C# Class NanoByte.Common.Native.WindowsCredentials

Provides an interface to the Windows Credentials API. Supported on Windows XP or newer.
Exibir arquivo Open project: nano-byte/common

Public Methods

Method Description
IsCredentialStored ( [ target ) : bool

Determines whether there are any credentials stored for a specific target.

Private Methods

Method Description
CreateCredUIInfo ( IntPtr owner, string title, string message ) : CredUIInfo
HandleResult ( int result ) : void
PromptCli ( [ target, WindowsCredentialsFlags flags ) : NetworkCredential
PromptDialog ( [ target, WindowsCredentialsFlags flags, [ title = null, [ message = null, IntPtr owner = default(IntPtr) ) : NetworkCredential

Method Details

IsCredentialStored() public static method

Determines whether there are any credentials stored for a specific target.
The current platform does not support the Credentials API. Needs Windows XP or newer.
public static IsCredentialStored ( [ target ) : bool
target [ A string uniquely identifying the target the credentials are intended for.
return bool