

protected IInventoryService m_InventoryService
return IInventoryService

m_LibraryService protected_oe property

protected ILibraryService m_LibraryService
return ILibraryService

m_PresenceService protected_oe property

protected IPresenceService m_PresenceService
return IPresenceService

m_SimulationDataService protected_oe property

protected ISimulationDataService m_SimulationDataService
return ISimulationDataService

m_UserAccountService protected_oe property

protected IUserAccountService m_UserAccountService
return IUserAccountService

m_allowScriptCrossings public_oe property

public bool m_allowScriptCrossings
return bool

m_asyncSceneObjectDeleter protected_oe property

Allows asynchronous derezzing of objects from the scene into a client's inventory.
protected AsyncSceneObjectGroupDeleter m_asyncSceneObjectDeleter
return AsyncSceneObjectGroupDeleter

m_authenticateHandler protected_oe property

protected AgentCircuitManager m_authenticateHandler
return AgentCircuitManager

m_capsModule protected_oe property

protected ICapabilitiesModule m_capsModule
return ICapabilitiesModule

m_clampPrimSize public_oe property

public bool m_clampPrimSize
return bool

m_config protected_oe property

protected IConfigSource m_config
return IConfigSource

m_dialogModule protected_oe property

protected IDialogModule m_dialogModule
return IDialogModule

m_dontPersistBefore public_oe property

public long m_dontPersistBefore
return long

m_fps protected_oe property

protected int m_fps
return int

m_frame protected_oe property

protected uint m_frame
return uint

m_lastupdate protected_oe property

protected DateTime m_lastupdate
return DateTime

m_maxNonphys public_oe property

public float m_maxNonphys
return float

m_maxPhys public_oe property

public float m_maxPhys
return float

m_moduleLoader protected_oe property

protected ModuleLoader m_moduleLoader
return ModuleLoader

m_neighbours protected_oe property

protected List m_neighbours
return List

m_persistAfter public_oe property

public long m_persistAfter
return long

m_physicalPrim public_oe property

Are we applying physics to any of the prims in this scene?
public bool m_physicalPrim
return bool

m_regionRestartNotifyList protected_oe property

protected List m_regionRestartNotifyList
return List

m_restartWaitTimer protected_oe property

protected Timer,System.Timers m_restartWaitTimer
return System.Timers.Timer

m_sceneGridService protected_oe property

protected SceneCommunicationService m_sceneGridService
return SceneCommunicationService

m_seeIntoRegionFromNeighbor public_oe property

public bool m_seeIntoRegionFromNeighbor
return bool

m_serialiser protected_oe property

protected IRegionSerialiserModule m_serialiser
return IRegionSerialiserModule

m_simulationService protected_oe property

protected ISimulationService m_simulationService
return ISimulationService

m_simulatorVersion protected_oe property

protected string m_simulatorVersion
return string

m_splitRegionID protected_oe property

protected int m_splitRegionID
return int

m_strictAccessControl public_oe property

public bool m_strictAccessControl
return bool

m_teleportModule protected_oe property

protected IEntityTransferModule m_teleportModule
return IEntityTransferModule

m_timespan protected_oe property

protected float m_timespan
return float

m_trustBinaries public_oe property

public bool m_trustBinaries
return bool

m_useFlySlow public_oe property

public bool m_useFlySlow
return bool

m_usePreJump public_oe property

public bool m_usePreJump
return bool

m_worldCommModule protected_oe property

protected IWorldComm m_worldCommModule
return IWorldComm

m_xmlrpcModule protected_oe property

protected IXMLRPC m_xmlrpcModule
return IXMLRPC