C# Class MyMediaLite.Eval.KDDCup

Evaluation and prediction routines for the KDD Cup 2011
Exibir arquivo Open project: zenogantner/MML-KDD

Public Methods

Method Description
EvaluateTrack2 ( IList predictions, Dictionary candidates, Dictionary hits ) : double

Evaluate Track 2 on a validation set

EvaluateTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, Dictionary hits ) : double

Evaluate Track 2 on a validation set

PredictRatings ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, BinaryWriter writer ) : void

Predict ratings for Track 1

PredictRatings ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, string filename ) : void

Predict ratings for Track 1

PredictRatingsDouble ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, BinaryWriter writer ) : void

Predict ratings (double precision)

PredictRatingsDouble ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, string filename ) : void

Predict ratings (double precision)

PredictScoresTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, BinaryWriter writer ) : void

Predict item scores for Track 2

PredictScoresTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, string filename ) : void

Predict item scores for Track 2

PredictTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, TextWriter writer ) : void

Predict items for Track 2

PredictTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, string filename ) : void

Predict items for Track 2

Method Details

EvaluateTrack2() public static method

Evaluate Track 2 on a validation set
public static EvaluateTrack2 ( IList predictions, Dictionary candidates, Dictionary hits ) : double
predictions IList the predictions for all candidates as one list
candidates Dictionary the candidate items (per user)
hits Dictionary the real items (per user)
return double

EvaluateTrack2() public static method

Evaluate Track 2 on a validation set
public static EvaluateTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, Dictionary hits ) : double
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
candidates Dictionary the candidate items (per user)
hits Dictionary the real items (per user)
return double

PredictRatings() public static method

Predict ratings for Track 1
public static PredictRatings ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, BinaryWriter writer ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
ratings IRatings the ratings to predict
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter the writer object to write the predictions to
return void

PredictRatings() public static method

Predict ratings for Track 1
public static PredictRatings ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, string filename ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
ratings IRatings the ratings to predict
filename string the file to write the predictions to
return void

PredictRatingsDouble() public static method

Predict ratings (double precision)
public static PredictRatingsDouble ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, BinaryWriter writer ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
ratings IRatings the ratings to predict
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter the writer object to write the predictions to
return void

PredictRatingsDouble() public static method

Predict ratings (double precision)
public static PredictRatingsDouble ( IRecommender recommender, IRatings ratings, string filename ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
ratings IRatings the ratings to predict
filename string the file to write the predictions to
return void

PredictScoresTrack2() public static method

Predict item scores for Track 2
public static PredictScoresTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, BinaryWriter writer ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
candidates Dictionary a mapping from user IDs to the candidate items
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter the writer to write the scores to
return void

PredictScoresTrack2() public static method

Predict item scores for Track 2
public static PredictScoresTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, string filename ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
candidates Dictionary a mapping from user IDs to the candidate items
filename string the file to write the predictions to
return void

PredictTrack2() public static method

Predict items for Track 2
public static PredictTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, TextWriter writer ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
candidates Dictionary a mapping from user IDs to the candidate items
writer System.IO.TextWriter the writer object to write the predictions to
return void

PredictTrack2() public static method

Predict items for Track 2
public static PredictTrack2 ( IRecommender recommender, Dictionary candidates, string filename ) : void
recommender IRecommender the recommender to use
candidates Dictionary a mapping from user IDs to the candidate items
filename string the file to write the predictions to
return void