C# Class Nexus.Client.ModManagement.ReadMeSetupTask

Inheritance: ThreadedBackgroundTask
Exibir arquivo Open project: NexusMods/NexusModManager-4.5 Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
m_lstModList List
tfmFileManager ChinhDo.Transactions.TxFileManager

Public Methods

Method Description
Cancel ( ) : void

Cancels the update.

ReadMeSetupTask ( ReadMeManager p_rmmReadMeManager, List p_lstModList ) : System

A simple constructor that initializes the object with its dependencies.

Update ( ConfirmActionMethod p_camConfirm ) : void

Starts the update.

Protected Methods

Method Description
DoWork ( object p_objArgs ) : object

The method that is called to start the backgound task.

OnTaskEnded ( TaskEndedEventArgs e ) : void

Raises the IBackgroundTask.TaskEnded event.

Method Details

Cancel() public method

Cancels the update.
public Cancel ( ) : void
return void

DoWork() protected method

The method that is called to start the backgound task.
protected DoWork ( object p_objArgs ) : object
p_objArgs object Arguments to for the task execution.
return object

OnTaskEnded() protected method

Raises the IBackgroundTask.TaskEnded event.
protected OnTaskEnded ( TaskEndedEventArgs e ) : void
e Nexus.Client.BackgroundTasks.TaskEndedEventArgs A describing the event arguments.
return void

ReadMeSetupTask() public method

A simple constructor that initializes the object with its dependencies.
public ReadMeSetupTask ( ReadMeManager p_rmmReadMeManager, List p_lstModList ) : System
p_rmmReadMeManager ReadMeManager
p_lstModList List
return System

Update() public method

Starts the update.
public Update ( ConfirmActionMethod p_camConfirm ) : void
p_camConfirm ConfirmActionMethod The delegate to call to confirm an action.
return void

Property Details

m_lstModList protected_oe property

protected List m_lstModList
return List

tfmFileManager protected_oe property

protected TxFileManager,ChinhDo.Transactions tfmFileManager
return ChinhDo.Transactions.TxFileManager