C# Class Netshoes.Api.V1.OrdersApi

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints
Inheritance: IOrdersApi
Exibir arquivo Open project: netshoes/marketplace-api-sdk-csharp

Public Methods

Method Description
GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String

Gets the base path of the API client.

GetOrder ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : OrderResource

Get a order based on order number.

GetOrderAsync ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : Task

Get a order based on order number.

GetOrderShipping ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, string Expand ) : ShippingResource

Get a shipping based on order number and shipping code.

GetOrderShippingAsync ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, string Expand ) : Task

Get a shipping based on order number and shipping code.

ListOrderShippings ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : ShippingListResource

Get a list of shippings by order number.

ListOrderShippingsAsync ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : Task

Get a list of shippings by order number.

ListOrders ( int Page, int Size, string Expand, System.DateTime OrderStartDate, System.DateTime OrderEndDate, string OrderStatus, string OrderType ) : OrderListResource

Get a list of Orders.

ListOrdersAsync ( int Page, int Size, string Expand, System.DateTime OrderStartDate, System.DateTime OrderEndDate, string OrderStatus, string OrderType ) : Task

Get a list of Orders.

OrdersApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OrdersApi class.

OrdersApi ( String basePath ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the OrdersApi class.

SaveOrder ( OrderResource Body ) : OrderResource

SaveOrderAsync ( OrderResource Body ) : Task

SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void

Sets the base path of the API client.

UpdateShippingItemStatus ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, long IdItem, StatusResource Body ) : StatusResource

Update status of item.

UpdateShippingItemStatusAsync ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, long IdItem, StatusResource Body ) : Task

Update status of item.

UpdateShippingStatus ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, StatusResource Body ) : StatusResource

Update status of shipping.

UpdateShippingStatusAsync ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, StatusResource Body ) : Task

Update status of shipping.

Method Details

GetBasePath() public method

Gets the base path of the API client.
public GetBasePath ( String basePath ) : String
basePath String
return String

GetOrder() public method

Get a order based on order number.
public GetOrder ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : OrderResource
OrderNumber string
Expand string
return OrderResource

GetOrderAsync() public method

Get a order based on order number.
public GetOrderAsync ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : Task
OrderNumber string
Expand string
return Task

GetOrderShipping() public method

Get a shipping based on order number and shipping code.
public GetOrderShipping ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, string Expand ) : ShippingResource
OrderNumber string
ShippingCode long
Expand string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.ShippingResource

GetOrderShippingAsync() public method

Get a shipping based on order number and shipping code.
public GetOrderShippingAsync ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, string Expand ) : Task
OrderNumber string
ShippingCode long
Expand string
return Task

ListOrderShippings() public method

Get a list of shippings by order number.
public ListOrderShippings ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : ShippingListResource
OrderNumber string
Expand string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.ShippingListResource

ListOrderShippingsAsync() public method

Get a list of shippings by order number.
public ListOrderShippingsAsync ( string OrderNumber, string Expand ) : Task
OrderNumber string
Expand string
return Task

ListOrders() public method

Get a list of Orders.
public ListOrders ( int Page, int Size, string Expand, System.DateTime OrderStartDate, System.DateTime OrderEndDate, string OrderStatus, string OrderType ) : OrderListResource
Page int
Size int
Expand string
OrderStartDate System.DateTime
OrderEndDate System.DateTime
OrderStatus string
OrderType string
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.OrderListResource

ListOrdersAsync() public method

Get a list of Orders.
public ListOrdersAsync ( int Page, int Size, string Expand, System.DateTime OrderStartDate, System.DateTime OrderEndDate, string OrderStatus, string OrderType ) : Task
Page int
Size int
Expand string
OrderStartDate System.DateTime
OrderEndDate System.DateTime
OrderStatus string
OrderType string
return Task

OrdersApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the OrdersApi class.
public OrdersApi ( ApiClient apiClient = null ) : System
apiClient Netshoes.Api.V1.Client.ApiClient
return System

OrdersApi() public method

Initializes a new instance of the OrdersApi class.
public OrdersApi ( String basePath ) : System
basePath String
return System

SaveOrder() public method

public SaveOrder ( OrderResource Body ) : OrderResource
Body OrderResource
return OrderResource

SaveOrderAsync() public method

public SaveOrderAsync ( OrderResource Body ) : Task
Body OrderResource
return Task

SetBasePath() public method

Sets the base path of the API client.
public SetBasePath ( String basePath ) : void
basePath String
return void

UpdateShippingItemStatus() public method

Update status of item.
public UpdateShippingItemStatus ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, long IdItem, StatusResource Body ) : StatusResource
OrderNumber string
ShippingCode long
IdItem long
Body Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.StatusResource
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.StatusResource

UpdateShippingItemStatusAsync() public method

Update status of item.
public UpdateShippingItemStatusAsync ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, long IdItem, StatusResource Body ) : Task
OrderNumber string
ShippingCode long
IdItem long
Body Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.StatusResource
return Task

UpdateShippingStatus() public method

Update status of shipping.
public UpdateShippingStatus ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, StatusResource Body ) : StatusResource
OrderNumber string
ShippingCode long
Body Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.StatusResource
return Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.StatusResource

UpdateShippingStatusAsync() public method

Update status of shipping.
public UpdateShippingStatusAsync ( string OrderNumber, long ShippingCode, StatusResource Body ) : Task
OrderNumber string
ShippingCode long
Body Netshoes.Api.V1.Model.StatusResource
return Task