C# Class Nettiers.AdventureWorks.UnitTests.StoreContactTest

Provides tests for the and StoreContact objects (entity, collection and repository).
Exibir arquivo Open project: netTiers/netTiers Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
mock Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact
mockCollection TList

Public Methods

Method Description
CleanUp_Generated ( ) : void

This method is used to restore the environment after the tests are completed.

CreateMockInstance_Generated ( TransactionManager tm ) : StoreContact

Returns a Typed StoreContact Entity with mock values.

Init_Generated ( ) : void

This method is used to construct the test environment prior to running the tests.

UpdateMockInstance_Generated ( TransactionManager tm, StoreContact mock ) : void

Update the Typed StoreContact Entity with modified mock values.

Protected Methods

Method Description
CreateTransaction ( ) : TransactionManager

Private Methods

Method Description
Step_02_SelectAll_Generated ( ) : void

Selects all StoreContact objects of the database.

Step_03_DeepLoad_Generated ( ) : void

Deep load all StoreContact children.

Step_06_SerializeEntity_Generated ( ) : void

Serialize the mock StoreContact entity into a temporary file.

Step_07_DeserializeEntity_Generated ( ) : void

Deserialize the mock StoreContact entity from a temporary file.

Step_08_SerializeCollection_Generated ( ) : void

Serialize a StoreContact collection into a temporary file.

Step_09_DeserializeCollection_Generated ( ) : void

Deserialize a StoreContact collection from a temporary file.

Step_20_TestEntityHelper_Generated ( ) : void

Test methods exposed by the EntityHelper class.

Step_30_TestFindByQuery_Generated ( ) : void

Test Find using the Query class

Method Details

CleanUp_Generated() static public method

This method is used to restore the environment after the tests are completed.
static public CleanUp_Generated ( ) : void
return void

CreateMockInstance_Generated() static public method

Returns a Typed StoreContact Entity with mock values.
static public CreateMockInstance_Generated ( TransactionManager tm ) : StoreContact
tm TransactionManager
return Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact

CreateTransaction() protected static method

protected static CreateTransaction ( ) : TransactionManager
return TransactionManager

Init_Generated() static public method

This method is used to construct the test environment prior to running the tests.
static public Init_Generated ( ) : void
return void

UpdateMockInstance_Generated() static public method

Update the Typed StoreContact Entity with modified mock values.
static public UpdateMockInstance_Generated ( TransactionManager tm, StoreContact mock ) : void
tm TransactionManager
mock Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact
return void

Property Details

mock protected_oe property

protected StoreContact,Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities mock
return Nettiers.AdventureWorks.Entities.StoreContact

mockCollection protected_oe property

protected TList mockCollection
return TList