C# Class Mono.Debugger.Backend.Architecture

Architecture-dependent interface.
Inheritance: DebuggerMarshalByRefObject, IDisposable
Exibir arquivo Open project: baulig/debugger Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
TargetInfo TargetInfo
process Process

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CopyRegisters Registers
CreateFrame StackFrame
CreateFrame StackFrame
Dispose void
GetLMF StackFrame
Hack_ReturnNull void
IsRetInstruction bool
IsSyscallInstruction bool
ReadInstruction Mono.Debugger.Architectures.Instruction
TrySpecialUnwind StackFrame
UnwindStack StackFrame
check_disposed void

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void
PrintRegister ( Register register ) : string
PrintRegisters ( StackFrame frame ) : string

Protected Methods

Method Description
Architecture ( Process process, TargetInfo info ) : System
DoDispose ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CopyRegisters ( Registers regs ) : Registers
CreateFrame ( System.Thread thread, FrameType type, TargetMemoryAccess target, Registers regs ) : StackFrame
CreateFrame ( System.Thread thread, FrameType type, TargetMemoryAccess target, TargetAddress address, TargetAddress stack, TargetAddress frame_pointer, Registers regs ) : StackFrame
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
GetLMF ( ThreadServant thread, TargetMemoryAccess target, TargetAddress &lmf_address ) : StackFrame
Hack_ReturnNull ( Inferior inferior ) : void
IsRetInstruction ( TargetMemoryAccess memory, TargetAddress address ) : bool

Returns whether the instruction at target address @address is a `ret' instruction.

IsSyscallInstruction ( TargetMemoryAccess memory, TargetAddress address ) : bool

Returns whether the instruction at target address @address is a `syscall' instruction.

ReadInstruction ( TargetMemoryAccess memory, TargetAddress address ) : Instruction
TrySpecialUnwind ( StackFrame last_frame, TargetMemoryAccess memory ) : StackFrame
UnwindStack ( StackFrame last_frame, TargetMemoryAccess memory, byte code, int offset ) : StackFrame
check_disposed ( ) : void

Method Details

Architecture() protected method

protected Architecture ( Process process, TargetInfo info ) : System
process Process
info TargetInfo
return System

Dispose() public method

public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

DoDispose() protected method

protected DoDispose ( ) : void
return void

PrintRegister() public abstract method

public abstract PrintRegister ( Register register ) : string
register Register
return string

PrintRegisters() public abstract method

public abstract PrintRegisters ( StackFrame frame ) : string
frame StackFrame
return string

Property Details

TargetInfo protected_oe property

protected TargetInfo TargetInfo
return TargetInfo

process protected_oe property

protected Process process
return Process