C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.CloudService.ServiceComponents

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Public Methods

Method Description
AddRoleToConfiguration ( RoleSettings role, DevEnv env ) : void

Adds the given role settings to the specified configuration file.

AddStartupTask ( string roleName, string commandLine, ExecutionContext context ) : void

Adds new startup task to the given role.

ForEachRoleSettings ( bool>.Func predicate, Action action ) : void

Applied given action to all matching

GetCloudConfigRole ( string name ) : RoleSettings

Gets the role if exists otherwise return null.

GetLocalConfigRole ( string name ) : RoleSettings

Gets the role if exists otherwise return null.

GetNextPort ( ) : int

Gets the next available port, starts from 80.

GetRoleStartup ( string roleName ) : Startup

Gets role startup.

GetRoles ( IEnumerable roleNames ) : IEnumerable

Gets all role settings that matches the given name.

GetRoles ( ) : IEnumerable

Gets all existing role names.

GetStartupTask ( string roleName ) : Task

Searches for a startup task that matches one of the given command lines for the specified role.

GetStartupTaskVariable ( string roleName, string name ) : string

Gets startup task variable with the specified name.

GetWebRole ( string name ) : WebRole

Gets the web role if exists otherwise return null.

GetWorkerRole ( string name ) : WorkerRole

Gets the worker role if exists otherwise return null.

GetWorkerRoles ( Predicate predicate ) : IEnumerable

Gets all worker roles that matches given predicate.

IsWebRole ( string roleName ) : bool

Decides if the given role is web or worker role.

RoleExists ( string roleName ) : bool

Determines if a specified role exists in service components (*.csdef, local and cloud *cscfg) or not.

Save ( CloudProjectPathInfo paths ) : void
ServiceComponents ( CloudProjectPathInfo paths ) : System
ServiceComponents ( string cloudConfiguration ) : System
SetRoleInstances ( string roleName, int instances ) : void
SetRoleVMSize ( string roleName, string vmSize ) : void

Sets the VM size of a role

SetStartupTaskVariable ( string roleName, string name, string value ) : void

Sets a startup task environment variable.

StartupTaskExists ( string roleName ) : bool

Checks if a startup task exists with specified command line.

ValidRoleName ( string roleName ) : bool

Validates if given role name is valid or not

This method doesn't check if the role exists in service components or not. To check for role existence use RoleExists

Private Methods

Method Description
LoadComponents ( CloudProjectPathInfo paths ) : void

Method Details

AddRoleToConfiguration() public method

Adds the given role settings to the specified configuration file.
public AddRoleToConfiguration ( RoleSettings role, DevEnv env ) : void
role Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceConfigurationSchema.RoleSettings The role settings instance
env DevEnv The environment
return void

AddStartupTask() public method

Adds new startup task to the given role.
public AddStartupTask ( string roleName, string commandLine, ExecutionContext context ) : void
roleName string The role name
commandLine string The startup task command line
context ExecutionContext The execution context
return void

ForEachRoleSettings() public method

Applied given action to all matching
public ForEachRoleSettings ( bool>.Func predicate, Action action ) : void
predicate bool>.Func
action Action
return void

GetCloudConfigRole() public method

Gets the role if exists otherwise return null.
public GetCloudConfigRole ( string name ) : RoleSettings
name string The role name
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceConfigurationSchema.RoleSettings

GetLocalConfigRole() public method

Gets the role if exists otherwise return null.
public GetLocalConfigRole ( string name ) : RoleSettings
name string The role name
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceConfigurationSchema.RoleSettings

GetNextPort() public method

Gets the next available port, starts from 80.
public GetNextPort ( ) : int
return int

GetRoleStartup() public method

Gets role startup.
public GetRoleStartup ( string roleName ) : Startup
roleName string The role name
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.Startup

GetRoles() public method

Gets all role settings that matches the given name.
public GetRoles ( IEnumerable roleNames ) : IEnumerable
roleNames IEnumerable Role names collection
return IEnumerable

GetRoles() public method

Gets all existing role names.
public GetRoles ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable

GetStartupTask() public method

Searches for a startup task that matches one of the given command lines for the specified role.
public GetStartupTask ( string roleName ) : Task
roleName string The role name
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.Task

GetStartupTaskVariable() public method

Gets startup task variable with the specified name.
public GetStartupTaskVariable ( string roleName, string name ) : string
roleName string The role name
name string The variable name
return string

GetWebRole() public method

Gets the web role if exists otherwise return null.
public GetWebRole ( string name ) : WebRole
name string The web role name
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WebRole

GetWorkerRole() public method

Gets the worker role if exists otherwise return null.
public GetWorkerRole ( string name ) : WorkerRole
name string The worker role name
return Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Utilities.Common.XmlSchema.ServiceDefinitionSchema.WorkerRole

GetWorkerRoles() public method

Gets all worker roles that matches given predicate.
public GetWorkerRoles ( Predicate predicate ) : IEnumerable
predicate Predicate The matching predicate
return IEnumerable

IsWebRole() public method

Decides if the given role is web or worker role.
public IsWebRole ( string roleName ) : bool
roleName string The role name
return bool

RoleExists() public method

Determines if a specified role exists in service components (*.csdef, local and cloud *cscfg) or not.
public RoleExists ( string roleName ) : bool
roleName string Role name
return bool

Save() public method

public Save ( CloudProjectPathInfo paths ) : void
paths CloudProjectPathInfo
return void

ServiceComponents() public method

public ServiceComponents ( CloudProjectPathInfo paths ) : System
paths CloudProjectPathInfo
return System

ServiceComponents() public method

public ServiceComponents ( string cloudConfiguration ) : System
cloudConfiguration string
return System

SetRoleInstances() public method

public SetRoleInstances ( string roleName, int instances ) : void
roleName string
instances int
return void

SetRoleVMSize() public method

Sets the VM size of a role
public SetRoleVMSize ( string roleName, string vmSize ) : void
roleName string The role name
vmSize string The VM size
return void

SetStartupTaskVariable() public method

Sets a startup task environment variable.
public SetStartupTaskVariable ( string roleName, string name, string value ) : void
roleName string The role name
name string The environment variable name
value string The environment variable value
return void

StartupTaskExists() public method

Checks if a startup task exists with specified command line.
public StartupTaskExists ( string roleName ) : bool
roleName string The role name
return bool

ValidRoleName() public static method

Validates if given role name is valid or not
This method doesn't check if the role exists in service components or not. To check for role existence use RoleExists
public static ValidRoleName ( string roleName ) : bool
roleName string Role name to be checked
return bool