C# Class Mixpanel.NET.MixpanelExtension

Exibir arquivo Open project: fistbump/framework

Public Methods

Method Description
Base64Decode ( this source ) : string
Base64Encode ( this source ) : string
ComputeHash ( this value ) : string
FormatDate ( this value ) : string

Converts the time to "sortable" format which MixPanel understands https://mixpanel.com/docs/properties-or-segments/property-data-types http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/az4se3k1(v=vs.110).aspx

FormatProperties ( object>.this values ) : object>.IDictionary
ParseEvent ( this data ) : MixpanelEvent
SplitCamelCase ( this value ) : string
ToMixpanelEvent ( this @event, bool literalSerialization = false ) : MixpanelEvent
UriParameters ( this query ) : string>.IDictionary

Method Details

Base64Decode() public static method

public static Base64Decode ( this source ) : string
source this
return string

Base64Encode() public static method

public static Base64Encode ( this source ) : string
source this
return string

ComputeHash() public static method

public static ComputeHash ( this value ) : string
value this
return string

FormatDate() public static method

Converts the time to "sortable" format which MixPanel understands https://mixpanel.com/docs/properties-or-segments/property-data-types http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/az4se3k1(v=vs.110).aspx
public static FormatDate ( this value ) : string
value this
return string

FormatProperties() public static method

public static FormatProperties ( object>.this values ) : object>.IDictionary
values object>.this
return object>.IDictionary

ParseEvent() public static method

public static ParseEvent ( this data ) : MixpanelEvent
data this
return MixpanelEvent

SplitCamelCase() public static method

public static SplitCamelCase ( this value ) : string
value this
return string

ToMixpanelEvent() public static method

public static ToMixpanelEvent ( this @event, bool literalSerialization = false ) : MixpanelEvent
@event this
literalSerialization bool
return MixpanelEvent

UriParameters() public static method

public static UriParameters ( this query ) : string>.IDictionary
query this
return string>.IDictionary